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Everything posted by Sioux>Bison

  1. Funny how politics doesn’t get mentioned in all of these moves. State’s are getting their schools split up right down the middle. How long until governments start to act and try and prevent these breakups or even try and get a piece of the pie $$$$$$$. What a sad time for college athletics…….
  2. Does the Big 12 and PAC 12 merge? Does SDSU and Boise finally get their wish and get a PAC12 invite? This move may spur the Big12 and PAC12 into action
  3. I would assume that USC and UCLA are the biggest TV draws in the PAC12? Which other schools even come close?
  4. Do these guys have more pressure on them to lock up offers because of less spots due to transfers or less overall opportunities across the board? If they don’t get offers to their top schools are they committing to lock up those spots? These guys seem to want to be at UND because not long after getting the offer they are committing. Not waiting for other offers but jumping at the opportunity to be at UND. I rather them commit early before they get more D1 offers!
  5. That says something about this kids talent. I assume the injury scared some teams away.
  6. Already packing the pounds! I like these big freshmen!
  7. 5 posts of nonsense and you don’t care much about this issue? A minute of research could have spared us from all of this babble. Bubba and the university can’t talk about this issue. No need for ridiculous speculation of what happened or what they should do. Nothing more will ever be released from the university.
  8. My god and the same size! Guy already looks like a beast! Keep that pipeline going!
  9. Quit asking dumb questions and look it up……. Not that hard
  10. No but the terms used in a title 9 hearing are very similar to the ones used in a legal trial. The decision maker is essentially the same thing as a judge who finds the accuser guilty or not guilty.
  11. I like how a NDSU fan is trying to school us on the title 9 law…… NDSU has enough of their own liabilities to worry about, no need to get into our business!
  12. Academic issues are nothing UND didn’t expect to deal with, sexual assault was something no ome expected
  13. Exactly, what public reason could they give to suspend him from the football team before the title 9 hearing was completed. Title 9 protects the privacy of both the accused and the accuser. If UND kicked Otis off the team mid season we all know the media would be expecting an answer.
  14. Nope guns, they make people insane….
  15. Jealous of NDSU’s success on the field ? Yes jealous of Jeff culhane and the TV and radio broadcasts? Hell no! jeff now gets to see what it is like to play second fiddle to the best team in the state….. but thanks for reading the UND fan board……..
  16. FSU fans on Twitter sure are thrilled huh? Who knew we were listening to real, elite D1 talent…. I do wonder what Jeff is going to be smug about when he no longer works for the best team in the country…… so is this Brake’s big break so we can hear some more elite play by play talent on the biggest stage in the state?
  17. That would be an upgrade for NDSU. I love Jack calling games. Reminds me of listening to games while hunting down the backroads of ND with my late grandpa. Ah the good ole days…….
  18. That makes much more sense because the reporting has not been very clear on this point. Anyone contact Barstool to tell them he still calls himself a Barstool Athlete? They might want that taken down…
  19. https://mccrimlaw.com/criminal-law-101/what-expect-title-ix-hearing/
  20. How is the AD or Bubba going to kick a kid off the the team for rumors? Until a title 9 complaint is filed it would be hard to justify kicking a guy off the team if a criminal investigation was dropped. Otis passed a lie detector test so he had that on his side. Did Otis get some kind of legal advice before the hearing? Did he try to appeal the decision? I have a feeling he may not have know how this could have all blown up by trying to transfer or maybe he just ignored all the warnings?
  21. You are found either guilty or innocent at a Title IX hearing. They are not the same as a criminal trial but those are the correct terms for a Title IX hearing. sounds like none of his credits would have even transferred if he was still suspended and tried to transfer. The university will typically not release your transcript if you are suspended.
  22. Tom Miller needs the facts on what is going on . He is not going to write an article on hearsay or rumors and UND was not going to disclose any information. The Mo State coaches do not need facts to figure out what is going on with Otis. There is no way these rumors would not have gotten to those coaches. What take that risk on a guy and jeopardize your program and university’s image?
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