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Everything posted by RollTribe

  1. Agree 100%
  2. Schlossman says Grimaldi decision expected before end of semester (3 weeks) http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=97682
  3. No way. I love UND as much as anyone, but there is just no way. NDSU had an incredible year (or 3), and UND's was flat out embarrassing. Luckily, momentum can swing big, and fast in college sports and the tides could soon turn, but this year the gap between the two schools was incredible.
  4. It's a minor issue, but the refusing to halt part does kinda bother me, although I do know people who have gotten that charge for extremely petty acts. Nonetheless, I hope the university acts quickly and hands out two game suspensions. I like the way UND has handled off the field trouble in the past, and trust that they will do it this time as well. In the end, it is the first two games of the season and they really do not matter.
  5. How big of an issue is this? Each player suspended for a couple games?
  6. Ahh, you're right. Searched "Luke" instead of "Lucas." He didn't get refusing to halt though, just a minor in possession/consumption. http://publicsearch.ndcourts.gov/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=2876656
  7. It was Thompson, Murphy, and I can't find a third person. Could have easily missed it though because I just quickly went down the roster. Both got minor in possession, and refusing to halt - B Misdemeanors http://publicsearch.ndcourts.gov/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=2876580 http://publicsearch.ndcourts.gov/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=2876711
  8. UND beats NDSU in every sport that NDSU was willing to play them in this year...
  9. UND Turns 2! Wins 4-3
  10. Are you at the game? If so, hows the crowd?
  11. Last year when there was an alcohol related issue involving members of the hockey team, didn't we hear about it first from the university in the form of suspensions being passed down?
  12. Don't know what happened (or even if this is true) yet. But if so, I hope it is not serious and that the athletic department takes swift action with a reasonable, yet sufficient punishment. Everyone will make mistakes, especially college boys, I just want the university to let it be known that we hold our players accountable for their actions... Unlike some other schools in our area.
  13. There was a campus wide banner contest going on this week, that was sponsored by a UND student organization.
  14. Not impressed with UND, or President Kelley on this one. Nowhere on the banner did it say anything about Native Americans. I know the nickname had to go, but now that the nickname has been retired, what more will it take to satisfy those who were opposed to the it? Because now according to President Kelley, even referring to having the nickname in the past is considered a "lack of sensitivity" that outweighs people's First Amendment rights.
  15. What was he making at SU?
  16. Happy for Saul, seems like a good guy, and a good coach. However, I do find it interesting how just a year ago (and especially after their 20 pt loss to UND this year), people were calling for him to be fired. I don't follow SU very closely, but it seems to me that Saul has been rather inconsistent at SU. From losing to MSUM in the BSA, to beating Oklahoma in the tournament, it just seems like you never know what you will get from his teams. He obviously did great things at SU, but he is replaceable, in my opinion.
  17. Better season, yes. But as far as the better team, that question was undoubtedly answered earlier this season.
  18. And yes, making the tournament would be more satisfying than beating your in-state rival, but doing both would be even better! It's definitely possible, and the talent is there to do it! Go UND!
  19. Great win for the Bison, congrats to them! But we have a completely different situation. If you watched UND and SU play head to head, there was no question as to who the better team was, UND lead the entire game, and won by 20. However, Weber State has a great basketball team, and it's quite safe to say that they would be heavy favorites in the Summit League just like they are in the Big Sky. I would love to see UND make it to the tournament, and believe that they have a chance if they play their best basketball, but I also believe that the top end of the Big Sky is better than the top end of the Summit League so UND has a taller task than NDSU did. Just my opinion.
  20. Could not agree with you more!!! Or who is in charge of setup? Because I feel like it doesn't take an engineer to move mobile bleachers 10 feet closer to the Baseline in the Alerus.
  21. Not too often, they had the UND/NDSU basketball game in there 2 years ago, but I believe that was the last time they hosted a basketball game. I really liked the basketball setup in the Ralph, obviously it's far better than the Alerus or FargoDome, What better location could host the state tournament than the nicest building in the state??
  22. Personally, I really was not impressed with the Alerus, can't stand how there is about 40 feet of concrete between the basketball court and the nearest seat, and the FargoDome is just about as bad. I love the B, and love having it in town, but I think it should be in Bismarck or Minot every year as the venues are perfect for it. In my opinion, the only way it should be in Grand Forks is if it is in the Ralph, which would be difficult with current scheduling issues.
  23. Oh okay, well if other countries are doing it, then it's just fine!? Nevermind then! Let's worry about ourselves.
  24. ...If Lennon is still employed at SIU then...
  25. It looks like they did clear some of it already though? There are some small piles of snow around it
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