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Everything posted by UNDBIZ


    student fan bus

    I know there used to be buses that ran from campus to the Alerus for football games, I believe they still do and they're "free" for students (included in student fees). Basketball games are on campus so no bus for them. Not really sure what you're asking here.....
  2. Hmm, well larger end bleachers won't solve that one. One would have to assume fewer non-UND fans would be making the trip all the way to Grand Forks though as compared to tourneys in Montana and Utah.
  3. Time to build the second half of the parking garage at Columbia and University. Students, get ready for parking passes to triple in price again. Agreed. Hopefully UND could get larger bleachers for the ends of the court on short notice if seating is an issue. What is the typical attendance for the conference tourney?? Regardless, as others have stated, it would be a great problem to have if it happened. First things first though, lets take care of SUU this weekend and surprise some people in this year's BSC tourney.
  4. That loss still hurts to think about for me too. UND was far and away the best team in the NCAA that year..... would've beaten the ugly helmets 4 out of 5.
  5. You're correct, the state's portion of the property tax is quite small. However, in recent years the state has shown a willingness to "buy down" local property taxes using state funds. Unfortunately for property owners, this has in large part simply resulted in an increase in local government spending. I don't recall being one of the people who felt his gift was clean to begin with. I do believe he got the income tax deduction and the public goodwill that he was looking for though.
  6. The university system office doesn't have a CFO, they have a "vice chancellor for administrative affairs" who oversees the finance side of the office and she is still employed there. http://ndus.edu/system/staff/
  7. Thanks to the inclusion of corporate tax rates and the need to reduce property taxes. I believe the people of the state felt if income taxes were axed then property taxes wouldn't be addressed. Now we are still paying income taxes and property taxes still haven't been truly reduced.
  8. Professors aren't hired to teach, they're hired to bring in research grants.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. One of those universities is not like the others.....
  10. I'm guessing the Senate did this in preparation for the House choosing the lowest upgrade option. That way in negotiations they finish at the middle option again.
  11. Hotels will certainly be easier in dt Minneapolis than dt St Paul too. One thing I liked about dt St Paul though is several of the bars there actually had a hockey focus, whereas the dt Minneapolis bars are just like bars everwhere else.
  12. Not hurt/injure..... just inflict pain
  13. Hmm, I'd guess maybe 0.5% of the fans going to the tournament would be willing to shell out an extra $100 to go watch the games of another conference tournament that their team isn't in.
  14. There's a reasonable explanation for this..... Jheria is your dad
  15. No. Sorry, but there are too many forces at work in North Dakota and the people don't trust centralized power. The "university system" idea won't work here. The system office should be scrapped and the money spent elsewhere. The campuses should have to fend for themselves during the legislative session so the legislators can hold them individually responsible rather than heaping blame on the system office for not catching a campus that was screwing around.
  16. How do the tiebreakers work for seeding? Just curious because you have NAU over UNC when UNC just beat them (I don't remember what happened in their first game).
  17. Got us into a dream FCS conference and created a new hockey conference with very high quality programs. He's done some pretty big things. Yes, we won't be in the same conference as the gophers and badgers anymore, but that wasn't due to anybody at UND. I believe Faison has done very well playing with the cards he's been dealt.
  18. It was stated earlier that if CBSSN has a doubleheader that UND isn't involved in, midco won't be able to broadcast the UND game even if its at home. Although I know there's nothing UND could do about it, I find that to be the most depressing thing too.
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