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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. Then maybe if you would crack down on the rules violators here it would not be such an issue?
  2. Wrong. If one does not toe the party line here you are under personal attacks. Which are against the posting rules, which are very selectivly enforced. If one brings up different and larger ways to look at topics the attacks start. I play by the rules and get attacked. I respond to the attacks and I am the bad guy? The mods know I am right but I question their fortitude by not enforcing their own rules.
  3. I respond to the personal attacks. I am not the one making the personal attacks. That is the irony here. Why do you not comment about how I am subject to endless personal attacks? I do not start these things, that would be the middle school girls group here, I just respond. I try and bring up questions and topics to discuss. What do I get in responce? Personal attacks. Hence my previous comment about small minds and big minds.
  4. Not on a sports channel but according to Schlos it is on. You will just have to look under PPT to find it. Channel listings here: http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=96244
  5. You do know there are rules about personal attacks? Small minds talk about people. Large minds talk about issues,
  6. I thought CHN had it listed as a Big 10 webcast.
  7. Then why was nothing said to that person? In fact the poster was treated as the victim. Responding to an attack on your late father is not acting like a middle school girl. Making snide little passive agressive comments is. I post a thought and get attacked in responce because I did not post a feel good comment. Funny considering that most posters here are on the right and the right is always about free speech. I took what Rocco has publically stated and questioned that maybe there was a different way to look at things. What do I get? Attacked. Reminds me of how rodent fans or Bison fans act.
  8. How about attacking a poster's late father? A man who was very well liked and respected by all in the Grand Forks community. But I am sure that is just fine with you.
  9. Never attacked anyone's personal religious beliefs. You did not need to mention any names. Your passive agressiveness was showing.
  10. There is nothing that either myself or gfhockey post that is not pertinent to the conversation. Just because many respond like the are middle school girls is not our fault. Maybe we just like to look at things in a bigger picture than what small minds can take in at once. At least we are not the ones who are constantly violating the posting rules.
  11. Looks like Dubay is out looking for a job again. http://www.twincities.com/entertainment/ci_24902756/jeff-dubay-let-go-from-espn-cost-cutting
  12. Whereas the other teams fans bothered to take the time to travel and see the game in person. Probably larger TV numbers outside the Metro than in.
  13. Two seasons at the most. I agree he most likely will not play in the E but in Europe. He probaby would be better off to go to Europe after school anyhow. He would easily have a very long and successful career there.
  14. All of you had him playing in the NHL this year.
  15. And you had him starting in the NHL. Not a great track record as an elite hockey mind. He is not the only one all the elite hockey minds here had playing in the NHL. Over the next couple of years we will see after his 2 year contract runs out.
  16. ST. PAUL — Rocco Grimaldi was projectedbymany to be a low first-round selection in the 2011 NHL Entry Draft, but slipped to the second round on Saturday morning where the Florida Panthers selected him at No. 33 overall. "Sometimes you think something's going to happen one way but that's not what God has for you. I'm totally fine with that," he said. Overt religious references weren't prevalent among the prospects in the Xcel Energy Center interview room, but Rocco Grimaldi isn't your typical NHL prospect when it comes to matters of faith. The Anaheim, Calif. native is a devout Christian who has voiced a desire to become a pastor. His Twitter feed (@rgrimaldi23) is filled with messages of inspiration and gospel passages; including this tweet after the NHL Draft's first round on Friday: "Let me encourage you this morning. When something doesn't go the way you think it's going to go, praise God even more. Just know that He is up to something bigger and greater than you can imagine (Ephesians 3:20)" Grimaldi said his use of social media to profess his beliefs isn't something he plans on changing if and when he makes the NHL. "I think [Twitter and Facebook] are a way to spread the Gospel. I try to put positive messages out there, and keep my head up," he said. "Like last night. It was a little disappointment for me, but I came back with my head held high. That can be a good example for people going through hard times, that it's going to work out in the end." http://sports.yahoo....?urn=nhl-wp8027 I stand by my post.
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