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Which leads to the obvious question, why have a replay video board, that never shows any of the close plays? We don't usually need replays of the obvious ones. Maybe I missed it, but even after the refs waived off the Mavs goal for being kicked in....still no replay. At that point, I don't see what the harm would be in showing it.

yeah i hear ya, i think it must be a wcha rule maybe or we would see everything.

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Which leads to the obvious question, why have a replay video board, that never shows any of the close plays? We don't usually need replays of the obvious ones. Maybe I missed it, but even after the refs waived off the Mavs goal for being kicked in....still no replay. At that point, I don't see what the harm would be in showing it.

Just playing devil's advocate because I am far from an apologist for the officials but the danger would be in the crowd second-guessing the call and raining boos down on the officials. There wouldn't have been too many boos last night on the kick-in ruling, given Sioux fans outnumbered cow fans, but I'm sure that's the rationale for any time a replay is not shown during officials' video review or after they make the call. Yes, I know, the officials should grow a pair and not be so sensitive to the crowd critique of the job they are doing. And, I'd be happy to argue the other side, as well, that the crowd has every right to see the replays and judge for themselves whether the call was right or wrong. But I'd feel a whole lot better if I knew that the officials themselves are required to review their toughest, closest calls from every game, a kind of postmortem, so they'd have a shot at improving their performance.

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Just playing devil's advocate because I am far from an apologist for the officials but the danger would be in the crowd second-guessing the call and raining boos down on the officials. There wouldn't have been too many boos last night on the kick-in ruling, given Sioux fans outnumbered cow fans, but I'm sure that's the rationale for any time a replay is not shown during officials' video review or after they make the call. Yes, I know, the officials should grow a pair and not be so sensitive to the crowd critique of the job they are doing. And, I'd be happy to argue the other side, as well, that the crowd has every right to see the replays and judge for themselves whether the call was right or wrong. But I'd feel a whole lot better if I knew that the officials themselves are required to review their toughest, closest calls from every game, a kind of postmortem, so they'd have a shot at improving their performance.

thats a main reason. you dont want 12,000 fans watching the same time as refs as it could get ugly. its like this in many hockey leagues overall that have the screens. im guessing the wcha and schools that have the technology have a agreement on what and what doesnt get shown

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The anthem is not a tear-jerking, gut wrenching torch song nor should it be infused with peanut-shells-on-the-floor- country bar- karoke stylings. Simple is best.

I totally agree and how many people sing the anthem really gets to me as well. It's not a love song, nor a song to be beutified. It's an anthem, sing it like we're happy to be there.

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I totally agree and how many people sing the anthem really gets to me as well. It's not a love song, nor a song to be beutified. It's an anthem, sing it like we're happy to be there.

was it the best rendition? no. but it's a hell of a lot better than I could do. so I'll just leave it at that as I don't go to the game for the national anthem.

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was it the best rendition? no. but it's a hell of a lot better than I could do. so I'll just leave it at that as I don't go to the game for the national anthem.

It just about butchering a song that needs to just be sung the way it was designed. In Canada they sing the national anthem the way it is supposed to be sung and the crowd gets fired up. Listen to CBC during a playoff game in Calgary or their nation's capital its amazing, I am not even Canadian and it fired me up. Listen to Rene Rencort sing the National Anthem in the Boston Garden, there isn't all this extra Bravo Sierra. That is the way it needs to be at REA as well.

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In my opinion, the game was as much a result of Eidsness as anybody - he kept them at bay until our skaters took over in the 2nd - Great game.

Um, yeah, okay.

Eids was lucky early in Friday's game: he was completely out of position twice and the Landcows missed on one, and had a centering pass missfire. I'm a big fan, but the first last night wasn't one of his proudest moments.

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It just about butchering a song that needs to just be sung the way it was designed. In Canada they sing the national anthem the way it is supposed to be sung and the crowd gets fired up. Listen to CBC during a playoff game in Calgary or their nation's capital its amazing, I am not even Canadian and it fired me up. Listen to Rene Rencort sing the National Anthem in the Boston Garden, there isn't all this extra Bravo Sierra. That is the way it needs to be at REA as well.

Wayne Messmer at the old Chicago stadium, that is the way it is to be done.

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Brutal is too kind for last night's rendition of the national anthem. This is not an audition for American Idol. The singer should be leading the crowd, but there is no way anyone can sing along with that type of garbage. I don't believe that I have ever heard the Canadian national anthem being butchered like that, which is maybe one reason the Canadians sing along with theirs so well. I do intend to email The Ralph, as it is getting to the point where I cringe for the national anthem there. I am relieved when they announce a group, because I know it has to be reasonably straight up then.

That's why (in my own mind anyways) the Canadian anthem is sung first in US vs Can competition. Take the song they know how to sing correctly first.

I wish I could boo, but that would be taken entirely the wrong way.

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It just about butchering a song that needs to just be sung the way it was designed. In Canada they sing the national anthem the way it is supposed to be sung and the crowd gets fired up. Listen to CBC during a playoff game in Calgary or their nation's capital its amazing, I am not even Canadian and it fired me up. Listen to Rene Rencort sing the National Anthem in the Boston Garden, there isn't all this extra Bravo Sierra. That is the way it needs to be at REA as well.

I am confused by this was the Canadian anthem sung before this series...if so why? I agree though Goon listening to that anthem before a Canadian game ; ie Flames Canucks is second to none.

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I am confused by this was the Canadian anthem sung before this series...if so why? I agree though Goon listening to that anthem before a Canadian game ; ie Flames Canucks is second to none.

Oh ok on reading most of the thread I answered my question....thanks.

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Well, you think it was bad.......you shoulda been there. :huh:

Note to people who arrange National Anthem singers:

Groups are good (Fall Creek, Sweet Adelines, etc.)

SOME soloists are good (I'm thinking the about the big blond guy. Someone help me with his name.)

I also would like to hear the National Anthem from the crowd. Put up the words for those who may need them, and let us sing!

Dane Froiland

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was it the best rendition? no. but it's a hell of a lot better than I could do. so I'll just leave it at that as I don't go to the game for the national anthem.

I get what you are saying, but I think most of us would be smart enough if we were singing it to sing it in tune! I don't mind when you try to make the high notes, but when singing the national anthem when you can't reach them...DON'T DO IT! I could barely pay attention to what she was singing because I could not get past that she was out of tune for most of the high notes and she had a lot of them.

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