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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. Reality. Do you really think he has the convictions to walk away from 200K plus? From a land where you can think and act as if you are the king? 300K starting next year? Don't kid yourself that he would walk. Do you not think for a second that if he walked that Eades and Jackson would not apply for his job? Hence, the term reality.
  2. They would both hire Steve Johnson first, who by the way was Blaisers first choice to replace him.
  3. No he would not walk. He will do just as his father-in-law tells him to do. As for Hak getting a job anywhere do not be so sure about that. There are a lot of people out there with more experiance than Hak looking for a job everyday. Remember Lucia only got his job because Blais said no thanks.
  4. SR ancestors were the Natives you saw in the movies fighting Custer. For the lack of a better analogy that I can think of the SL ancestors were more like the Hekawi (think after school TV late 60's). This is historical fact and not a myth. Could be the reason they do not communicate much. They are two different groups with different experiances dealing with the White Man.
  5. Clueless Al has nothing to lose and a potential gain. The name has never been important to him whatsoever. The whole goal was to find a way to get the SBoHE into the courtroom to test if he has power over them. If he prevails he wins big. If he loses he is out nothing. This has worked out just as he has hoped it would. Don't think for a minute someone as narcissistic as Clueless Al would not think of this. Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Reacts to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation May take advantage of others to reach his or her own goal Tends to exaggerate their own importance, achievements, and talents Imagines unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others Easily becomes jealous Lacks empathy and disregards the feelings of others Obsessed with oneself Mainly pursues selfish goals Trouble keeping healthy relationships Is easily hurt and rejected Sets unrealistic goals Wants "the best" of everything Appears as tough-minded or unemotional Excuse the source please. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder
  6. The guys I mentioned all worked there before you did except for Todd who I saw at NM a couple of weeks ago.
  7. Only takes an hour longer going through Bemidji to Minneapolis.
  8. Just as how the supporters have changed their tune once there were ramifications of using the name.
  9. Didn't Jon Casey and Kevin Maxwell play for the Scouts?
  10. It was a trick question by using wing"s". Who made up the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines? This is a tough one considering that one night Bowen, Kober, and myself had to really think about it and I think I can remember but am not sure anymore.
  11. I see two fans with good memories here. Most people forget that Bobber played win on the line more than Steve, he was a little too slow on his skates. Don't jump at me Steve was the one who said it.
  12. Very good you got 2/3 right, which is by far better better than most do.
  13. Who played wings with Tony? Lets see how many get this wrong.
  14. Was that when Larry owned it before Walter, Billy, and Ted bought it?
  15. If it were a city and not a suburb looking for a city to attach itself to.
  16. For one thing the SR Tribe were actual warriors that fought as to the SL Tribe they stayed out of the battles. They did not even live in what became North Dakota until the 1860's. Creation of the Devils Lake Sioux Reservation After the Dakota Conflict of 1862, a few Dakotas remained in Minnesota. Most were driven or fled onto the plains of the Dakota Territory while others fled to Canada. The Mdewakanton and Wahpekute bands had been removed to the Santee and Crow Creek Reservations on the Missouri River. The Sisseton and Wahpeton bands, who had been mostly innocent of participating in the uprising, settled in northern Dakota. In February 1867, delegates went to Washington to make a new treaty. The treaty provided for the establishment of Lake Traverse, or Sisseton, Reservation in eastern Dakota, and another reservation south of Devils Lake for those wandering groups of Sissetons and Wahpetons who refused to come to Lake Traverse. The Cut Head band of Yanktonai Sioux was also included in the Treaty. (Pfaller, 1978, p. 6) When Fort Totten was built in 1867, there were no Indians in the immediate vicinity. The fort was established by General A. H. Terry, and named in honor of Brevet Major General Joseph Gilbert Totten, the late chief engineer of the U.S. Army. (DeNoyer, 1901, p.183) http://www.ndstudies.org/resources/IndianStudies/spiritlake/historical_reservation.html
  17. Came to the realization or was informed by his father-in-law he is not the boss.
  18. When did he work at Silerman's? Was that when Todd, Steve, and Frank worked there?
  19. That's about it. I worked at the Spud when you were going there.
  20. Remember how long the line was to get into the bar at 4:00?
  21. Because Berg is more interested in collecting pet deposits from people, who by law, do not need to pay them.
  22. Thanks for proving my point for me.
  23. They are now $64, $74, and $74 with advance purchase. Anywhere on the 494 strip in Bloomington will also work. 494 to Fort Road aka 7th st right to arena. That is unless you want to take the quick route there along the river on Shepard Rd.
  24. There were alot of people who lived north of 13th that went to Red River also.
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