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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. It has been that long? Has Central been there in the last 42 years?
  2. AA groups? Is that not where people go to learn to hand over their problems to a "higher power" in lieu of dealing with said problems? Where is the difference between drinking and not dealing with their problems and turning their problems over to their higher power? I never could see the difference being that the problems are STILL not being dealt with. The difference that I see is that now they have a self-rightous excuse to not deal with the problem and they can pat themselves, and each other, on the back and say, "Well at least we are not drinking". No you may not be drinking but your use of other stimulants such as caffine and nicotine seem grow at a very high rate of useage.
  3. More like 1,000,000 to one they will find it unconsitutional.
  4. watchmaker49


    Because he is a Republican.
  5. Since the SBoHE was in charge of the lawsuit then can they not argue, as if they need more precedent, that the legislature conceded that they have the power seperate from the legislature? Feel free to comment ScottM and Chewey.
  6. Al Carlson is the person who can not read what the NDSC says. He knows that the law will get overturned and that is why he is trying to change the control of higher ed from the SBoHE. If it is not plain as to who controls higer ed then why is the blowhard from Fargo trying ot change it? He is conceeding that under the NDSC the SBoHE has control now. By the way who negotiated with the NCAA?
  7. Because the law will get thrown out in court before there is a vote.
  8. watchmaker49


    I wonder if he would have done this if NDSU was in trouble with the NCAA and was risking the NDSU athletic department?
  9. There is not going to be a vote so the point is moot.
  10. watchmaker49


    Along with radio station time renting buddy Scott Hennen.
  11. I do not think he dreads it at all. He knew all along this is where it would end up, right where he wanted it to. Either he wins or loses his test case he still loses nothing. He is a sneaky little weasel to create this. I wonder if he had a consultation with Karl Rove the little turd blossom himself. Scott Hennen could have hooked him up.
  12. He had nothing to lose and a lot to gain with his plan. He was not alone in this. He had the support of a bunch of RWNs who want even more power. Think about it for a minute. If he wins the control over the universities that he and his cohorts get that they do not have now. If he loses the status qou exists. Heads he wins and tails you lose.
  13. Why would they not fly someone in for tonight? They have done that for years.
  14. Would not matter if they did since they would not be punished for it.
  15. This is what I said along time ago while the rest of you were supporting him. Well at least until you found out what he was doing would hurt UND.
  16. The SL tribe are not even native to North Dakota. They are from Minnesota and were not "fighting" Sioux even.
  17. Another fine example of respect shown Native Americans. Ah for the good ol days when the only good injun was a dead one to now where the only good injun supports the logo.
  18. Isn't the Dome set up for ice if I remember right?
  19. I still do not understand why you have not offered your services pro bono to the supporters. Kind of like putting your money where your mouth is.
  20. You mean North Dakota is not full of provincial rubes, conspiracy theorists, and other assorted nuts? Could have fooled me since I saw them everyday in North Dakota for 49 years.
  21. I see you are showing your "respect" again for Native Americans.
  22. Bow down to the great blogger Goon and his world.
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