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UNH playing Minnesota in 2012


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Remember, this already happens three out of every four years for our alumni.

Exactly. It would have been nice to play the gopher football team while they were in the dome, and the road team could buy up to 30,000 tickets if they wanted. Like someone mentioned above, the new stadium will not offer that same opportunity. (at least for the first few years)

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Exactly. It would have been nice to play the gopher football team while they were in the dome, and the road team could buy up to 30,000 tickets if they wanted. Like someone mentioned above, the new stadium will not offer that same opportunity. (at least for the first few years)

It won't be the same scale, I agree.

But it will still be a fantastic opportunity for UND alumni living in the TC to buy those tickets to watch the game and organize festivities in the cities to celebrate UND athletics, etc.

BTW, I know you guys are trying to make it look like it's no big deal on purpose because you're desperate to save the nickname...so there's no need to act sincere.

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No need for you to pretend that playing MN wouldn't be an awesome opportunity for all the TC UND alums to come watch a great game and be part of a great experience.

I don't remember the number, but the dome was not empty for the NDSU/UM games.

And the UM has a new on campus stadium, which I'm sure you'll pretend that you don't care about.

oh, no need to pretend. i did forget that the goofs have that new stadium though, that might be kind of cool. i'll certainly go watch the badgers smack them around on their home turf once they open the gates on that place and if und ever played them, it would be fun to go to the game, but it's not worth changing our nickname over. i can live my whole life happily without ever playing the gophers in football.

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It won't be the same scale, I agree.

But it will still be a fantastic opportunity for UND alumni living in the TC to buy those tickets to watch the game and organize festivities in the cities to celebrate UND athletics, etc.

BTW, I know you guys are trying to make it look like it's no big deal on purpose because you're desperate to save the nickname...so there's no need to act sincere.

no act. goofs suck. if everything works out and we get to keep the name, umtc will still invite us and we'll play them. however, like i said, if we never play them ever, no sweat off my balls. we'll just go play a good d1-a team instead and let those cute little gophers take their mindless, un-informed stand. they really are trailblazers at that university, aren't they?

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no act. goofs suck. if everything works out and we get to keep the name, umtc will still invite us and we'll play them. however, like i said, if we never play them ever, no sweat off my balls. we'll just go play a good d1-a team instead and let those cute little gophers take their mindless, un-informed stand. they really are trailblazers at that university, aren't they?

I'm with you. There are MANY other FBS teams out there. Playing UMN-TC campus would be good for recruting in the cities area, I'll give you that. It would also be a fun, short drive for alums, but with the ticket shortage, I'm just not excited...I likely wouldn't get a ticket, and if I did, it would be in the middle of gopher fans, not in a dedicated Sioux section. (see: the entire upper deck of the dome when NDSU came to town, which was awesome!)

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no act. goofs suck. if everything works out and we get to keep the name, umtc will still invite us and we'll play them. however, like i said, if we never play them ever, no sweat off my balls. we'll just go play a good d1-a team instead and let those cute little gophers take their mindless, un-informed stand. they really are trailblazers at that university, aren't they?

They(Faison and Kelley) aren't going to drop the name before October.

But come Oct...if there aren't SR and SL tribes beating down UND's door with 30 year contracts...nickname's done.

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thanks for the recap...again.

LOL are you that scared?

I honestly don't see the big deal. School teams should just be called the school name, IMO. IE, just call them UND football, NDSU football, UM football, etc.

Nicknames are pointless. Probably just so they can sell more merchandise.

Anyway, tangent over. No need to turn this into another nickname thread.

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LOL are you that scared?

I honestly don't see the big deal. School teams should just be called the school name, IMO. IE, just call them UND football, NDSU football, UM football, etc.

Nicknames are pointless. Probably just so they can sell more merchandise.

Anyway, tangent over. No need to turn this into another nickname thread.


what does fear even have to do with my response?

the real issue is that the ncaa, along with a host of other organizations, are using hate mongering, which is working well on folks such as yourself, to try and guilt trip people into making unnecesarry concessions.

if the two major north dakota tribes are allowed to speak and they both approve of the nickname's use, then clearly the assertion that the name and logo are being used in a hurtful manner is nothing more than a guilty conscience on the part of people such as yourself who's brains, upon viewing such things as the und logo or hearing such words as "sioux", automatically make a racist connection, which speaks volumes about the individual making that connection.

letting an organization like the ncaa push anybody around is weak and it's always worth fighting against such organizations before things spin out of control. it's always important to maintain checks and balances when dealing with the powers that be.

you don't care about the und logo and that's fine, but to assert that nobody should care is an extremely closed-minded stance. i'm sure there are things you care about and would fight for even though others wouldn't care less about whatever those things might be.

your mentality says that, unless there's a global agreement on what's important, then nothing is worth fighting for, nothing is worth defending. i don't agree with that. i think even the smallest things are worth fighting for if they're important to somebody, which our name and logo are to me and many others. it certainly isn't up to you to decide what we should care about.

i think this "tangent" is pertinent to the topic because i can safely say that the large majority of sioux fans would much rather keep our logo than ever play umn in football. like i said, there's a lot of much better teams out there, such as tt.

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what does fear even have to do with my response?

the real issue is that the ncaa, along with a host of other organizations, are using hate mongering, which is working well on folks such as yourself, to try and guilt trip people into making unnecesarry concessions.

if the two major north dakota tribes are allowed to speak and they both approve of the nickname's use, then clearly the assertion that the name and logo are being used in a hurtful manner is nothing more than a guilty conscience on the part of people such as yourself who's brains, upon viewing such things as the und logo or hearing such words as "sioux", automatically make a racist connection, which speaks volumes about the individual making that connection.

letting an organization like the ncaa push anybody around is weak and it's always worth fighting against such organizations before things spin out of control. it's always important to maintain checks and balances when dealing with the powers that be.

you don't care about the und logo and that's fine, but to assert that nobody should care is an extremely closed-minded stance. i'm sure there are things you care about and would fight for even though others wouldn't care less about whatever those things might be.

your mentality says that, unless there's a global agreement on what's important, then nothing is worth fighting for, nothing is worth defending. i don't agree with that. i think even the smallest things are worth fighting for if they're important to somebody, which our name and logo are to me and many others. it certainly isn't up to you to decide what we should care about.

i think this "tangent" is pertinent to the topic because i can safely say that the large majority of sioux fans would much rather keep our logo than ever play umn in football. like i said, there's a lot of much better teams out there, such as tt.

TT has arguable a better football program than UM now (certainly not in history), but how many UND alumni live in Lubbock?

You already did fight the NCAA, remember the lawsuit? The verdict is that you must get a 30 year agreement with the SR and SL, which won't happen no matter how gets elected, IMO.

That said, as soon as it was decided that was the verdict...UND leadership should have dropped the nickname so that they wouldn't miss out on scheduling opportunities just like this one.

If the verdict had been more lenient, IE just get both tribes to agree without signing any type of long term agreement, then yeah it would be worth it to wait.

But I guess you all will get your hopes up until October and then it will just get dropped anyway, minus having UM on the schedule for 2012. Win some lose some, I guess?

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TT has arguable a better football program than UM now (certainly not in history), but how many UND alumni live in Lubbock?

You already did fight the NCAA, remember the lawsuit? The verdict is that you must get a 30 year agreement with the SR and SL, which won't happen no matter how gets elected, IMO.

That said, as soon as it was decided that was the verdict...UND leadership should have dropped the nickname so that they wouldn't miss out on scheduling opportunities just like this one.

If the verdict had been more lenient, IE just get both tribes to agree without signing any type of long term agreement, then yeah it would be worth it to wait.

But I guess you all will get your hopes up until October and then it will just get dropped anyway, minus having UM on the schedule for 2012. Win some lose some, I guess?

There is absolutely no guarantee that UMTC would have scheduled a game with UND in 2012 with or without the nickname issue. Open dates may not have lined up, UMTC may have wanted to take a break from playing regional FCS teams, they may not have offered enough dollars to UND if UND got another FBS offer, or who knows what else could have prevented the schools from playing.

There is also no guarantee that the nickname will have to be changed. I agree that the chances of getting a 30 year agreement are slim. The SBOHE may pull back from that number, maybe allow a 20 year agreement, if the tribes would agree to that. Or the tribes may just decide to remain in opposition. A process in in place to decide the nickname issue. UND will let it play out and move on from there. Making a rash move to gain 1 game against Minnesota or any other school would have been very short-sighted and would have been a mistake.

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But I guess you all will get your hopes up until October and then it will just get dropped anyway, minus having UM on the schedule for 2012. Win some lose some, I guess?

it's not over til it's over and it's not over.

i simply do not agree that not playing um in 2012, if that would have happened either way, is a negative. if we ever play them and i can make the game, then i'll probably go. if we never play them, oh well. are you simply choosing not to comprehend this stance that i've repeated several times now or is it really that hard for you to believe that anybody wouldn't give a damn about gopher football?

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There is absolutely no guarantee that UMTC would have scheduled a game with UND in 2012 with or without the nickname issue. Open dates may not have lined up, UMTC may have wanted to take a break from playing regional FCS teams, they may not have offered enough dollars to UND if UND got another FBS offer, or who knows what else could have prevented the schools from playing.

There is also no guarantee that the nickname will have to be changed. I agree that the chances of getting a 30 year agreement are slim. The SBOHE may pull back from that number, maybe allow a 20 year agreement, if the tribes would agree to that. Or the tribes may just decide to remain in opposition. A process in in place to decide the nickname issue. UND will let it play out and move on from there. Making a rash move to gain 1 game against Minnesota or any other school would have been very short-sighted and would have been a mistake.

Maturi is on record saying he wants to play one FCS game against a regional FCS team every year. Take a look at their schedule: 2009: SDSU, 2010: USD, 2011: NDSU, 2013: Western Ill, 2015: SDSU. They also played Montana State in 2008 and of course NDSU in 2006 and 2007.

Guaranteed UND would've gotten the 2012 slot.

They've tried to get UNI too, but they won't play any FBS team except Iowa or Iowa State.

All you would've had to do is drop the nickname back when the 30 year agreement verdict came out. yeah it would've hurt, just like pulling off a band-aid. But by now it would've subsided and you would be over it. You're just delaying the inevitable...you're pulling the band-aid off slowly.

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Maturi is on record saying he wants to play one FCS game against a regional FCS team every year. Take a look at their schedule: 2009: SDSU, 2010: USD, 2011: NDSU, 2013: Western Ill, 2015: SDSU. They also played Montana State in 2008 and of course NDSU in 2006 and 2007.

Guaranteed UND would've gotten the 2012 slot.

They've tried to get UNI too, but they won't play any FBS team except Iowa or Iowa State.

All you would've had to do is drop the nickname back when the 30 year agreement verdict came out. yeah it would've hurt, just like pulling off a band-aid. But by now it would've subsided and you would be over it. You're just delaying the inevitable...you're pulling the band-aid off slowly.

You are missing the point. Yes, maybe we missed a chance to play UMN-TC in some future game in 2012. BUT, we(the SIOUX fan posters on this SIOUX board) don't care. There are many many other FBS teams out there!

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You are missing the point. Yes, maybe we missed a chance to play UMN-TC in some future game in 2012. BUT, we(the SIOUX fan posters on this SIOUX board) don't care. There are many many other FBS teams out there!

Correct, and the Bison poster was correct who pointed out that nobody will be taking over their barn anymore for football now that the new digs are open.

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Maturi is on record saying he wants to play one FCS game against a regional FCS team every year. Take a look at their schedule: 2009: SDSU, 2010: USD, 2011: NDSU, 2013: Western Ill, 2015: SDSU. They also played Montana State in 2008 and of course NDSU in 2006 and 2007.

Guaranteed UND would've gotten the 2012 slot.

They've tried to get UNI too, but they won't play any FBS team except Iowa or Iowa State.

All you would've had to do is drop the nickname back when the 30 year agreement verdict came out. yeah it would've hurt, just like pulling off a band-aid. But by now it would've subsided and you would be over it. You're just delaying the inevitable...you're pulling the band-aid off slowly.

You still can't guarantee that UND would have had that game, although there is a good chance they would have been first choice. But UMTC didn't have to sign a contract for a game 3 years out this early. If they wanted to play UND they could have waited 3 months and the decision would have been made either way about the nickname. That tells me that UMTC just wanted to get a game on the schedule and weren't as concerned as you are about playing a regional school every year.

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