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Everything posted by RollTribe

  1. I bet they shot better from the free throw line...
  2. I agree, I'm usually one of the last ones to say it's time to fire a coach, but this is truly embarrassing. There's no excuse for coming out this flat against an in state rival. While this is (so far) the worst showing UND has had against SU, they have yet to play a competitive game in fargo.
  3. And why is there no scoreboard on the screen? But I guess that's probably a good thing...
  4. Why is UND just throwing up 3's??? Wasn't UND supposed to have an advantage down low? Can you imagine if they played like this against the Gophs?
  5. I'm curious where all these standing room only ticket holders are going to stand??
  6. I can see 7-5 as a possibility, but I would say 6-6 if I was betting on it. As far as playoffs go, I can't imagine UND getting in without beating EWU. I'm very proud of this team, and the job that Bubba & his staff has done with them! If I recall correctly, hardly anyone on here expected the new coach to come in and have a winning record his first year, but everyone wanted to see a team that was better defensively, more disciplined, and didn't give up, and this team has done exactly that! For the first time in a long time, I can say that I am excited, and optimistic for the future of the UND football team!
  7. Thank you! Figured that there had to be some non-conference games in there.
  8. I'm sure that it has been talked about multiple times on here before, but can anyone tell me why UND keeps playing Montana at home?
  9. What are you guys that are able to watch it on video seeing? Good, bad, and ugly
  10. 8 play, 61 yard drive.
  11. RollTribe


    Over, I agree with Oxbow6 on NDSU winning 9, plus a playoff win, but I think UND can win 4 games on their schedule, and for some reason I am feeling an upset somewhere in that schedule for a total of 5 wins (15 combined),
  12. Yeah, you would think so. It would be cool to be able to buy new sioux gear and use the logo on anything you want!
  13. They call him Pinto
  14. He is McFeely's producer/assistant, he went to NDSU. By the sound of his voice on the radio, he is somewhere in that 11-13 year old range, very annoying.
  15. On a side note, this could potentially lead to more problems: http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/federal-court-ruling-disparaging-trademarks-interesting-fighting-sioux-logonickname/?utm_content=buffer7a3e7&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer I know this is from Rob Port, and many people do not like him, but there is a potential issue presented here.
  16. Couldn't agree more. Since UND no longer has a native american nickname (or any nickname for that matter), can they just cut that indian services building/related program?? They already have a multicultural center (or whatever it is actually called), and isn't it racist, and insensitive to give one race on campus services that are not offered to students of other racest??
  17. Yes, long shot. But I hope he at least gets a call reminding him that he can play immediately, and not lose a year of eligibility if he comes to UND
  18. http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/college-football/story/_/id/10931786/ty-isaac-usc-trojans-released-scholarship-transfer This would solve any running back questions we may have.
  19. Long shot, yes, it is for anyone, even the ones who play for the best FBS teams. "Silly," no. Any player on any Division 1 football team has a good chance of getting noticed by NFL scouts if they stand out. If Hinojosa thinks he can stand out with his performance, there is nobody stopping him.
  20. Very true. I'm sure UND has very strict protocol that they adhere to for this type of thing.
  21. According to a tweet from Wayne Nelson, the Root Sports football schedule is out, and includes no UND football games for 2014.
  22. There have been some issues in the past year regarding the EERC, and this is also the guy who has been arrested for threatening firefighters with a shotgun when they came out to extinguish a grass fire he had started on his property, and domestic violence against his wife. I have a feeling that UND has a sufficient reason for putting him on leave, but I do wish that they would be more transparent about it.
  23. That's what I always thought the plan was, and I agree that the footprint that the Strinden Center sits on is not very large. If I recall correctly, Elbert said that Gamble hall would be "repurposed," but he did not elaborate. UND could potentially have a lot of space to repurpose with the med school building, and (potentially) gamble hall, those are large buildings.
  24. Yes, for the most part, that's what it was, talking to a capstone class of graduating students letting them know that UND will gladly take their money after they graduate. But I did find that part interesting as I have been wondering what their plan was.
  25. Dean Elbert (UND College of Business Dean) talked to a class I was in today and said that right now, the most likely location for the new college of business is where the Strinden Center is. The Strinden Center is going to be used by the law school faculty while their building undergoes renovations, and will then be torn down, making room for a new business building. He also said that UND is on its own to raise the funds for the project (about $45 million), but will hopefully get some sort of fund matching program from the state legislature this coming session, and that some area businesses have already made pledges for the new building. He also said that moving the old president's house is not being discussed anymore as it was simply too expensive to move. The old president's house cannot be torn down as it is on the national register of historic places.
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