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North Dakota Oil Industry


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All the talk of fuel - commodities - water - food - I can't wait till beer is so expensive that everyone marches on Washington & hangs them all

Heck we have the nukes & water & fuel & food & building State run refineries up here & use profits to give residents cheaper fuel - as a incentive to move here - lets become the new Opec :)

Fetch you want to split the gas to the March on Washington if beer gets more expensive..?

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Most peoples care can't burn alternative fuel though. Heck I am all for my SUV getting better milage but I am not for the Government telling what I can drive. I am not buying a prius. (SP)

No one is telling anyone to do anything.

If you want a to be a typical person who resists change for the sake of resisting change, then by all means continue driving your 6000 lbs. 6L V10 truck, even though you don't use it for anything more than transportation, at $4.50/gal.

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No one is telling anyone to do anything.

If you want a to be a typical person who resists change for the sake of resisting change, then by all means continue driving your 6000 lbs. 6L V10 truck, even though you don't use it for anything more than transportation, at $4.50/gal.

V10? I drive a v6 and I am not going to be able to go duck hunting in a small car, I have a lot of gear and a very big dog.

There is no way I could get into a stuble field with a prius.

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Well, hunting is a luxury. Enjoy it while you can afford it, I guess.

You just don't spend as much time road hunting. :)

I read a report that said that gas will go up top off around some where in the 3.50-4.00 range and then will

come down. Hopefully just in time for Rooster hunting season.

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I'm sure a lot of people hope that is true.

Myself, I'm hoping it gets up to about $4.50/gal and stays there.

That'll turn the heat up on developing alternatives.

Once we have alternatives in place, everything is gravy after that. It's just getting there that is going to suck.

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I'm sure a lot of people hope that is true.

Myself, I'm hoping it gets up to about $4.50/gal and stays there.

That'll turn the heat up on developing alternatives.

Once we have alternatives in place, everything is gravy after that. It's just getting there that is going to suck.

Do you ride a bike to work? In the meantime all the prices are jacked up because the fuel prices are so high. Food, and other necessities are alot more expensive because of it. We just saw a New Chevy Tahoe hybrid today, and the price on it was 50k. Most people I know, including us, can't afford a 50k vehicle like this. This vehicle also gets about the same mileage as a camry gets, and camrys are about 30k. If you want a bio vehicle , you have to buy new, except for the prius. Both of our vehicles are 02's, and we can't use the flexfuel in either one of them.

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Exactly. For most people, like you, $4.50/gal. is going to hurt somewhat.

"No pain, no gain" as they say.

There is an election this fall I think you're going to see the price of gas go down a bit.

There will be poltical pressue to get the price of gas down. Just a hunch.

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I'm sure a lot of people hope that is true.

Myself, I'm hoping it gets up to about $4.50/gal and stays there.

That'll turn the heat up on developing alternatives.

Once we have alternatives in place, everything is gravy after that. It's just getting there that is going to suck.

The people that are making billions of dollars off of the oil industry are too politically powerful to let anything new be developed that will ruin thier monopoly. The price of a barrel of oil was $20 in 200 and is now around $100. That's what happens when you put an oil crony in as president. Too many powerful people are making too much money for things to change...

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It's not just one man, it's the whole industry working together. They put W there so they could manipulate events to thier benefit.

Is this the right wing conspiracy Hillary was talking about :silly:

It is called capitalism. You can complain about it or profit from it yourself - CLR, HES, WLL, EOG and to a smaller extent MDU.

I am pretty happy about buying CLR last fall. I have owned MDU for years. I wish I had a piece of the rest of those companies.

The execs at these companies are making money either way. So long as they follow the SEC rules they are not doing anything wrong.

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Ralph Kingsbury had a nice piece today on energy and North Dakota's role. Energy - crisis elsewhere, opportunity for region

All forms of alternative energy are more expensive to produce than fossil fuel energy when considering only direct business costs. The only way to get the alternatives on line is for the government to pay some form of subsidy. Improvements in the technology of wind generators and blades mean that with government tax credits, wind energy is becoming nearly as cost efficient as electricity generated from fossil fuels. In fact, depending on how the external costs of each are counted, some argue that wind energy is cheaper than fossil fuel energy, and it does not contribute to global warming.
Mr. Kingsbury must be part of the conspiracy, claiming that fossil fuel energy is the least expensive to produce. :lol:

They put W there so they could manipulate events to thier benefit.
I would love to know how they put him there and which events they manipulated. :silly:

Edit: I'm sure some of the oil companies gave to his campaign, but they likely gave to numerous candidates, as they want to be sure whoever gets elected will listen to them.

Edited by GeauxSioux
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