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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. In other news, the Northern Plains Nitrogen plant, proposed in Grand Forks, will be connected to the Midwest Carbon Express pipeline, if built. A pipeline would be built to connect the plant in GF to the Midwest Carbon Express pipeline near an ethonal plant in Casselton. https://www.agweek.com/business/7345272-Multi-state-carbon-pipeline-adds-Grand-Forks-ND-ammonia-plant-to-plans#:~:text=Northern Plains Nitrogen is developing,has still been seeking investors. Related article from the GFH: Summit Carbon Solutions on Monday afternoon, Jan. 10, sent a press release saying it has formed a new partnership with Northern Plains Nitrogen, a company that has been in talks with Grand Forks developers for the better part of the last decade. In 2013, the announcement of NPN’s potential arrival suggested as many as 135 regular workers could be employed at the plant, which would require well over 1,000 construction workers to build. https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/although-no-word-northern-plains-nitrogen-plant-is-imminent-in-grand-forks-press-release-sparks-discussion A representative of Northern Plains Nitrogen says he believes construction on a proposed plant in Grand Forks could begin as early as this year, provided the necessary financing is secured first. Larry Mackie, NPN's chief operating officer, told the Herald on Monday evening, Jan. 11, that as fundraising continues, the company has stayed on top of other planning and organizational aspects — including engineering — in the interim. He said NPN is “absolutely” coming to Grand Forks and “this project will get funded.” In its press release sent Monday, Summit Carbon Solutions noted that the company recently announced “significant milestones in development of its carbon storage facilities in North Dakota, having received state and local permits to collect 3D seismic data and begin drilling stratigraphic test wells, activities which are now underway.” https://www.inforum.com/business/if-financing-arises-work-on-fertilizer-plant-in-grand-forks-could-start-as-early-as-2022-npn-officer-says
  2. I like the part when he referred to himself as the billy bean of volleyball... lol. I like the hire 10/10.
  3. UND needs to know what it costs to add seating to the Alerus before they can do anything. This should probably be explored even though action isn't needed here yet.
  4. Sorry to drift this thread so off track. Fixing most of the issues don't take much time - literally just deleting links from the dropdown menu that are about old information or are to web pages that aren't maintained/updated. Takes like 30 seconds.
  5. I was wrong. Looking back, it looks like I sent the message through DM on Twitter, rather than email. I actually pm'd Wigness instead of Chaves, either because I thought Wigness was the best person to contact or because Chave's turned off his DM's. I complained about a bunch of this stuff this spring, and in fairness to Mitch, I sent him a direct link to my post on the same day I posted it. This is the link in my pm to him: https://t.co/mY0i1ZzbPL
  6. Please explain why not? That's literally one click to get there from und's website. Say a transfer is looking at potential schools and reads that.. how does that look good for UND or do anything but hurt? Here's the link to the UND Alumni Foundation... no biggie... not like there is any info about fundraising for phase two anywhere whatsoever anyways... https://undalumni.org/page.aspx?pid=368&errorid=16741238
  7. CHAVES needs to get his head out of his you-know-what and start leading. Guy is a empty suit just coasting and doing the bare minimum... I've emailed him in the past about how embarrassingly outdated our athletics website is, which still includes Media Info about FSN for example, has tons of incorrect or outdated info in numerous areas of the drop down menus, and dead links from the main drop down menus... This here is another example... what the #! https://fightinghawks.com/sports/2011/5/3/205146325.aspx "Student-Athletes are permitted to provide autographs at fanfests, autograph nights, and special events deemed by the UND Athletic Department as well as during their personal time, but at no time can these autographs be used for monetary gain. Compensating student-athletes for their autograph or a photo will result in a NCAA violation that affects the student-athlete's eligibility and chance to compete for UND."
  8. So happy Fenton is now in charge... Summit website doesn't mention anything except there is now randomly some type of streaming page there.
  9. https://letsgodu.com/2022/01/05/western-illinios-university-studying-summit-league-exit/
  10. Could Orleans be an option too? Maybe they give UNLV a better deal if they are looking for a major tennant for example.
  11. Icon Architects designed an arena soccer arena that was just built in San Diego. Perfect for D1 hockey. https://www.martinmech.com/blog/2019/10/7/arena-califino Nvm. Looks like it's being built too far away.. in Oceanside
  12. nobody is getting paid 1 million to play hockey at georgia. if anyone cared THAT much, they would already have a ncaa hockey program.
  13. No, but if they cut the annual pay of their coaching staff by $700,000 and cut their recruiting budget in half do you think they would expect the same results?
  14. I mentioned earlier that, when evaluating Bubba as a head coach, that budget and other constraints should be considered when doing so. Bubba is doing pretty damn well given the budget that he is dealt with, and if he's replaced, I think it's near impossible that we fill out the staff with equal or better talent than we currently have with an equal budget. It's impressive that Bubba has done as well as he has when guys like Holinka and Freund are paid less than pretty much every position coach at NDSU. https://infogram.com/college-1hd12yxl0vmqw6k
  15. Without much help from that article, that's what I gather. What a poorly worded sentence... "Hovland dismissed the case “without prejudice,” meaning another suit could be filed in the future, but the attorney representing the former players left the door open for potential further action down the line."
  16. How can I watch this game? Is BTN+ available with any streaming services or is it only available directly through purchasing a BTN+ subscription?
  17. Here is a recent podcast with him where he discusses his history with the NCHC and his move to the Summit League. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LRY7EDcWbc His Summit League Presser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xfrw3W0FZA
  18. I like a qb who doesn't think he knows better than the coaches thank you.
  19. All sports to the MVC. It doesn't matter if that conference is losing it's luster - it would still be a no brainer move for them and they would accept an MVC offer without a second thought, especially if such a move can be made without any detriment to their CCHA hockey program. Now, lets say UST hockey is presented with that same MVC offer, with the only difference being that their hockey program plays in the best hockey conference in the country, the Summit League, rather than the CCHA. Accepting that MVC offer now becomes incredibly difficult, because in doing so, they would simultaneously be required to make a conscious decision that actively damages their hockey program, as the Summit isn't offering hockey affiliation to a school that's exiting the conference. Now they would also have to deal with pissed off donors and the bad pr among a bunch of other headaches that would result, and at a time when by which they should also have a new arena with seats to fill. We both agree that the MVC isn't what it used to be, and I think the situation I described above would easily be enough to tip the scales, especially if it allowed administrators to just stick with the status quo. Also, to be clear, there aren't really enough hockey conference options for there to be a majority of anything, as it's literally only the single sport CCHA and whatever conference UND/SCSU/Duluth is in.
  20. What scenerio are you referring to? Is anyone advocating for Augie to be added to either the Summit or anything hockey related? If the answer is no, then I don't see what your worry is? They provide zero strategic value to either conference. I don't really see how St. Thomas getting involved in a hypothetical Summit Hockey conference "would go against most of what the NCHC was founded on". UST has money, will build a new hockey venue within the next couple years, and they have a passionate fan base that could greatly improve the conference tournament in terms of both ticket sales and atmosphere. UST strives for excellence in everything they do, and I fail to see how they are anything like the small-minded leach schools that we left behind in the WCHA, they sure as heck provide more value than a school like ASU would. What's in it for non-Summit hockey schools? Well, having a presence in the single best hockey recruiting hotbed in the country doesn't hurt, and UST would become, by far, the second closest road trip for Miami and WMU. If moves aren't made now, UST could very well be gone within 5 years, which would be a shame given that their presence in the Twin Cities is of paramount importance to anyone who cares about improving the perception, profile, and desirability of the Summit league, long term (think other Dakota schools). In addition to the benefits of UST that I already mentioned, a bonus for DU and CC is that a Twin Cities presence would also help with recruiting to the overall student body - see the decision making process behind why the MVC is targeting for expansion the schools that they are, for reference. SCSU and UMD would benefit in this regard as well, as they wouldn't otherwise be playing games in the Twin Cities for any other sport. Most importantly, nothing HAS to be done, especially until funding is in place or shovels are in the ground, but know this, If nothing is done in an effort to "lock" UST or a school like Omaha into the Summit league, and we fail to improve the stability and desirability of the conference soon, please accept that there is nobody standing in line to replace the schools that leave, and we sure as heck will be guaranteed to end up with additions like Augi or worse. Regarding UMKC, one rumor doesn't mean they are adding hockey... we have all seen how unreliable reports of new hockey programs are, and it would be even more unlikely that they add the sport without support from conference members and investment in a new arena. Even then, they would at least have a new arena in a former NHL city.
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