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KANGAS out for season!


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Wow. This is really too bad. Always hate to see this happen to a kid.

No doubt. I hope he can make a full recovery and put up his best effort at a pro career. I remember thinking when he was a sophomore that he was a pretty tight pile of bricks between the pipes.

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I actually had the same hip injury when I played goalie many years ago (actually happend when I was a pee wee). I ended up playing through a season with it, and actually didn't have to have surgery because I had 9 months of healing time after I broke my ribs playing another sport and missed half the hockey season. It will bug him the rest of his life, thats for sure.

Just reading the star tribune article I know exactly what he feels like. You think it should get better, but just nags and nags and nags. Surgery is the right choice for him.

Agree with the quote of him being broken at the Ralph. He was amazing the first period of that game, and then all the kings horses and men couldn't save Alex Kangas again.

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Agree with the quote of him being broken at the Ralph. He was amazing the first period of that game, and then all the kings horses and men couldn't save Alex Kangas again.

It was amazing, but that is exactly what happened. The guy stood on his head in the first period. The Sioux probably could have put 2-3 goals up. Then the gates opened.

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It was amazing, but that is exactly what happened. The guy stood on his head in the first period. The Sioux probably could have put 2-3 goals up. Then the gates opened.

I remember thinking that that was the best 0-0 period of hockey that the sioux ever played. Shots that period were 18-2 Sioux......

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I actually had the same hip injury when I played goalie many years ago (actually happend when I was a pee wee). I ended up playing through a season with it, and actually didn't have to have surgery because I had 9 months of healing time after I broke my ribs playing another sport and missed half the hockey season. It will bug him the rest of his life, thats for sure.

Just reading the star tribune article I know exactly what he feels like. You think it should get better, but just nags and nags and nags. Surgery is the right choice for him.

Agree with the quote of him being broken at the Ralph. He was amazing the first period of that game, and then all the kings horses and men couldn't save Alex Kangas again.

There are a lot of goalies getting that injury for some reason, Backstrom and Tim Thomas recently had surgury for that injury.

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Trying to spread the word: Instead of chanting "sieve" when the Sioux score this weekend, how about a "Kangas" chant?

I think I draw the line short of that, myself.

I actually think it's a funny idea to chant the name of the benched goalie instead of "sieve", but it's a little rough when the benched goalie is: 1) the best sv% in program history, and 2) out with a career-ending injury.

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Trying to spread the word: Instead of chanting "sieve" when the Sioux score this weekend, how about a "Kangas" chant?

I hope our fans don't resort to that. Very classless. He was one of our rivals, but I wouldn't wish missing your senior season on anyone. I myself, respect the guy for what he did for their program.

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I actually think it's a funny idea to chant the name of the benched goalie instead of "sieve", but it's a little rough when the benched goalie is: 1) the best sv% in program history, and 2) out with a career-ending injury.

Benched goalie, yes. Like you said, this one is different.

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I am rethinking this, perhaps too much and for no good reason. Based on the TV interviews I have seen with Da Don, he seems mildly miffed about Kangas' decision. Or at least the timing of it.

I know nothing about these types of injuries and others have weighed in on them. I wonder if Kangas could have, had he wanted to, played through the injury to the end of the season. And played reasonably effectively when called upon. Instead, knowing he needs the surgery for his future, he decides to forego the season and his teammates by moving on now, rather than waiting for the surgery until after the season is over. In short, he is looking ahead rather than at this teammates? Had he been playing more now, would the surgery have waited? I do not know, but I wonder.

The Pioneer Press asked him how he felt leaving the team right before traveling to North Dakota for what is obviously a big series. His reply? "It's not fun." I wonder what he meant. Not fun leaving his team now, or not fun going to North Dakota, ever?

Anyway, I wonder. I hate to see a kid's season end, but I wonder if he is leaving now more for selfish reasons than out of pure medical necessity.

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I am rethinking this, perhaps too much and for no good reason. Based on the TV interviews I have seen with Da Don, he seems mildly miffed about Kangas' decision. Or at least the timing of it.

I know nothing about these types of injuries and others have weighed in on them. I wonder if Kangas could have, had he wanted to, played through the injury to the end of the season. And played reasonably effectively when called upon. Instead, knowing he needs the surgery for his future, he decides to forego the season and his teammates by moving on now, rather than waiting for the surgery until after the season is over. In short, he is looking ahead rather than at this teammates? Had he been playing more now, would the surgery have waited? I do not know, but I wonder.

The Pioneer Press asked him how he felt leaving the team right before traveling to North Dakota for what is obviously a big series. His reply? "It's not fun." I wonder what he meant. Not fun leaving his team now, or not fun going to North Dakota, ever?

Anyway, I wonder. I hate to see a kid's season end, but I wonder if he is leaving now more for selfish reasons than out of pure medical necessity.

Personally, I don't blame him and maybe his NHL team told him to get the surgery and bag the rest of the season... I know the surgery takes quite a bit of time to heal and if he waited till the season is over he might not be ready for training camp in the fall. If keeps playing he could further injure himself. His recovery will take 4 months. That's a long time.

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Personally, I don't blame him and maybe his NHL team told him to get the surgery and bag the rest of the season... I know the surgery takes quite a bit of time to heal and if he waited till the season is over he might not be ready for training camp in the fall. If keeps playing he could further injure himself. His recovery will take 4 months. That's a long time.

Yes, he was quoted that he wants to be top shelf ready to fly come training camps this summer. I suppose this is more proof that the college years come and go in a heartbeat, and that it is the lives that we make for ourselves and our families thereafter that matter most. I was a bit surprised to see that young Mr. Kangas ranked so high in many categories on the Gopher Goalie Career Ladder.

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