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Paulsen denied a second term on ed board

There's that word again. :)

Given what the ND Supreme Court Chief Justice just said, seems someone now looks pretty smart when they speculated:

Seems VandeWalle validates that speculation.

Wasn't Paulson on the presidential committee? Didn't he vote for & support Kelly? So who else on the board don't you trust and who else is the source of all und's problems? You guys remind me of all the people that blame the president (W) for all their problems and never look at themselves.

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Wasn't Paulson on the presidential committee? Didn't he vote for & support Kelly? So who else on the board don't you trust and who else is the source of all und's problems? You guys remind me of all the people that blame the president (W) for all their problems and never look at themselves.

no, he was not on the presidential search committee, no one from the SBoHE was on the committee and allowed a vote, they would have gotten to vote twice then on the matter. The SBoHE had very little choice when the decision went to them.

Don't worry about Joe, he still has the Chancellor to cuddle with.

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Wasn't Paulson on the presidential committee? Didn't he vote for & support Kelly? So who else on the board don't you trust and who else is the source of all und's problems? You guys remind me of all the people that blame the president (W) for all their problems and never look at themselves.

You know Dan, I'd listen to you but when the Chief Justice of the NDSC goes on record I'll listen to him instead.

VandeWalle also said there seems to be mistrust of the board. He said it was a bad sign that when the search committee for a new University of North Dakota president was instructed to produce three names, it submitted only one.

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You know Dan, I'd listen to you but when the Chief Justice of the NDSC goes on record I'll listen to him instead.

PS - The new Chancellor is no fool. He's a politico (former state legislator; Hoeven's former chief of staff). He saw what happened to Potts. That won't happen to him; he's seen how certain NDUS presidents operate.


So I was right on my post that Paulson supported Kelly - There's goes that conspiracy theory.

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So I was right on my post that Paulson supported Kelly - There's goes that conspiracy theory.

No Dan, Paulsen voted to pass every finalist on to the SBoHE.

That backs up the notion that Paulsen wanted final say.

VandeWalle knows.

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So which should you believe:

When Potts threatened to hold the (North Dakota State) university president accountable, the battle began and moved underground to the land of cynical and passive-aggressive political intrigue and manipulation. The university president maneuvered and manipulated with the media, governor, Legislature and members of the Board of Higher Education. Soon, all were engaged in a nasty game of sabotage.


Had Potts remained in the job, his management style and demand for power would have led to crisis after crisis.


Do power-grabbers get big severence packages? No ... but people who've be sabotaged do (as noted by the Forum) ...

... the board understood that doing anything less could embroil the state in a lengthy and costly lawsuit.

You see power-grabbers have no basis to sue.

People who've been sabotaged do.

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Paulsen’s leadership in two one-year terms as board president was vital to leading a sometimes weak board in solving those problems.
So we are calling the board weak, instead of calling Paulsen out as controlling.

In the process the board gave the outgoing (fired, really) Chancellor Robert Potts of Alabama a severance package that was perceived as too generous.
I think adding the name Alabama in the description of Potts is meant to mean, he is not one of us.

He was criticized – reviled in some less-enlightened quarters – for his necessary role in returning the chancellor’s job to accountability.
Chapman was the one not being held accountable, not Potts.

But the board understood that doing anything less could embroil the state in a lengthy and costly lawsuit. Under Paulsen’s leadership, the board swallowed hard and did what had to be done to protect the state’s interests.
I don't want to know what the board swallowed, but the blame for the "fiasco" is clearly at the feet of Paulsen.
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Ok, so obviously you guys don't like Paulsen.

What is it that you think he did to UND to make you hate him like this?

He didn't bow down to the mighty und powergrabbers as has been done in the past. He also contrary to what many here want to believe took politics out of the process just as the editorial stated. Looking on this website for any unbiased opinions of anyone on the SBOHE who doesn't kiss und ass is a waste of time.

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He didn't bow down to the mighty und powergrabbers as has been done in the past.

No, he was Uncle Joe's lap dog and did whatever Uncle Joe asked.

He also contrary to what many here want to believe took politics out of the process just as the editorial stated.

The whole Potts fiasco was steeped in politics. :)

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I don't think he did anything 'to' UND. My opinion of him has to do with his treatment of Dr. Potts at the expense of the SBoHE. His obvious bias for NDSU was apparent to ALL not just those enlighteded to the North. He didn't answer to the SBoHE, he answered to Joe. There in lies the problem. Take off your blinders and look at the history this 'yes man' for Joe has in the SBoHE.

His actions cost the State of North Dakota a lot of money in settling with Dr. Potts. Had he been 'right', there would have been no settlement.

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How many open meetings law violations was JQP involved in during his tenure?

Let's see, one during the Potts fiasco.

Then another (in Joe Chapman's office!) less than a year later.

That's basis enough right there.

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He didn't bow down to the mighty und powergrabbers as has been done in the past. He also contrary to what many here want to believe took politics out of the process just as the editorial stated. Looking on this website for any unbiased opinions of anyone on the SBOHE who doesn't kiss und ass is a waste of time.

Wow. You obviously have the blinders on if you can't see why everyone outside of fargo didn't like this guy. And no, it's not just UND supporters that don't like him.

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