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Sioux vs. Northwestern State


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I was out of town driving today so had to listen to the game and get some feed back on the phone from those who made it. Couple of comments. 1st I've listened to the radio a couple of times this year and it would appear to me that they aren't having any signal drops like they have had in past years...I haven't heard any of that song while we wait to reaquire to game. Knock on wood, I hope this continues, cause I enjoyed the broadcast, and if there was something they've done differently...good job.

Second, from what I heard from the family, the attendance at the game and tailgating was way down as compared to Potato Bowl. What gives? They said the lot where the students now get free parking hardly has any cars in it? So the students get free tickets and free parking and still can't show up... what gives? It's rare that I have to miss a game but it's disappointing to hear that so many (not just the students) are choosing other things on Football Game Day.

Way to go Sioux! now let's go get the Yotes. I didn't get to see the deep balls thrown by Landry today, but the seemed to describe on the radio that he threw some great deep balls. Keep it up.

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Second, from what I heard from the family, the attendance at the game and tailgating was way down as compared to Potato Bowl. What gives? They said the lot where the students now get free parking hardly has any cars in it? So the students get free tickets and free parking and still can't show up... what gives? It's rare that I have to miss a game but it's disappointing to hear that so many (not just the students) are choosing other things on Football Game Day.

without know actual ticket sales for the students, I can not say for sure but.......not all student tickets are free, they changed it this year so that the first so many are free and when those are gone, students pay 5 dollars (I believe).

That said, I agree with you that it is kinda pathetic that they can't show up. Come on, you complained last year that the games at 1pm were too early, and this year they have been at 4pm so far! There is no hockey yet to line up for? And that said, I went 5 years to UND and my friends and I as well as other friends managed to make it to football and hockey when they coincided, it is not that hard. Sorry, but a little frustrated that the students don't seem to care about all of their teams and the Athletic Dept is trying so much harder than they used to to get the students involved.

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