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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. I know that there are people who know more about taxes here than I do but I do not think he took his bonus in a lump some that day.
  2. Just because he is leading the Wolfpack does not mean he will ever play higher. If you go through the AHL teams or just a lot of different players who did great in the AHL that never played at all in the NHL. Just like great ECHL players never going higher or any type of league for that matter. Kristo has this year and next mostly to prove he can play higher. After that it is the A or Europe for him.
  3. Only if they were under 18 when the played in the CHL.
  4. Played enough to have made some good money though.
  5. Probably when they made more than the Pep ordered.
  6. Actually anyone with a little class would know that. Probably why you did not.
  7. LadyDy, On a good day does Al break even on these?
  8. $400 dollars is not an expensive watch.
  9. Get an alcohol evaluation and start outpatient treatment.
  10. Question is why was he traded?
  11. I looked up the Calgary team to see their draft picks. One third rounder and a few seventh rounders. A few that were old enough to be drafted and were not. So what is playing with a bunch of 16, 17, and 18 year olds going to do for him? So he has half of this year and next year in the WHL and then off to the ECHL. Does anyone know why he went from Vernon to Surrey last year?
  12. Wittle Wheely would never say anything smart would he? Get off your high horse there Mariucci. You know darn well Wheeler got smart. Finley pulled him out of the line to back up his mouth and Wheeler knew he was now in deep doo doo and cried like a typical rodent would.
  13. I just looked up the Holy Cross goal and then watched Finley grabbing Wheeler. Does anyone know what Wheeler said?
  14. Are there any other countries that could play? Like Japan or something?
  15. Thanks Vegas. I thought I had read something about 200's being cut. The numbers were not that good on the Saabs. I have the boarding figures for many years in a file and they were never very good. They were not filling the Saabs and that was bewteen Jamestown and Devils Lake. I am not a fan of the EAS. It is a program that should have went away years ago. In the begining it was a good idea but it was suppose to be short lived, I researched it quite a bit. Do you like to play with Flightaware.com like I do?
  16. Maybe. But it could be quite telling what the rest of the season holds if they do not sweep CC.
  17. It has been 20 years since they were this bad. In the 80's they were a doormat.
  18. If there ever was a waste of tax dollars it would be this. The conservatives on this board should be against this 1000000000%. Vegas_Sioux a question for you. Do you think that SkyWest is losing some of their flights because of their 200's and need to find some use for them?
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