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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. Literally fake news. At this point, it's embarrassing that someone with UND"LAW" in their name is still talking about this without knowing the facts.
  2. What pisses me off about the Sioux forever crowd is that I believe they are responsible for the !@#!$ name we picked. So we get stuck with the crappiest most generic name and logo, which was 100% predictable, and then they go and pretend it was never released, because they complain about the new logo and name being bad! Branding is 100% a huge deal and it is hugely important. It's crazy how often I talk to people in the Twin Cities, and they don't know who UND is... they all know the Bison though, because of strong branding. Brands all over the world pay huge bucks for advertising/product placement, because brand awareness and name recognition is important. And it does affect many different aspects of the university, including attendance. Trying to say brand awareness isn't important when it comes to choices high school kids make? Give me a break...
  3. I wouldn't have noticed it at all except for the fact that I remembered the commentators pointing it out, in real time, as he was jogging off the field. Given the discussion in this thread, I went back to double check. Are you asking because that was incorrect?My apologies if I'm mistaken.
  4. Does it change your calculus if the DE, who actually sacked Tommy twice in the last to plays, ran off the field? Because that's what happened. Our LT was clearly overmached. With time winding down, perhaps the coaches were planning to run a hurry up offense, which would have kept that DE (who had been killing our freshman LT) off the field for a few plays. I know hindsight is 20-20, but I think the coaches made a good call, because the situation I described seems like it would have had a hell of a bigger impact on the game than giving the LT a pep talk. The next play was an interception, yes, but Tommy actually had time to throw the ball to a receiver who WAS open. Yeah there were guys around him, but he was open enough that the catch would have been uncontested - the DB who intercepted the ball was behind Jake, similar to how Krzanowski was behind SDSU's tight end for their second or third td.
  5. I think the NCAA website might have some additional stats that aren't included on the UND website, pretty sure it does for team stats as well. 100% sure the format is easier to navigate. This is the go to when looking at team stats as well, imo. Can find a ton of different rankings for random stats for individual players and teams through their extended stats page. @Midwestern Hawkyou answered his questions, but just wanted to throw this out there because it's an awesome resource that I'm sure a lot of people aren't aware of. http://stats.ncaa.org/player/index?game_sport_year_ctl_id=15821&org_id=494&stats_player_seq=2494474
  6. With the portal, investment in modern facilities will be more important than ever now.
  7. Looks like NDSU has two. https://gobison.com/sports/football/coaches
  8. I understand where you're coming from almost like the whole #firehakstol vs keep Hakstol thing with the hockey team. Curious - did you have an opinion on that matter before he left? Speaking of MSU, it would be nice to be able to watch that second half! Have you seen it available to watch anywhere yet?
  9. Given that this was one of the best and deepest teams ever, which I agree, I just don't see why you don't think the roster can't continue to improve and get deeper along with UND's chances for a championship. UND's record has been up and down with Bubba, but I think the program has very steadily improved and I think it is still improving. Until I see evidence to the contrary I think firing Bubba would be too high of a risk/reward to justify firing, though I'd be fine with moving either of the coordinators to HC. If Bubba is fired I think both would be gone and I don't want them to leave though.
  10. But he choked when it counts in the playoffs vs a terrible coaching staff Please disregard that comment - I know that wasn't really the point. Utah State this year would be another good example of what you're getting at I suppose. Sorry in advance for rambling. Big name coach. However, given that he brought in, from what I remember, 20-30 transfers, is there any reason to believe that success will be sustained once he leaves after the 3-4 years that has been discussed? I think putting pressure on a coach to have immediate success can have a negative impact on the culture of the program, as fewer players are "bought in" four/five year players. With too many transfers, how likely are most of the guys likely to stick around once the coach moves on vs guys recruited as high schoolers who (imo) have more loyalty to the program? If you hire a coach and have extremely high expectations for immediate improvement, or if the coach plans to use UND as a stepping stone,, is there a chance that forces the coach to make short term recruiting decisions to the detriment of the long term stability of the program? For example perhaps he takes in upperclassmen transfers rather than freshman so he can have better roster depth in the short term, as he doesn't really care about what happens with the roster after a huge class graduates because he aims to be hired away to another school anyway, thereby leaving the cupboard bare for the next coach. There are many examples of coaches turning teams around after one season, but what is the difference between flash in the pan teams and teams who get turned around and then have long term success after the coach leaves right away? What are the odds of sustained success say Missouri State's coach moves on? Probably higher than if he didn't coach there at all, but then again UND is nowhere near as low as that program has been. Long story short, I don't want UND to become a Jacksonville State type program. If you're aware of that program you'll know what I'm getting at.
  11. @Midwestern Hawkare you able to find it within yourself to admit that you were wrong about Tommy for once, in that he didn't force the throw and it wasn't a bad throw?
  12. He got sacked by the guy to his left
  13. I don't know either, but you know we would hear about it if they didn't convert, with the obvious benefit of hindsight.
  14. THIS. Speaking of stupid decisions, some people want to replace the coach even though the program doesn't have the money to attract a guy that has any winning HC experience at this level... Going forward, I'd prefer to not literally gamble on the trajectory of the program. Bubba is taking a pay cut to help with assistant pay - no doubt quality candidates will be banging down the door for that opportunity! Not wanting to overhaul the program after dominating a playoff game and winning a share of the conference title a few months ago, because we lost close games on the road to some of the best teams in the country this fall does not mean that I have low expectations. The program is continuing to trend the right direction in terms of team talent, expectations, and depth, and the coaches are building the program the right way. If this is a down year, I fail to see how the coaching staff has reached it's potential.
  15. You all realize that SDSU's DE that was smoking our LT, and who sacked Tommy twice during the last drive, finally got off the field when you are complaining Bubba didn't call a time out? Is that really a stupid coaching decision? Bubba shoulda let the guy take a breather and not miss any snaps? It looked to me like Richter was pretty open for the interception as well (guy who intercepted the ball was behind Richter), and Tommy had time to set his feet and make a throw, but he was off by a few inches. It happens. Perhaps if Richter didn't slow down and hesitate as he was making his cut, the ball would have been right in his hands? Watch the replay again and focus on Richter - the ball was right on the money if he doesn't slow down...
  16. I'm not virtue signaling and he wasn't acting as a vigilante - you admitted so yourself when you said he was defending himself. If you are about to argue that you weren't implying that he was, I think you're full of it. I think everyone would agree that actual vigilantism are bad. Watch the actual testimony.
  17. If there weren't rioters and arsons or the proper authorities actually enforced the law.. kyle was hardly the problem if you actually follow all of his actions throughout the night. As a 17 year old he made a stupid decision to go there, as many high schoolers also make stupid decisions, but he at least was going there for the right reasons.
  18. Did you watch any of the trial or his testimony? He doesn't have that attitude at all. "How dare he clean graffiti, put out Arson fires, and protect himself". If this happened in GF would you really rather have the rioters in dt grand forks or a bunch of people like rittenhouse?
  19. What would you classify as a deep ball, in yards? Can you cite some examples of Tommy screwing up deep throws?
  20. Within the next year or two. I don't think our OL was good in the spring. It was solid, about average for a mvfc team, imo.
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