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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. How can you not like this imagery?
  2. No, not saying "follow the lead of Hillsboro", only that it can be done and is not that difficult for most people to say. The designer on the logo forum is on a nice track. However, really like eric's Wolves idea. Owls, if a bird; Roughriders is good, Cavalry, Scouts, etc are also ok. Being of German blood, not fond or Norse. Fear that ROK will be more PC, like Spirit, Blizzard, etc.
  3. All of you who want inspiring and/or double meaning nicknames, remember who will have the final say in the nickname... Robert Kelly.
  4. I found a pitcher of green Kool-aid in the fridge this afternoon... The Sioux could possibly be 4 - 4 at the end of October. After Montana State and Montana, the Sioux face Southern Utah and Portland State. The defense could be stubborn enough to keep UND in those two games if only the offense can find some mojo. Also, if yesterday's defense shows up the next two games, there will not be a repeat of the blowouts of the last 2 years. Took another sip of the Kool-aid and Weber is after Eastern Washington, then Northern Arizona and Northern Colorado close out the year. If Rudolph can come up with blocking schemes that this O-Line can execute and efficient play calling, the Sioux's season is not lost. The Kool-aid tastes good. This defense can give the offense an opportunity to win 4 or even 5 games this year. I know some of you have strong opinions the other way about UND this year, but Coach Schweigert and Coach Schmidt have put together a solid defense that will not be blown out by SUU, PSU, WSU, UNC, and even this year's edition of NAU, who are still on UND's schedule this season. UND may not win pretty, but they could add a couple more. There is still hope.
  5. zonadub

    FBS games

    Great finish late last night... Arizona down 15 with 5 and a half minutes left. Scored 3 TDs. Great onside kick after the first TD. Had to go for 2 on the second TD to try tie the game and didn't get it. Looked like all was lost. Cal got the ball with just under 3 minutes to go in the game and a 2 pt lead. Long drive and missed the FG. Arizona got the ball back with less than a minute to go and won the game with a Hail Mary with 4 seconds left. True freshman Solomon was very impressive at qb.
  6. Aren't those sports available on the Big Sky/America One app for free?
  7. zonadub

    FBS games

    True MasterCard moment ... Priceless!
  8. Scariest part of this list ... It appears Kelly will make the final decision.
  9. Last year people were complaining about the musical chairs at qb. Now after 2 games (it started last week and even some after week 1), the chorus starts up. Whether you agree with Coach Schweigert, Coach Rudolph or the choice at qb, 3 games will not turn the Titanic around. Not convinced that this is the way to go (actually personally I do not), but It took years to put the Sioux football team in this position. On the other hand, gfhockey, are the good ol' boys happy with forcing their choice of Schweigert as the GC?
  10. Or maybe the defense scores twice... Just a thought.
  11. If only the Big Sky football schedule was after Christmas...
  12. One of the best suggestions lately. Can you get it through the Kelly group is the question. Can Eric be appointed to the Kelly group would be the answer.
  13. NDSU had a superstar back in the '80s. Went to Olympics, then pro. Tall redhead, think her name was Janet Cobb.
  14. Ugh! When will this foolishness end? UND, the first and best with school color field turf. The way it should be.
  15. And yet, this thread was started by a BiSon fan.
  16. They just have too much time on their hands watching the dog chase the sheep around the barnyard. BiSon trolls are everywhere. Don't even go to anygivensaturday.com or footballchampionshipsubdivision.com any more 'cause the BiSon trolls take over and ruin every thread. The only way to stop it is to not grant credentials to them with the access to post on threads. It gets tiring, especially when people like CAS come on SiouxSports and call Sioux fans arrogant. My hope is that people on other boards realize that NDSU posters are not representative of all North Dakotans.
  17. He goes on to say "NMSU/Idaho could have a better situation by then."
  18. Works on safari on iPad, iPhone and also iPod
  19. Like your choice of shirts, Coach.
  20. We/you may not think RHHIT or the pc crowd must give their approval, but Kelly and his committee probably do.
  21. USD was a Summit member for what, 2 years, before they got an invitation to the MVFC? And only then to stop the Coyotes from joining UND in the Big Sky? The Great West was dead. The MVFC showed no sign of admitting UND or USD at the time. Vivitero commented that USD was admitted BECAUSE when UND was admitted to the Big Sky, they decided they could invite USD without having to invite North Dakota at the same time (and the unspoken reason was to keep the Big Sky out of the MVFC footprint). The Summit without a football conference would have been a worse death for UND football than two more years of Mussman. On top of that, Douple was not supportive and still has shown no reason to be trusted. The Summit could become NCC 2.0 -NDSU, USD, SDSU, UNO (before they dropped football) if they were able to entice UND and threaten to break off from the MVFC and form their own Summit football conference. UND would be the fifth school, and then adding someone like Northern Colorado or getting, for example, Minnesota State Mankato, St Cloud or Minnesota Duluth to move up would give the Summit the sixth member to form a conference, but that does not seem to be Douple's vision either, if he has a vision of the future which at this time seems doubtful. He seems to be more reactive than proactive, while Fullerton has vision and knows where he wants the Big Sky to be positioned when the Power 5 make their move and is preparing the Big Sky for that eventuality. Whether you agree with SiouxVolley's analysis or not, the Big Sky will not be caught flat-footed when this realignment happens. And it certainly appears that it is much more likely to happen than not. Personally I would have liked to see certain schools come together and join Idaho and New Mexico State a couple of years ago, but the timing was not right. I think a conference of those two along with the Montana's, Dakotas, Idaho St, Eastern Washington, maybe even Northern Colorado, Northern Iowa, Weber and Wyoming (but know they would not be interested) along with maybe Denver and Seattle for non-football sports would have been great. In reality, the South Dakota's are going nowhere -they have such a sweet deal with the Summit bb tournament. Wyoming is not leaving the MW, UNI will not leave the MVC, and too many of the Big Sky schools were not ready to make the transition, including UND. I believe a very telling fact of what is going to happen in the next few years is Idaho including in their conference affiliation contract that they can refuse entry into the Big Sky if Montana, Montana State or NORTH DAKOTA is no longer a member of the Big Sky. That is a huge endorsement of a school that has been a member of a 50 year old conference for only two years. I think it is more than amazing that UND was one of 3 schools in a 13 member conference to be specifically named as an integral member of the conference. I don't know if SiouxVolley has some kind of earpiece or if he has a prediction with no basis whatsoever, but his posts have insight into things going on that the rest of us do not. Maybe NDSU is not getting ready to ask the Big Sky for affiliation, as SiouxVolley says. I don't think the football games are any sign of the Bison wanting to make nicey-nice with UND or the Big Sky. If that was the case, it would have been a home and home. It more probably was a product of having more-or-less saved the 2015 date in the calendar until it is almost too late and Faison and Schweigert calling Taylor's bluff while NDSU was in transition. I think UND had more leverage than they used and could have pushed more for a more equitable contract, but there might be a method to UND's madness. After watching the games this past weekend, NDSU is still way ahead of UND on the field, and probably will be in 2015. However, this game gets UND in the door, so to speak, and sets the stage for 2019. Maybe Schweigert feels that even if UND gets beat in 2015 that the exposure will give him the recruiting leverage to beat the Bison by 2019. He appears to be able to win some of the recruiting battles now and there is the allure of being on the team that changes the status quo of perception of the region's fans. If he can go into the living rooms of potential recruits in 2016, 17 and 18 and sell those kids on being the team that dethrones the Bison it can change UND's football landscape considerably. He was on the staff when football and hockey won national championships in consecutive years, so he knows UND can be a football power while remaining a premier hockey school. Sorry, I hate long posts, and now this one has gotten out of hand and I don't know where to stop, so I will stop here.
  22. zonadub

    SJSU Game Thread

    Did not mean to single you out, Irish. In fact, I have agreed with most of what you have posted over the past year and more. My 'wild optimism' was that the Sioux would cover the spread. Silly me, but that was my optimism. It's just that your post seemed unduly harsh after UND was beaten, rather severely I would agree, by a team that should have beat them. I'm still not convinced that Schweigert is a better choice than DeBoer, Pflugrad, or a couple of other options that UND had last winter, but Bubba was the choice, and he, his staff and the team deserve a chance to play a few games, if not a season, before people jump on the negative side of things. Irish, i think you are willing to be a voice of reason, even if it is a post that people don't want to hear and I appreciate that.
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