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Everything posted by GFG

  1. UND's are (I believe) par with Minnesota except for the more expensive series against Minnesota and Denver I'd have to imagine by that list a lot of the schools just put their money at about breaking even and put the rest into other sports numbers or something judging by the amount of schools that break perfectly even. Looks like 1-26 do it with the actual numbers and 53-58 do it with actual numbers.
  2. I honestly have no idea. I just don't see how they can make so much more. Unless their FSN contract gives them a couple million per year. Which is highly possible.
  3. Jupiter over at GPL just put this up tonight. Very cool tables show all the earnings of NCAA hockey teams. I was actually surprised to see Minnesota makes over 3x more than UND, who makes the second most in the nation. http://www.gopherpucklive.com/index.php?page=blogfull&id=11205
  4. Not when I attended games which was just about every weekend...The place was usually half full in the 90's until 97. Even Gopher games usually didn't completely sell out IIRC. I believe even Goon admitted a couple months ago that the attendance in that time was very low.
  5. Losing in the national title game is a down year You're probably thinking of 2003. They didn't have a good season but still managed to make it into the NCAA tournament before getting spanked by Ferris State.
  6. The big thing I see is this. He already knows he's going to the NHL after a year, possibly two. Why would he want to focus on school during that time? One thing UND has going for them, though, is that Koules might be trying to get him to come. People underestimate what your recruits can do to help you. Take Minnesota's football recruiting this year. They got the best QB recruit in the state and then he started recruiting the rest of the best players in the state himself. Lord behold it worked. One was a 4 star WR that was committed to an SEC school, and he backed out and signed with Minnesota. I do believe the same thing could possibly happen with Jones.
  7. For an elite program I consider that down years. I can understand a year or two, but six years or even three years like Minnesota is currently, I would consider down years for such elite programs. To say schools like Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin will never be national title contenders again, though, is a bit of a stretch. Those schools will always be three of the most elite, right there with UND, BC, BU and Denver.
  8. He's deciding within the week then. The popular answer seems to be that he will be told to go the junior route to play against the younger kids so that he looks better and his draft stock doesn't drop. Never know, though. He's a big kid who might want to face the challenge of playing some bigger opponents.
  9. I'm sorry but that's just not true. You're telling me UND wasn't having "down years" in the early to mid 90's? I would have to assume missing the NCAA tournament six years in a row in the 90's translates to some "down" years. Especially considering they only made it past the WCHA first round once out of those 6 years. I specifically remember going to games almost every weekend in the old REA with it being no more than half full every night. 2002 wasn't a "down" year for UND? Every program will have down years and that's a fact. UND is currently in an upswing but you can bet money that they will have some down years in the future, it's inevitable.
  10. Well, at least he's trying to get Nebraska talking about it. Hopefully he's trying to influence other AD's behind the scenes to add programs as well. As for the 4 powerhouses...I count Michigan, Wisconsin (Devastated by early departures currently) and Michigan State who is traditionally an average squad. How can he even think of considering Ohio State a powerhouse?
  11. Outdoor hockey games on baseball fields are the worst. It's cool that it's outside, but the seats are so far away and low that there just really isn't many good seats. Football stadiums work much better. I would have been mad if UND-UM played at Target Field. The seating at TCF would be MUCH better and would hold more people. The one problem is that there's no alcohol sold at The Bank. Nothing a good session of tailgating can't fix, though
  12. I'm glad people are finally realizing this. I knew the consequences of it right away, but most people didn't believe them until recently. As a UND football fan I have been a strong opponent to the nickname as soon as I heard the sanctions.
  13. Check out this page, the people are saying the chants they did and acting like it's no big deal. http://www.umdpenaltybox.com/MessBoard/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2660
  14. He'll probably end up in some OHL teams front office within the months end.
  15. I never heard anything about this until today. I never heard any UND officials or anyone else say anything. On DHG's board people have been saying what the chants are. There's quite a few. http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/223471/
  16. Haha it was meant as a slap in the face to NBC Sports Net because they talk Notre Dame up like they win the national title every year and now it's possible they won't even make the NCAA tournament. Personally, though I wouldn't call Notre Dame a joke. They're not elite yet, but they're an above average rising program that's made huge strides in the past decade.
  17. So Notre Dame could quite possibly miss the NCAA tournament. How in the heck would NBC Sports Net spin that one to make them look good?
  18. I've heard a lot about that lot behind DQ. Is there parking on the spot there?
  19. I could see it. The X could be telling the B1G that they want it every year or nothing at all. If they do agree to allow the rotation, though, I do think the NCHC will do the Target Center, Xcel rotation.
  20. I can just imagine you sitting in your hotel room with some beer, cooking burgers on a george foreman Sounds fun to me! A lot like Gopher football tailgating. Everyone asks you to eat and drink with them. I hate sconny but when I met a bunch of their fans tailgating I couldn't help but be impressed with how friendly they were. Maybe we'll have to have a few brews together! Every fan base has the idiots, there's no denying that. My friend was at the UND-Tech game lastnight and he did the Minnesota chant as a joke and a UND fan came up to him and tried fighting him until security came and kicked the guy out. Where do you park for the tailgating?
  21. Does anyone here do the tailgating?
  22. Minnesota is the first team to clinch home ice for the WCHA playoffs. UND's series against DU is going to be HUGE.
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