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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. I was thinking the new med school was going where the soccer field is. I think they would want to keep the rest for spin-off building.
  2. I don't get paint splatters or many sculptures either. I think if we were walking through and art gallery together we would be looking at each other saying wtf? I was just thinking they could use the old laundry print shop building and the Burtness for expansion of the BS. Not really rough shape as outdated. I still think you are right about using the Bronson Property (Gateway&Columbia). Problem is a building like what would be needed for the project would cost $30,000,000 or so. If only GF had families like the Daytons, Macmillans, Ordways, Pillsburys, etc. like Minneapolis/St. Paul does.
  3. The old First National Bank building on 4th and DeMers. The top two floors would work but I don't think the city would be to up on losing that space for commercial use. That call center thing is using parts of that building. I don't know how many floors though.
  4. Above Bonzers and Guiseppes (Lander's Building)? Apartments. Most of all the downtown buildings either have their upstairs being used or are apartments. One thing is for sure is 42nd st. is a lousy choice for all of them. That is way to prime of land not to collect taxes off of. If they little tree farm there got taxed at it's actual value it would be sold tomorrow.
  5. Or they could work together on it. I think you think of what is called art the same way I do. Do you shake your head thinking what the f? I don't think I am any more of a fan of spending money on such things. But overall they are what could be considered one of those necessary evils for an overall good. Here is something you might agree on. Tear down the Burtness Theater for space for the Business School to expand on. Then move the Burtness into the new library/museum/art center? Kind of would make a win win situation.
  6. I was wondering about that. UND owns the land though. Happy Harry's in one corner and two cemetaries on the others. Though it would make a great location to put a combo library, museum, art center.
  7. Your personal attacks. See Jim even your friendly fellow mods can not play nice.
  8. Businesses already on both ends of Leevers. What downtown buildings are you thinking off that would have space?
  9. I see we are in almost complete agreement on this. Though I do think the city has as much responsibility to provide arts as sporting oppurtunities. Is where Columbia Rd. and Washington meet even in the city? That is too far out of the way for a library. Even run down buildings that I can think of do not have enough lot space to build a library.
  10. My thought exactly. Can you think of a good location downtown that is not already being used though? Kind of the problem with the whole thing. There is not a really good location for a museum, art center, or library.
  11. They have for over 90 years. Known as self-winding, automatics, or perpetual movements.
  12. You can not even follow your own rules. Then why even have them? Why don't you just allow your little group here then?
  13. When you are an alum of UND and a native of GF bringing other views into a discussion is not trolling.
  14. What government building is ever self-supporting? Did they really get all the funds to build it? What about the fact that valuable real estate went off the tax roles and the tax deduction Choice got? Following all the money Choice got from the Feds? I agree with you on the library board making a mess of it. Disorganized is being kind to them. Total clusterF is more like it. Yes the membership is higher than projected but at what subsidized cost? Are people really paying what they should be? Or are other taxpayers underwriting it? Another tennis center and water parks in the works here? But I do agree that the health center is a nice addition to the city but so would a library.
  15. Can you think of anywhere in north GF that would work for a library? Why are you so against the arts? Did you have such a problem with the Park Board building such an expensive building like the health center with no vote of the public? Vote on a library but not an excercise center that was not needed? None of which are self-supporting. Maybe lots of other people do not like their tax dollars being wasted there. Or on another hockey arena. They never got a say in those being built.
  16. It is amazing that GF does not have a gentlemen's club. Really hasn't been one since the Club burned down back in the 80's.
  17. Not only him but many others in the industry.
  18. Sad how someone with talent loses their job while others with none keep theirs.
  19. When was the last time you were at the library? Have you ever noticed how busy it is and outdated? There was a story the other day how Kroll's Diner did not build in GF because of land costs. This land will be to high for a restaurant to build on for anyone but a larger corporate chain. The last thing GF needs is another mediocre chain restaurant. Though I do agree with you that it is not a good place for a library, museum, arts center. I have a hard time even thinking GF needs the mueum and arts center. Library yes but not the rest. Even the a totally different location for the library. Heck I can't even think of a good location for the library. The city should have grabbed all the land to the south of the Alerus in the 90's for the future. Now I think it is too late.
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