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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. NCAA put that in any contract they made with UND? They got their pound of flesh from you guys, they dont care anymore.
  2. ....or bring back the original until someone explicitly forbids it.
  3. This. No point in creating a new trophy.
  4. It's small, even compared to the BSA which is small. I would imagine that's the "complaint."
  5. I personally enjoyed having the large group bathrooms. Never had to wait to shower or use the restroom. If I recall, they got cleaned daily or every other day too which was appreciated.
  6. I didnt whine about it AT ALL. I laughed about it, its beautiful. I never claimed it was a big deal either, but it sure makes a really good avatar for my boy vmeister.
  7. I mentioned seeing it on my social media feed yes. What are you getting at there, sport?
  8. Whining about the sioux suck stuff makes one a loser. A guy wearing a shirt showing the current und logo teabagging a cartoon of the old one is amusing. An opposing team in high schools homecoming shirts said "shove it down their throats" and had a rather crude cartoon on it. None of us cried about it then, or four years later. A girl peeing outside in public is disgusting, but idk what you want the school to do about that. Shouldnt you be making sick burns with misspellings of bison...mentions of slipping...and getting some hype going about THE HAWKS NEST and whatever your goofy name for the Ralph is?
  9. I think it was a guard who wasnt lined up properly if I recall.
  10. Ironically enough...a lot of my UND friends on facebook were sharing that photo. I think the shame and embarrassment is far from universal. *I should amend that statement. I shouldnt say "a lot." I noticed it multiple times on my feed. That is not necessarily a lot.
  11. ....its beautiful. Thanks for being a good sport!
  12. If you have any sort of success in the Big 12, I think that would make you a pretty decent FBS program. Obviously NDSU is not FBS. But NDSU is certainly better than most FBS teams(lots of them aren't particularly good) lately. They'll play a few more of them over the next few years that will provide a different challenge than what they are used to seeing. That'll be interesting to see.
  13. When UND scored it looked like they were feeling pretty good about things and excited. They also didnt have a whole lot to get really amped about other than that.
  14. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
  15. This was blowout. Not the first team to get blown out in the dome. Wont be the last. It happens.
  16. If it's the hit I think it is, that was pretty soft. Modern football though I guess.
  17. Take it up with her then I guess?
  18. Well when you are an ag school in an ag state...yeah?
  19. 1. It is a big game. Against a local opponent most would consider a rival. 2. I think having another university so closely with a large number of alums within an hour drives prices up. 3. This goes back to 2, anytime you drop a few thousand more interested parties that wouldn't ordinarily be interested in a product into a pool of customers where supply is limited, that will drive prices up. ---------‐----- The point I have been driving at, is that ticket prices alone are not indicative of a rivalry game. If UND played U of Manitoba in Manitoba in hockey(let's assume it was a game worth watching), I would venture to guess ticket prices would rise as a result of a demand that outsized supply. That doesnt make it a rivalry game. NDSU/UND is certainly a rivalry game. Thats not my dispute. I'm 100% exclusively attacking a point that says "wow tickets are more expensive that usual, clearly it's a rivalry game." That statement is far too simplified.
  20. I was obviously wrong about Carson's ability to succeed. I was also super confident Brady Quinn was gonna tear up the NFL. Good thing I have no plans on making a living out of analyzing football eh? Awesome for him and NDSU. Free advertising every Sunday in the fall. I have an interest in North Dakota D1 sports in general. Of course I'll cheer for NDSU and against UND. This week was nearly equal to Christmas in my house as a child. Of course NDSU are my boys this week. I might even watch this week for a change. Lmao you can be reasonable and still get hype about a chance to beat on the "bad guys." Probably is NDSU folks driving it up. SDSU doesnt have super high ticket demand otherwise outside of maybe USD? I dont use ticket prices as the main indicator of a rivalry game. I couldnt tell you who the Queen 4/5 years I was in college. I knew one because she was my sister's friend and I recognized her on the jumbotron. Nowhere did I say it wasnt a rivalry, or NDSU fans didnt want to go. I said using ticket prices as your reason for it being a rivalry doesnt work.
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