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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Ridiculously high end tourney. I didn’t grow up in MN, but live here now. I really wish MN was able to participate in this. And yes, I know it is technically possible for MN teams to make this tourney…but in all reality, it isn’t.
  2. YHH reporting WI is making a commit announcement.
  3. I’ve heard/read Stramel would like to stay in the Big10…curious if we would entertain that option
  4. It’s really grungy…but as long as you’re in the right spots it’s awesome.
  5. Carle is a recruiting master. Give Simpson time though, he’ll come into his own.
  6. If Pohlkamp decides to come here…he’s taking Jubenvill’s spot? I wasn’t overly sure he’d make it on campus.
  7. 100% Didn’t this guy lose his job at ASU? Hobie starts this guy works for PT
  8. It didn’t. Pohlkamp is probably better.
  9. That’s what I’m seeing too. Jeezus
  10. I disagree. I think he could play…staying another here would help I believe.
  11. Well celebrini was super good and young…Lacombe didn’t play a full season of juniors. So there is the exception, but you’d have to be really good to not play a year of juniors. Which is basically what you’re implying…I agree.
  12. I think what he’s saying is that the skill of their tier 1 league is really good. It’s definitely not as heavy as juniors…but typically every team has a few really skilled guys. So not as tough as junior but def better than mn hs hockey.
  13. Yep morrow is really good.
  14. They are…but one thing to keep in mind is that SSM is way better than their comp, so they typically put up video game numbers. It is positive he’s leading the team however.
  15. Oh just everything seems to lean that way. Insta following, dad worked there, all the major journalists saying MN is heavy favorite. I have no inside info, just saying it’s looking that way.
  16. Well it’s sounding like it’s only a matter of time before wood commits to the gophs. I think Bubs needs to go all in on that Wilkie guy. Big center that can win draws. Pt production is really good.
  17. Well he wasn’t included in the Guenztel trade…so the Canes clearly value him (or Pitt doesn’t I suppose ).
  18. It looked like he knocked it right to 13…weird sequence
  19. One bad turnover that wasn’t a scoring chance. Saved the game a minute before that with a blocked shot. Hilarious timing of your post.
  20. He’s 100% entering…guessing whitlaw is too
  21. Add wood and someone like Pohlkamp and that would be a top 1-2…3 team in the country. MN is always heavy…but if Wood is making a hockey only choice and Blake stays, that’s an absolute no brainer. McMahon reporting MN is heavy favorite.
  22. Well I guess we are in the mix…along with Wisco and MN Again, I’m guessing it would hinge on if Blake is coming back.
  23. How sweet would that be. Has east coast written all over him. But playing with Blake would be enticing (assuming Blake doesn’t sign).
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