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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Agreed. Draft picks show talent/skill (at a point in time). Players will continue to have to work/develop to reach the ultimate goal. Should have a decent crop coming in. Shocked rizzo fell so far but the fact he’s going back to juniors raises some questions. Still has a nice skill package, just has some maturing to do. I thought Rowe would be taken, that was somewhat shocking.
  2. If rizzo doesn’t get drafted that will be some kind of fall.
  3. Ya hasn’t been very good whatsoever. All are falling outside of pinto
  4. We've been getting some nice recruits as of late. Broz had Minny written all over him.
  5. By flipping I mean guys committed elsewhere
  6. I’m guessing he ends up on the east coast...but they’d make room for him if he was interested. also, und is implementing the PEP program. Heard an odd rumor some flips may be in the works.
  7. Agreed... his pts per game was consistent if not better than a decent amount of players. Again, I'm assuming he'd get better into his senior year and provide good depth as a veteran in college hockey.
  8. He was ok when he played. Again, I'm speaking specifically for next year, being a senior and a veteran.
  9. Agreed, he never quite played like many of us thought he would.....but far from an addition by subtraction. He would have been a senior, he's still developing. Having another senior to play a 2-4 line role would have been a plus.
  10. Spicer appeared to score a goal yesterday. Not sure how accurate the stat sheet is.
  11. He'll play one year and bounce most likely.
  12. Agreed, but your kind of missing the point. First, $100k isn’t that long. Second, the only way said player gets that education package is if he stops playing hockey immediately after the O. What if (at age 19-20) said player isn’t ready for the NHL (or even AHL for that matter)? They then have to decide whether to continue their professional career (in the Coast potentially)...or take advantage of that education package. The CHL is great league, but it has its flaws. Some players haven’t even developed by 19-20. US college hockey lengthens the development cycle. That’s why more and more higher end players are choosing this route. More flexibility.
  13. Agreed. He was definitely one who rushed it to the ushl. Should have went to the NA or BC for his senior (and +1) year as opposed to the ushl.
  14. Ausmus is doing very well right now.
  15. Sure...but they are completely different age groups. You see how teams like BU did the past two years in college hockey...having 16-19 (and a couple 20) year olds go against 19-23 year olds is apple and oranges really.
  16. Agreed, the $ they get is nothing
  17. Kai played two more games
  18. Abosutely….Bubs will have to alter his recruiting strategy. Especially since the other MN team are getting better MN kids. This will probably hurt us and DU the most.
  19. There has been multiple 05s going this week. He’s an 04
  20. Bowden Singleton committed...Dub “ranked” first rounder.
  21. Because all the big tourney's go by birth year.
  22. Not a chance huh...NHL CS has him at 4; all the top services have him at the very least top 9. “Maybe top 10”. Maybe he doesn’t go there, but come on.
  23. No idea. But between him or Murray, that would be huge
  24. Turcotte will go top 4. Wisco will be nice next year and even better the year after.
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