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Everything posted by GFG

  1. Glad to hear Hunwick showed some class. After the game finished he took the winning puck and gave it to the Cornell player that scored the winning goal
  2. B1G and NCHC both 0-2 today. We're looking solid. Lol
  3. I'm 1/3. Only right pick is Union. I'm mad because I picked UML and changed to Miami at the last second
  4. GFG


    Color photo of Kristo wearing the new jersey. https://twitter.com/#!/BBfromPiPress/status/183238426101956609/photo/1
  5. GFG


    Here are UND's new jerseys. Posted in the regional program. Not a huge fan, they could have done something better. I'm sure they'll get different ones in the future, though. https://twitter.com/...5411968/photo/1
  6. It's pretty simple when you're used to playing with that stuff. Problem is that the quality on live games is terrible. When you watch the replays on there it's usually perfect quality. I watched the UND-Michigan game when I got back from the Frozen Four last year and the quality was perfect on replay
  7. Woops, UND game is on regular FSN. My bad This is due to the Wild game at 6:30 on FSN and the pregame show starting at 6.
  8. FSN will air the UND-WMU game live, the UM-BU game live and the UMD-Maine game live as well. All on FSN + http://www.foxsportsnorth.com/03/20/12/FS-North-to-televise-first-round-of-NCAA/landing_gophers.html?blockID=691832&feedID=3550
  9. This is from FSN's twitter account a couple minutes ago "College Hockey Fans - we'll have some exciting news for you around 11:00am, stay tuned..." One would have to assume this is the regional
  10. GFG


    Pretty much positive I know the 2 people that brought that in. I had no idea they actually did it,though.
  11. As of now it hasn't been announced on TV. If it's going to be on TV it will probably be announced by Thursday. ESPN3 has every game on it, live. The problem with ESPN 3 is that it's VERY hard to get good quality on it.
  12. GFG


    I assume it would be the same thousands of alumni that are threatening to stop donating to the university if the name is lost. Stupid, I know, but there are thousands of people with that position.
  13. GFG


    Pros and Cons to both ways I suppose. If they showed them before hand I can just about guarantee you'd get those UND diehards who would be telling everyone not to go because "they aren't Sioux jerseys! DON'T SUPPORT THE UNIVERSITY!!!" Most of them probably aren't even thinking about it right now because the new jerseys haven't been shown
  14. GFG


    My guess is that they don't want fans to cause an uproar towards the University before the game's even played.
  15. UMN-BC, Michigan-Miami. UMN-Michigan UMN (Biased picks are the best!)
  16. Unless it's a Minnesota-North Dakota regional final, I don't think any game will exceed 10,000. 12,000 max if those two aren't playing each other.
  17. I was actually extremely embarassed by the amount of a$$hole Gopher fans I saw this weekend. Most people on GPL agree with that as well. Mariucci isn't even a quarter as bad as it was this weekend at the X. Granted I also saw a lot of a$$hole UND fans, but there were more Gopher ones that I saw. I stood up for my buddies that were UND fans on multiple occasions this weekend and even they were actually in awe that I was doing that. The fact is that I HATE the fans who are complete A-holes on any team, including my own. On another note, the 3 UND buddies of mine that did tailgating with the GPL guys and myself all 3 days were VERY surprised at how welcomed they were by them and how nice they were.
  18. I'm not worried yet. I do have ESPN3 on Midco but I'm very confident that FSN will pick up the games unless ESPN REALLY doesn't want them too
  19. Going to have to try it before I leave St. Paul
  20. There's a tailgating lot a few blocks south of the X Sounds like our plans. Going down with 3 of my UND buddies. Friday we'll be in the tailgating lot about 10 and Saturday at about 8.
  21. I know you're making fun of a Gopher fan. But that was too funny not to laugh at
  22. Does anyone on SS do the tailgating?
  23. Like I said in my post, I'm very skeptical with that report. I don't see why he would come back unless he really does want to stay one more year just because of his age. You also probably would have said Justin Schultz would and should be pro. He's far more pro ready than Bjugstad is and even he is heavily weighing his options and could come back next year. Everyone thought when Wisco left Denver he would just remain in the city and play for Anaheim the next night against the Avalanche.
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