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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. If masks work, why release the prisoners? Why not give them masks? oh yeah... to make room to incarcerate the non-mask-wearers
  2. Isn’t Gene Taylor the AD at K State? I don’t trust him to do anything positive when it comes to UND.
  3. Nah... that just makes too much sense.
  4. The more I think about this, considering how Latin American MLB is, shouldn’t one be Hispanic, not black?
  5. Wouldn’t you expect the coach to think positively and look toward the future. If she is successful and gets the extension, she would want to have already developed relationships with athletes that will be sought after by the competition. She should plan for success, don’t you think?
  6. So if positive antibody testing means the same person is counted several times, how will the number of positive tests ever go down?
  7. Well, if they don’t know Biden after 40+ years in public office, that is really sad.
  8. If all Power 5 conferences do this, what does it do to the independents? U Mass, New Mexico State, Liberty, and ultimately Notre Dame? Does Notre Dame go with an all ACC schedule? They would not play traditional games with Navy, Stanford and Southern Cal, plus Arkansas and Wisconsin.
  9. Covid will always be a part of life going forward in one shape or form. With the understanding that not everyone agrees, but if you look at how the increase in Covid death almost perfectly reflects the decrease in flu deaths, the way the CDC is counting Covid makes it look more pervasive than I believe it is. Why do they have to shove a q-tip into your brain through the back of your nose (I know I am exaggerating) when it is supposed to be so easily transmitted. Here is my political statement and then I will go into the penalty box... Will Covid (as a news item) go away November 4th?
  10. No, it’s not the name...
  11. I think the Great Midwest Conference is offensive to some (many?/most?) at UND
  12. This is what we get when everyone gets a ribbon because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings
  13. Will there be a K-State game? https://apple.news/ArakxkO-TQt6dVeWTLihfhg KSU student tweeted, "Congratulations to George Floyd on being drug free for an entire month!" now the team refuses to play
  14. zonadub

    Buy or Sell

    This is on eBay... searched for North Dakota Football Jersey. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Nike-Men-s-North-Dakota-UND-Fighting-Sioux-NCAA-Football-Jersey-Medium-Black/353086281741?hash=item523595180d:g:emsAAOSwVn1eyz24 a green one https://www.ebay.com/itm/Colosseum-Football-Jersey-Shirt-MEDIUM-Mens-North-Dakota-Fighting-Hawks-1/363024652617?_trkparms=aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D225074%26meid%3D40cbcfe15058413bbc44ffb6b1351b4e%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dpf%26sd%3D353086281741%26itm%3D363024652617%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWebWithBBEV2bDemotion%26brand%3DColosseum+Athletics&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 There were a couple others, too. beware!! Mostly Bison stuff
  15. If that is the case, watch for St Thomas to move all the rest of their sports to the MVC too There would be enough schools for a Summit Football league, but doubt that will happen
  16. This is more relevant than how Jaxon’s parents spelled his name
  17. #4 seems very plausible. WIU is on pretty shaky footing with what’s going on in Illinois - state finance wise. Add the COVID-19 shutdown to that and their future could be in jeopardy.
  18. Lived in Bismarck for 4 years toward the end of the “controversy”. Worked with a Sioux lady and another who was married to a Sioux man. Neither of them thought the Sioux logo was disrespectful. The young Sioux in town often could be seen wearing the Brien logo, they obviously did not feel it was disrespectful. But, I did not meet Ron HNIThunder. I just think it is ‘interesting’ that the spearhead of the movement to remove the name and logo was a Chippewa.
  19. Logos on highway signs = good. Honors Native Americans logos on athletic uniforms = bad. Chippewa (L Jeanotte) feel disrespected
  20. I’m out of state too. Just remember something about that being posted before. thought it might be something other than coronavirus to talk about.
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