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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. Best take Hwy 2 to avoid the "elitest" Fargo - never thought I would say that about a ND population. McFeely probably lives in Minnesota though - naw - too high of taxes.
  2. Didn't underage drinking - not simply just being in a bar - occur last year at MnTech and was it not handled exactly the same way which would suggest that this is the norm?
  3. 16 PIM? - thats about 4 times what he had here in two years
  4. It is relatively obvious that this is simply wishfull thinking after witnessing that line embarress the almighty goofs a couple of weeks ago.
  5. We all know that Kessel left because he finally realized that his folk's decision for him to go to MnTech was a bad one.
  6. The more I think about it - the more this goofy "situation" is being blown way out of proportion. They were not cited for underage drinking - they were cited for being in a bar - which by the way isn't against the law in most communities. The last time I was in GF - I went into Bonzers carrying my 2 month old grandson in a car seat. I was met at the door by an employee stating that "no one under 21 could be in the establishment". I thought he was joking as it seemed so dumb not to allow minors - let alone a 2 month old one - in the bar for lunch. So we went across the river to any number of bars that were happy to have my grandson and 19 yo daughter in for something to be served. Anyway - what the two were cited for is no worse than a speeding ticket - perhaps even less expensive.
  7. Minnyhopeless update 3/4 inch of snow - labeled as a storm of course - team coverage by news channels - travel not advised at all - current temp 12.7 with winds of 4-5 mph out of the NNW - panic is promoted and abundant.
  8. ok - good reference as our boys were cited for being in an establishment that served alcohol and not for drinking it let alone public intoxication - as I mentioned earlier - so perhaps the DUI,DWI and binge drinking references can be dropped from that old thread.
  9. nope - pretty ironic don't ya think? I heard it was -31 in Grand Forks Monday morning - the hearty metropolitan Minnesotans would have canceled everything if got that cold here.
  10. with all due respect - what does that have to do with minors being cited for being in an establishment that serves alcohol?
  11. At the risk of keeping this goofy thread alive - I wonder who made "the call" to GFPD
  12. well - get this - The annual winter carnival here in St.Paul ended on Sunday. One of the last exhibits and demonstrations was sponsored by the Red Cross and it was on "Winter Survival". guess what - it was canceled due to cold weather.
  13. it wss accurate - with "man made global warming" factored in it would be that cold if we were not around
  14. Actually - the official low temp here was -16 which was the coldest temp in two years here in tropical southern Mn. Had to cancel some schools of course - too cold for the hearty Minnesotans.
  15. too deep for me on this hockey forum
  16. What does this really have to do with binge drinking per se? The minors were not charged with drinking at all - let alone binge. And the of age patrons where not charged with public intoxication.
  17. Section 25 here - usually stand at the rail if those aren't sold. Club level is the best.
  18. They are actually thinking of putting up fences along the river in downtown Lacross Wi (home of 3-4 colleges) because so many students get drunk - fall in - and drowned.
  19. because I left and only get back about 4-5 times a year
  20. from the Herald "Oshie, a sophomore forward from Warroad, Minn., and Toews, a sophomore forward from Winnipeg, were among six cited. The others are Brandon Horton, Latasha Schenfisch, Laci Ginder and Tara Fugleston. "
  21. don't even bother responding to miss HEXTALL - she isn't worth the time or effort.
  22. Well - at least Robbie was being unselfish in trying to help his team-mate(s). Not the recommended or indorsed off ice team building activity however.
  23. If what I have read is even half true - he will plead guilty to this and serve little if any time
  24. ANY jail time is bad in this situation and nobody gets the max. for stuff like this - unless thier arrest record is 6 pages long
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