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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. Shouldn't you be busy polishing your hero's Hammer?
  2. Maybe he should have recruited him since both of their goalies were eligible to play here.
  3. Hugo's use to have them all the time years ago. They use to also make 6" sub buns and a great Vienna bread. Can't get any of them anymore.
  4. Then feed his uncle to a pack of starving dogs.
  5. And after that season it was all down hill. Took a few years but he did go bye-bye.
  6. All bad analogies there MM. The teams you listed are made up off players people wanted or professionals. None lost to a team made up of players no one wanted past the high school or junior level.
  7. The only thing close to this loss was to US International during the 86-87 season.
  8. Is this the begining of the Hak demise ala Gino?
  9. I thought it was the Dutch?
  10. Sysco is a wholesaler only. Unless you know someone in a restaurant or works for Sysco good luck.
  11. When you look through the roster you can see playing in the CHL did wonders for these kids. http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0028952014.html
  12. http://www.walkinbeauty-bethechange.com/safety-spills-and-statistics.html
  13. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/industries/energy/story/2011-12-31/united-states-export/52298812/1
  14. Actually Buffets company is a publically traded company. Less problems with trains than pipelines leaking and exploding.
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