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redwing -

1) I was being facetious

2) Your mis-characterization of everything Vikings knows no bounds. Watch any road Vikings games and you're likely to see a lot of Vikings fans in attendance. Vikings fans care about wins and losses but bear in mind they play in a market where they must compete against a Div I college as well as the NHL and NBA. That they had some troubles attendance wise in the 80's wasn't that unusual given they were often crappy, were run by a 10-headed monster ownership that appeared to not give a damn if the team won or not and often hosted games against some very bad teams from the NFC Central. The last thing I wanted to do was spend $ to watch a mediocre team play indoors on a gorgeous Sunday against the Tampa Bay friggin Buccaneers.

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redwing -

1) I was being facetious

2) Your mis-characterization of everything Vikings knows no bounds. Watch any road Vikings games and you're likely to see a lot of Vikings fans in attendance. Vikings fans care about wins and losses but bear in mind they play in a market where they must compete against a Div I college as well as the NHL and NBA. That they had some troubles attendance wise in the 80's wasn't that unusual given they were often crappy, were run by a 10-headed monster ownership that appeared to not give a damn if the team won or not and often hosted games against some very bad teams from the NFC Central. The last thing I wanted to do was spend $ to watch a mediocre team play indoors on a gorgeous Sunday against the Tampa Bay friggin Buccaneers.

1) Ah. My mistake.

2) Maybe. I haven't been to a Vikings game for a very very long time (IIRC I watched a Bears Vikes showdown in which Erik Kramer beat the Vikes... wasn't a remarkable game) so I don't know how well they travel. However, if you were to ask NFL gurus which fanbase is more rabid and better travelled between the Packers and the Vikings, I'd imagine the Packers would get the nod. As for intelligence, gosh, I can't imagine It is true that the Vikings have more to compete with than the Packers do. All Green Bay has is the Packers and UW-Green Bay is either a less-than-exhilarating DI or DII Basketball school (and bball sucks anyways). There are other NFL teams that compete with DI schools and other professional sports (NE Patriots, perhaps some of the California teams too) and do well. As for winning, I'm not sure anything has really changed. Wilf says he wants to win, but Childress is less than stellar (if not Mason-esque) and really this year is the second time that their first round draft pick has been legit and actually productive. Yeah, I know about Udeze and feel bad for him, but this team has so many holes in it that I still can't see them winning a weak ass NFC next season! But hey, maybe Wilf will surprise me. He'll give Childress this next season, fire him (or let him go) after this season, hire Cowher and continue drafting well. Who knows.

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I have to agree with redwing77 here. I'm a Bears fan from birth, good or bad, they're my team. Living in ViQueen county, I get to see their fans up close and personal. Sorry slapshot but when your team is having a bad year, the fans are jumping ship right and left. We Bears and Packer fans are in the stands, cheering our team on AND crying into our beers when they do bad (beers sales are always up in the Windy City, :D ). But we're there!! Can't say the same for the ViQueen fans. Of course this is IMHO. :D

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I have to agree with redwing77 here. I'm a Bears fan from birth, good or bad, they're my team. Living in ViQueen county, I get to see their fans up close and personal. Sorry slapshot but when your team is having a bad year, the fans are jumping ship right and left. We Bears and Packer fans are in the stands, cheering our team on AND crying into our beers when they do bad (beers sales are always up in the Windy City, :D ). But we're there!! Can't say the same for the ViQueen fans. Of course this is IMHO. :D

DA Bears Suck.... :D

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I have to agree with redwing77 here. I'm a Bears fan from birth, good or bad, they're my team. Living in ViQueen county, I get to see their fans up close and personal. Sorry slapshot but when your team is having a bad year, the fans are jumping ship right and left. We Bears and Packer fans are in the stands, cheering our team on AND crying into our beers when they do bad (beers sales are always up in the Windy City, :D ). But we're there!! Can't say the same for the ViQueen fans. Of course this is IMHO. :D

Couldn't be more true.. Fans were jumping off the ship left and right this year. One week, I scored tickets ten rows up for $20 and two weeks later after the vikes strung together 4 straight wins, you couldn't get tickets for less than 150.

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Yeah, there are years when the Miller truck just parks in my driveway every Sunday! :D

Hate to admit it but I am an AVID Vikes fan so it sucks to be me as they just always dissapoint.....spoken like a true Vikes fan however, there is always next year.

At least I can say my choice for hockey teams is sussessful....#8 in 2008!!!

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I agree with everything redwing said except about Madison being an all around boring sports town....are you kidding? Sports Illustrated has rated them the number 1 college sports town in the country in the past, which encompasses the level of athletics, fan support, students, and things to do around town. Also, Brett Favre really doesn't get thrown under the bus. People get pissed at him from time to time, but that's the love-hate relationship that Packers fans have with Favre and why ultimately they love him so much more. I've never seen Favre thrown under the bus really (not like Lee).

Go Pack Go!

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Found the truck! :D


If my cougar skills could help the Bears, I'm all over it. But, I think I'd only weaken the boys. ???

Beer for football and wine for hockey!!! Thanks for finding the truck, I wondered where it went. The wine pipeline is DRY. PCM has been at it again. :(

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If my cougar skills could help the Bears, I'm all over it. But, I think I'd only weaken the boys. ???

I hope you weren't at that AC/DC Tribute concert at Sensations the weekend of the home Gopher series. My roommates and I were bored so we were hittin' on the cougs there...funniest time of my life. :D

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This seems to be a thread for calling attention to those who don't respect the Sioux or Sioux players. Was over on CSTV and they have a nice video of Eric Ehn on the front page of the hockey section.


Only one little problem with it. They intro it with

"The Face of Air Force Hockey

Hobey Baker Award Winner Eric Ehn is putting Air Fo..." ???:D

Guess they didn't hear


I get a little testy when someone disrespects the Sioux.

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This seems to be a thread for calling attention to those who don't respect the Sioux or Sioux players. Was over on CSTV and they have a nice video of Eric Ehn on the front page of the hockey section.


Only one little problem with it. They intro it with

"The Face of Air Force Hockey

Hobey Baker Award Winner Eric Ehn is putting Air Fo..." :):D

Guess they didn't hear


I get a little testy when someone disrespects the Sioux.

Rewriting History. Did the Walt Disney Corporation shoot the video for them by any chance. :D

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I have to agree with redwing77 here. I'm a Bears fan from birth, good or bad, they're my team. Living in ViQueen county, I get to see their fans up close and personal. Sorry slapshot but when your team is having a bad year, the fans are jumping ship right and left.

The Vikings haven't had a blackout since at least 1998 and before then as I noted they had the 10-headed monster ownership group that didn't demonstrate that they cared about putting a quality product onto the field.

Yes, Vikings fans can be fickle but given the history of this franchise do you blame us? :D

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Yes, Vikings fans can be fickle but given the history of this franchise do you blame us? :)

In all seriousness, do you think if the fan base were stronger, regardless of the win/lose column, the franchise would also be stronger? I know it's hard to support a team that doesn't win (Bears' fan posting here :D ) but without fan support, why would anyone want to own or keep a team in the TCs?

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In all seriousness, do you think if the fan base were stronger, regardless of the win/lose column, the franchise would also be stronger? I know it's hard to support a team that doesn't win (Bears' fan posting here :D ) but without fan support, why would anyone want to own or keep a team in the TCs?

I think Minnesota pro teams are at a point now (the Twins will be by the time the new stadium opens for sure) where they fans are going to say "Show me a winner or move your team."

There are a lot of diehards out there and there are a lot of casual fans. All have rooted for Minnesota pro teams at one time or still do. The fans show their support by buying merchandise, showing up for games, supporting their charities, and even purchasing stadiums (or the majority of the costs anyways). So the question must be asked: When are the Minnesota pro teams going to reciprocate?

Truthfully, since the public is spending all this money on the stadium, the teams that play there can reciprocate in two fashions:

1. Decrease ticket costs to the point that everyone can afford them (not likely).

2. Use all that money you saved by foisting it on the citizens of Minnesota to bring in real talent to augment you existing crew. This means bringing in big names. You don't have to be the Yankees or even the Cubs in your spending. You just have to bring in 2 or 3 big guys and spend the money to do it. Win the World Series, NBA Finals, Stanley Cup, Super Bowl, whatever and we're happy. Right now, Minnesota pro teams are so pathetic that they feel that just making the playoffs marks a good season. There is even talk with Detroit and Cleveland's depth that they'd consider the Twins season a success with just a record over .500! Is this a sport attitude you wish to endorse? Nope. THat's why I don't support Minnesota pro teams. Mediocre isn't enough.

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