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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. Actually I do. I do not need to make my friends through this board.
  2. Sometimes you just have to look at the bigger picture. This is no different than other comments people make about how players are thinking and need to get it together. What I did say is a fact about born agains. By the way it is Rocco himself that brings his religion to the forefront. So maybe you should tell him that is wrong also.
  3. They're in MSP. Sun Country is based in MSP. Time to charter your way home. Which really is what they should have done to start with.
  4. He can be but he is not yet. I think he should stay for the next two years to develope. I am just curious though if Florida's rights run out next August, which would be after his fourth year, or August 16 which would be after his fourth year of eligibilty. Who knows if they run out in 2015 and he plays another year and has a great season, which I could easily see him and Luke together and building a chemistry that would make him a better free agent. Those two togther next year is going to be nice. Give them another year together and watch out college hockey. Togther they have a strong potential to be real special. Not just all his near misses last year but this year also. Luke has set him up real nice numerous times and he whiffed. Ok this may sound bad but think about it. Born agains have a high tendency to always say it is god's will to what happens. Maybe he needs to take the reigns of his own destiny and work harder. Saying that it was god's will is simply a good way of not taking reponsibilty.
  5. 7 goals in 20 games with the ice time he has gotten? Don't blame that on the people around him. He is not ready to go yet.
  6. He has not shown anything yet that would get him a spot in the AHL. By the way how many 2nd round picks have never even made it to the AHL?
  7. What? As if he is going anywhere early.
  8. Since he should be a jr this year and not a soph would Florida's rights end in 2015 or 2016?
  9. Did you look in the mirror just now?
  10. Between the 2 sources everyone should be covered then.
  11. Friday's game will be on Americaonesports.com.
  12. Maybe if the rules were enforced here the same for everyone you would be banned for violating them. Nope you can not discuss the issue but you can act like a girl in middle school real good.
  13. Do you earn a scholarship or a place on the team?
  14. Or maybe they just pretended to and made up the stats?
  15. Not even close to many other watches. A low end Patek is 18K. Breguets start around there also.
  16. He isn't going anywhere. But it is August 15th, 2015 right?
  17. More comments from the losers in the peanut gallery.
  18. What? His parents, aunts, uncles, (maternal and paternal) maternal late grandparents are/were good friends of mine. I was really close to his grandparents. If you only have 18 scholarships to work with why use it on the person who can afford school? I really don't think Arch and Mac would mind at all. Do you even know who Dane and Morgan are? I use to play with them at their grandparents when they were little kids.
  19. Well they brought all this national attention to Fargo that the whole country is talking about Fargo now....
  20. Grand Forks will not be happy with this.
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