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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. Not sure if the shack has the same setup, but chair-style seating can be squished together a little. The Betty does it.
  2. They should make sure all pics are from this angle. As for the arena, it's certainly nicer than it was. Did they at least get nice padded leather seats with cherry wood armrests?
  3. At least they put some effort into making their ripped off logo look correct.
  4. I was curious about that too. Are these licensed merchandise or just some Chinese outfit's scam on ebay? The logo doesn't look noticeably off, if it's a fake.
  5. As for what UND should do, my opinion hasn't changed from this yet. Also, by cutting these sports we could cut at least 1, maybe 2 administrative staff. There's another $100,000-$200,000 per year.
  6. From Goon's World: http://ndgoon.blogspot.com/2016/10/no-womens-hockey-is-not-on-chopping.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FZTZqA+(Goon's+World) 1. Who on the national stage cares about women's hockey? Unless Schloss is considered the national stage now. To the SJWs, just point out that we also cut baseball, likely men's tennis, and eventually men's golf. 2. UND should be open and honest about how it puts most of the WIH money into WBB and VB. The men's sports you mentioned should also receive some of the money, and UND should be very public about how it has over-funded women's sports for over a decade and men's sports were also cut in this process. 3. Winning a women's hockey national title. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, did it make a sound? 4. Olympians. See #3 5. Don't we want the area's sons to have a place to play Division 1 baseball? I guess not. The girls can still go to Bemidji, Duluth, Mankato, and St. Cloud too. The team currently has just 1 player from ND and 2 from NW MN anyway (4 from Europe, 8 from Canada, 5 from the twin cities, & 5 randoms). I understand women's hockey is here to stay, but I'm still not convinced there's a valid reason why.
  7. Much more common to see people wearing jerseys at hockey games than football games, where t-shirts and polos are more popular. Not saying this explains the entire discrepancy (or even a majority of the difference), but I'm sure it plays a part.
  8. Believe it was under the Top 25 how they fared thread. It was actually limited to just a couple bison and jacks posters. More so me being frustrated that Cal Poly is immediately viewed as overrated rather than UND being viewed as a decent team. When a top MVFC team loses to a MVFC bottom-feeder, it's because the MVFC is so solid top to bottom. When a top MVFC team loses to a decent BSC team, it was a fluke game. When a top BSC team loses to a lower BSC team, it's because that top BSC team isn't actually any good or they were missing their fullback who would have completely changed the game. The mental gymnastics are annoying.
  9. Herald article said the plan is to cut 2 to get to 18, 17 if men's golf fails to raise enough $. Haven't seen any talk of the 16 minimum.
  10. I was actually curious when they last made it. The talk of them being a perennial top 10 is what made me wonder. Apparently top 10 isn't worth much if it doesn't even get you into the playoffs.
  11. Just curious, when did the women's hockey team last make the national tournament?
  12. Get the impression nothing is certain when it comes to Title 9, but that would be a reduction of 34 women's scholarships and just 5 men's, 10 if you include baseball. Would put us at about 95 men's scholarships and 75 women's, per 2015 scholarship numbers.
  13. Individually no, and eliminating all of them would likely cause Title 9 issues. Gotta remember moving out of the BSC is very possible.
  14. That's 12 sports. Leaves softball, soccer, M&W tennis, M&W golf, and M&W S&D.
  15. Well apparently it's been confirmed on AGS that UND would've given up huge rushing yards and lost had Protheroe been playing. I guess we got lucky. Knew I was foolish for thinking Poly's stats were based on scheme rather than the talent of a single individual. They were never good at running the ball before Protheroe.
  16. This poll is usually worse, but #10 Montana; #15 South Dakota State; #22 Cal Poly.....
  17. I'm coming around to accepting WIH isn't going anywhere, but I really hope they consider attributing a fair amount of REA expenses to the WIH program and cut other areas of the WIH budget by that amount in order to pay for it.
  18. Based on recent history with the baseball cut, the coaches won't know before most anyone else. So recruiting won't be much of an indicator.
  19. Compared to attendance at Memorial, things are still pretty good.
  20. We did have a really bad loss against Stony Brook though. We should be happy we're ranked at all after that debacle. I don't think any other team would be. For some reason I can't get the numbers 42-14 and 6 out of my head right now. Cal Poly lucky to be ranked at all too, all they've done is beat the #10 and #12 teams. Vaunted MVFC defense really shut down their run game but they got lucky is all.
  21. http://www.undsports.com/mediaPortal/player.dbml?SPSID=58684&SPID=6405&DB_LANG=C&DB_OEM_ID=13500
  22. Kevin McKinney Search results for bad mustache
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