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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. I forsee a sponsorship from the hutterite colony.....
  2. Those logos are a bit too much "skateboarder/x-games" culture for me.
  3. I didn't say that, I said Shirvani monitoring Bresciani's email wouldn't excuse Bresciani from deleting his emails (if in fact, he did). In fulfilling a public information request with 900 pages of emails, the people making the request typically don't ask where the other 45000 are. Most would take what they got a leave none the wiser. Not saying that's what happened in this situation as I fully admit I don't have all the information, I'm just stating that's a possibility. Unlike you, when I'm not sure of something I don't go around talking about it as if it's a fact just because I read about it on bisonville.
  4. Yeah that sounds about right. Thanks
  5. Even if he was it doesn't excuse Bresciani from deleting public records. Why are Bresciani and his minions so anxious to change the topic of debate before all the facts come out on his missing emails?
  6. I like how that is being pushed as actually being fact in Fargo now.
  7. Didn't Grand Forks have a minor league baseball team called the River Rats for a few years back in the mid 90s?
  8. The Boardwalk is also pretty good in my experience. It's a step below Sanders and Toasted Frog as far as being upscale but it's a step above Blue Moose and those type of places. They bought the Applebees deck so they have nice outdoor seating now too. Location is convenient for the movie theater also (sandwiched between Blue Moose and Mike's Pizza).
  9. Just go with the Screamers
  10. Agreed, but it's the fact the Moo U fans are so blind to the truth in addition to the administration (not saying things haven't been blown out of proportion in this specific situation) that seems to set them apart. I don't know of a more paranoid, everyone is out to get me, fanbase than them.
  11. Norse and Roughnecks are ok for me. The others listed I don't like (Rough Riders is ok, but I don't believe will be selected for reasons already mentioned). I also don't mind Flames (just take the flame from the UND logo), Wildfire (would need an artist for this one), Flood (steal the green wave logo), Reapers (ask Sicatoca), or Warriors (using a plane logo).
  12. Had you read my ridiculous theory, you would've seen that I don't believe 45000 emails were deleted. Also, it's entirely possible that the emails which were deleted were not in any way related to the open records request. Earlier in this thread (or another one where this first came out on siouxsports, can't remember and don't feel like looking) I stated it's probably that email chains were deleted up to the final email in the chain, which would contain all the information from the other emails and would render them pointless to maintain. That is done all the time to save space and clean up the inbox. If you think the NDUS intentionally deleted Bresciani's emails in order to get him in trouble for deleting his emails, then I'm just curious...... how many blackhawk helicopters do you think circle over your house every night to monitor your activities?
  13. At some point you'd think ndsu would realize "hey, maybe it's my own fault?"
  14. They playing against Kobe?
  15. AG wasn't tipped off to investigate, he was asked to investigate by legislative counsel after they were told by the university system that emails subject to an open records request were deleted. Nothing fishy about that. Since we're all grasping at straws with limited information here, I'll give my idea of what plausibly occurred. - Legislator receives tip about Bresciani orchestrating revolt against Shirvani through email (which would be dumb seeing as they know their emails are public, but is certainly possible). The tip may have come from the university system office who was monitoring Bresciani's email (not likely) or it may have come from an individual Bresciani was attempting to conspire with, which is far more likely (see Pres. Coston of DSU, who received a glowing review from Shirvani). - Legislator goes through Bresciani emails looking for a certain email on a certain date that would make him look bad but doesn't find it. Another possibility is the legislator (or whoever was reviewing the emails) saw messages in certain presidents emails which weren't included in the emails provided by Bresciani. - Legislator asks university system office if Bresciani emails were deleted. - University system office IT says they can see 4 GB of data was deleted in the 2 weeks leading up to the open records request, but they can no longer see what that 4GB is because it was deleted more than 2 weeks ago so it has likely been purged from the system. - University system lawyer asks how many emails could be contained in 4GB of data. IT people tell her up to 45000 emails (but depending on size and attachments, should be far less). - University system lawyer isn't smart and tells legislator and media that Bresciani deleted 45,000 emails when the number is likely far smaller. Media jump on this and add their own slant and errors to the story (45000 deleted in 1 day rather than over a 2 week period) in addition to the errors made by the system office lawyer. - IT people tell lawyer she misstated the number of emails and it would be more accurate for her to say 4 gigs of data, but she's too proud/afraid to admit a mistake to the media, especially after the story has blown up. - A story that shouldn't be that big (Bresciani deletes a couple hundred emails over a 2-week period which may or may not have been related to an open records request filed after the emails were deleted) becomes very large (Bresciani intentionally deletes 45000 emails in a single sitting to avoid open records request!). - Bresciani, like a rat backed into a corner, fights back and tries to deflect and turn the story into "The University System Office, under the evil Chancellor Hamid "Osama" Shirvani, has hacked my emails in an attempt to undermine my management of the great ND State!!" This leads me to believe something was probably contained in those emails which were deleted and Bresciani doesn't want people to dig any deeper. So there's my stab at what may have happened. Chances are 70% of what I said is incorrect, but hey, this is a sports message board talking political assassinations and conspiracies so flame away. Often times in these situations, there are sprinklings of truth which are covered up by a bunch of exaggerations and outright lies.
  16. Buy on the defense being better. I don't know how they could be worse.
  17. I'd guess Skarphol is behind the request.
  18. I could easily see where this is being blown out of proportion if it's even true that emails were deleted. If there was an email chain of 20 emails, it's not uncommon for the first 19 to be deleted, as all the information would still be included in that 20th email. This is often done to save space and make things easier to follow. Also, the 45,000 number seems a bit far-fetched unless bresciani just deleted ALL of his emails.
  19. Were there really 2 Austin Roberts or was one of these an error?
  20. His second ring was lodged in the head of some guy he put in a coma, completely unprovoked
  21. Thousands as of 5 pm yesterday. They were still pretty disorganized at the site where they were putting all of them.
  22. That's similar to UND's!!! (if paying tuition on credit card)
  23. Either turn them into a bench for around the fire pit, anchor them on the deck, or anchor them to a wall in the man-cave/basement.
  24. They'd still be trying to play hockey in Alabama though.......
  25. http://forum.calgarypuck.com/showthread.php?t=128486 Calgary fan forum thread on Knight trade. Seems like most of them are happy with the move.
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