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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Initial impression is that Chaves is not Faison, so no
  2. It also does not clarify if the UND fans who prefer FBS want only NDSU to move to FBS or if they prefer both schools move to FBS
  3. Definitely a different philosophy than last several years
  4. Wow... talk about the level of insecurity of the trolls!
  5. The last 2 jobs I have held, both healthcare related, have paid by the hour and have paid for me to go on business trips (including meeting time, travel time, airfare, hotel, meals, etc). Just sayin’
  6. No. Academic scholarships do not get additional cost of attendance stipends.
  7. Boise St definitely has an inflated sense of self importance.
  8. This is why UND, NDSU, the Montana’s and the rest don’t go FBS. Plus, Special Teams Co-ordinator is not necessarily a step down.
  9. Bubba’s recruits always seem to have great potential. The question is can this staff help them develop that potential to the fullest? Starting with S&C ... all the way to stopping 3rd and long or finding intensity for a playoff game.
  10. Schweigert to the foundation? And Hoffner for head coach? i know, I know... the Hawks made it to the playoffs. Bubba is not going anywhere.. but seriously, get Hoffner before someone else does
  11. Thank you both for the clarification
  12. And the clock starts even if a student athlete is only practicing with the team (practice squad) and does not see any actual intercollegiate playing time? Even if a PWO, with no scholarship? didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night
  13. Didn’t the admission scandal at USC involve the women’s rowing team? Wasn’t that the “in” for Lori Laughlin’s and Felicity Huffman’s daughters?
  14. Maybe the narrative would be different if Ketteringham didn’t overthrow almost every deep pass he attempted
  15. Have to ‘set the stage’ like UND did with baseball. Seems to me that there are more men’s athletic opportunities being cut now in anticipation of cutting a women’s sport down the road (possibly sooner than later)
  16. zonadub

    2019 Season

    Bubba just doesn’t seem like a real high energy guy
  17. Here’s hoping General Armacost is more like President Clifford than any of his successors
  18. So who will be Bubba’s Idaho State in the MVFC? Missouri State or Western Illinois?
  19. Too much time left in Bubba’s contract. If he leaves (especially now), it will have to be his choice. Either retirement or moving into an ancillary (think fundraising and baby kissing) position. Chaves is just bound by what happened after Bubba was given the extension following the first playoff appearance, Big Sky co-championship and Coach of the Year. And, at the time, most, if not all, of the posters in this forum thought it was a good thing. ... At the time.
  20. If 52% of football revenues go to REA, then why aren’t the other athletes (all UND athletes) in that food program?
  21. Looks like Nicholls really knows how to tailgate (/sarcasm)
  22. Hanging around a tent is not the same thing as putting a glass to a door. That’s a dumber answer to my dumb question.
  23. I know this is a dumb question, but how is there sound-proofing of the tent so that Nicholls can’t eavesdrop on pre-game and halftime strategy between the coaches and the team.
  24. Has anyone done a search to find out how much Northern Iowa and/or Illinois State bid? It would seem that they should be UND’s most probable unseeded opponents. Or is it that UND was considered #8 or #9 in the unseeded field. That would translate into the second round game being at NDSU. Also, it would put the Hawks at about #16 or #17 in the entire field, which also seems about right. Just having a difficult time blaming Chaves on the bid amount. This is not his first rodeo and he would have had experience at EWU in submitting bids. The flip side of that is EWU probably only had to make the minimum bid, since they have been seeded most of the time. And, finally, why is Nichols even allowed to host playoff games? This is so much more egregious than having a Native American nickname. The locker room situation is apparently not a new development. No wonder they are undefeated at home.
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