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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Might be worth a shot, at this point you are probably running out of options.
  2. They'd still vote No. Think of the people you are dealing with.
  3. Like GeauxSioux said, it is fun to poke people. Especially on such a 'touchy' issue. Just because you challenge someone to do something doesn't mean they are going to do it. I don't exactly look at your post and say, "Aw Gee, better listen to him." If I challenge you to stay away for a week, will you? Probably not. I got surgery done. I'm confined to my house. Its the off-season. Other than playing solitaire, I don't really have a lot going on, might as well see what is going on. Ease up bro, I'd hate to see how irritable you get during the season. Btw, if your going to claim something is the 'best part', make sure it applies. What do me and other posters have to do with it? Both universities seem to be doing just fine. Now if you are referring to the fans, mostly people like Lakes will play the whole "moved on" card. The rest, not so much. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have interest in everything. Vote NO! SAVE THE SIOUX! IF YOU WON'T DO IT FOR ME, DO IT FOR DAVEK!
  4. I believe Gene said in an interview that he wanted to have a long-term plan in place before scheduling. I think what he meant was not just scheduling two games.
  5. I don't have more than one login. Though I got one or two banned last year . I am happy that those players won a lot of games. The reason I think those teams were exceptional isn't because of what they did in the Great West. I appreciated them for multiple FBS wins, and some other big wins...but mostly just not losing games. NDSU beating SUU, Poly, Davis, etc. weren't what I was pumped about those seasons. It was when they beat Ball St., Central Michigan, Georgia Southern, SHSU, and Minnesota. My "lack of awareness of the history" is comical? Sure it might be. 1992, guess who some of the great football teams were? Syracuse, Florida St., Washington, Notre Dame, Washington St., NC State., Colorado. 20 years later, none of them are overly relevant. Notre Dame and Florida St. can be good, but both are shadows of what they used to be. I'd say both are up the air. Though the QB situation would seem to be either fixed, or on its way to being fixed. Sure seems like GT has some pretty lofty standards...being the "arrogant team" is fine by me. We have two road OOC's scheduled in the next few years I believe, with Montana and Montana St. Someone just mad that I don't think NDSU should put you on the schedule yet? would it make you feel better if I said "NDSU"? Yeah, I have a lot of time on my hands. I got surgery last week. Do you get on people who agree with you for saying "we" as well?
  6. I said prove you are a good team. And then we will put you on the schedule. You are speculating that UND is going to be good in 2015. I'd rather see UND be a high-quality opponent before we put you on the schedule. You are seriously going to try and talk bad about the NDSU team that won all but one game? In one of the tougher conferences? Comparing them to the 2011 UND team is laughable. Yeah, NDSU beat SIU 9-3. SIU has a tough defense. Disappointed in the offense that game. YSU is a jekyl and hide team. We lost that game. They were better on that day. Guess what? We also dominated Lehigh and Georgia Southern. Beat JMU, and shut down SHSU. That is 3 of the best offenses in the nation. We also put up enough points on those games to win by 24, 28, 12, and 11 points. UND beat Cal-Davis 14-7 or something like that, how is that any different from winning 9-3? Spring Games are what they are....Spring Games. Scheduled them during our transition when we were doing whatever it took to get games. Played during the transition, and then once after. That was a different situation than the one we are facing right now. I haven't used money as a reason for NDSU not wanting to play. I have said in an earlier post that I trusted whoever did some math that it probably would amount to either a wash or a small loss/profit for NDSU. I have used one reason, and one reason only for the most part, accomplish some stuff in the Big Sky, and then I will be happy to hear NDSU agrees to a home-home.
  7. UND hasn't won a conference title in the FCS. Winning the Great West....hardly anything special. We thought it was a great thing too, Bison06 played on those teams I think, and is probably very proud of what they did, but using that as a barometer apparently doesn't really work, considering NDSU struggled in the first few seasons of MVFC play. It should also be noted, that those NDSU teams were exceptional and probably would have competed well in any conference in the FCS. That is where I am proud of those teams, not because they won a conference against other transitioning schools. I never once said it couldn't happen to NDSU, the fact that it happened to EWU was rather strange. They nearly beat UW and then proceeded to fall off the map until later in the season once the schedule got a little bit more reasonable. If UND really is a team built for the playoffs and is a team that won't take long to show that they are more along the lines of an NDSU rather than a UNC then why do you care if my scheduling philosophy is wait until you prove it? Surely that shouldn't be a major issue then to wait a couple of seasons before scheduling you guys? And once again, pointing to Division II trends doesn't necessarily work. Just because UND's last 15 years of Division II (got extremely watered down towards the end) were successful doesn't mean it will be an excellent team/program. It worked for NDSU, it failed badly for UNC. Why do you automatically assume you are going to be some world-beater of a team when you have very little to go on? I happen to think UND will at some point be towards the top of the BSC. I think most people assumed Northern Colorado would though too. Look at it this way, why would I want UND on my schedule right now, when A.) they looked bad against Drake, B.) they looked bad against Sioux Falls, C.) they got pounded into the ground by Idaho(awful FBS team), and D.) they nearly lost to Northern Colorado(winless in your new conference). I have said it once, I will say it again, show that you are worth giving up a home game for, and then we can talk about arranging something. I don't see what is unreasonable in that.
  8. Google maps says 4 hours 42 minutes.....Besides...its in Sioux Falls this year. besides, every Bison fan should make a pilgrimage to the building where "The Pitch" occurred. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnb1gnotLr8
  9. History doesn't necessarily matter. UNC was good at D-II, wen't D-I and now is awful. Then went D-I and fell flat on their face. By NDSU's standards, the last 10 years of D-II were not very successful, a move to D-I and all the sudden NDSU APPEARS to have "it" as of now. You make a good point however, on the EWU thing. EWU is typically towards the top of the heap in the Big Sky though aren't they? While right now, I do have the time on my hands to do that(had surgery recently), I would get wayyy too bored. Hence, I skimmed the new posts today, and didn't see that my post would add literally nothing to the discussion as that point of view was already represented. It sure is a privilege I'd say making the playoffs, winning playoff games. Knocking off Montana/Montana St.(both perhaps?) That seems reasonable.
  10. I'm with you 100% on that, but it would also be a shame if NDSU was going to give up a valuable home game to go on the road to play a team with nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I think of it this way, Notre Dame has Miami on the schedule this year, I remember a few years back when this was expected to be a great thing because Miami appeared to be resurfacing after about a 5-7 year hiatus. Now I look at that game on the schedule with very little excitement. When making schedules, in my opinion, it is important to schedule strong programs. Notre Dame did that, it just didn't work out. NDSU so far, has done a fine job with that. We had Georgia Southern on the schedule, they infamously bought it out, I believe Montana St. bought one out, but will be coming for a game in a couple years, Montana has been added to the schedule(who knows if they'll be any good now) as well. I like how we are doing things, doing a home-home with UND right now would be a big change-up from what has been the norm.
  11. UND hasn't earned a home-and-home. To earn that, I think UND needs to prove that they are on NDSU's level. I have said that multiple times. NDSU could potentially earn a little extra coin from what I am reading on here, I will assume you are right on that, the theory behind it made enough sense to me. UND and NDSU were peers once upon a time, UND controlled the rivalry for a very long time, then decided in the 60's to become relevant, about 20 years of good/great rivalry by the looks of it, then NDSU took control, then UND did. That was a different time. Since then, NDSU has established itself as a very good program at a new level of football. UND has not proven that they will be anything more than a new Northern Colorado, I personally do not think UND will be another UNC, but who knows right? NDSU's OOC schedule to most of us, is 2 home games, and an FBS game. If bringing in a big name like Montana, or Georgia Southern, or someone like that, requires us to go on the road as well, I think NDSU fans are fine with that, happy even. But wasting an OOC going on the road to Grand Forks, to play in a game against a team that RIGHT NOW, is not at NDSU's 'prestige' level, just seems like a dumb idea. The PR of playing the game, helps UND more in my opinion. UND football needs a spark right now. Attendence levels are bad. UND has had some less-than-stellar appearances against some less-than-spectacular competition. A bad loss to Sioux Falls, a wayyyyy too close game with Sioux Falls, getting pounded by Idaho last season, and maybe another couple bad losses for all I konw. NDSU football, is doing exceptionally well at the moment, like bison06 said. UND could get beat by 20 points in both games, and people would not be shocked. If they kept a game close, or won a game, it would give UND a huge boost, and really crush NDSU. NDSU's national championship run probably won over a lot of casual fans in North Dakota, and maybe some 'Sota folks too. Playing UND would not win NDSU any more fans, but it could certainly help UND out if they took NDSU down....which isa possibility, not a probability, I've witnessed weirder(is that a word?) things happen. Now, if and when UND proves themselves to be at a high level of FCS contention, I will be all for throwing a home-home on the schedule. But until then(for all we know, it could be a year or two, it could be five, it could be ten), I really have no interest in putting a game on the schedule. I want two high-level teams playing if NDSU is going to give up a home game to make it happen. I imagine that the teams are probably at a similar level....but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
  12. People like this give me hope! Save the Fighting Sioux! VOTE NO!
  13. Respectfully disagree. Winning that National Championship did wonders, Season ticket sales have went wayy up from what we are hearing. I'd imagine that the National Title has something to do with that. NDSU played football on ESPN 2, and in North Dakota, that is still a cool thing aroudn here. Would more TV's be tuned to the NDSU/UND game? I'd imagine so, but if NDSU won that game, it would not get the same accolades(sp?) that it did for winning the National Title. Accept the fact that playing the game benefits UND significantly more than it benefits NDSU. That is just how it is right now. Or we'd rather schedule home-home's with Montana, Montana State, and other teams that have actually proven something at this level.
  14. I don't think they let you enter a horse in the Kentucky derby after the race is already done. Sorry but no, Spirit Lake doesn't have a horse in it, and the courts are the ones who said it. It isn't hard to figure out. Why would they feel insulted? Because a school has been told keep the name or face sanctions and they said, "Well, this name isn't worth keeping." Sorry to the Sioux people that you aren't worth being named after if it means UND will probably suffer greatly as a result? When NDSU changed the name from Aggies to the Bison, did the farmers in North Dakota have a right to sue NDSU for no longer being named after them or to attempt to force them to keep the name? No. That is really childish, unnecessary, and uncalled for. Some people really just care about some nickname wayy too much and are willing to cling to any little reason to justify why keeping the name is a good idea. And as long as their are people out there like this who keep making this wayy too fun to watch...I will vote NO.
  15. If the school is not putting it somewhere where it can be appreciated.....and it isn't being played for, it belongs in a museum. People who went to a school tend have more of a connection to the team and the school that the team is playing for. You implied that putting the trophy shouldn't be in a museum because of the cost. That sounds ridiculous. There is no rule that you need to do anything special for a chunk of metal that probably isn't in perfect storage anyway. Heck, putting it in a glass case is probably greater than or equal to the treatment is receiving now. If it could receive professional treatment, that is great. If not, well I think it'll be ok. I have perfectly fine reading comprehension skills. Your just mad that I pointed out that the Nickel trophy doesn't need to be treated like King Tut's tomb. It is a trophy....made for a game between schools that are rivals. In 200 years people probably won't find it interesting anyway. God forbid that it get rusty or something. If it makes you feel better, you can insult my field of study, accounting/finance. My point: The trophy....if it isn't going to be played for anymore, belongs in a museum or other public government building, so that people who are looking at important North dakota things, can see it, rather than be in a place where a very small number of people can see it....where honestly, they probably don't have museum quality protection anyway. So WORST case scenario, you give it a spot on a wall in a public building. Next worse scenario, it is placed in a decent display case in a public building. Best case scenario, it is in a nice display case in a museum......and during tours, someone who already is being paid to give tours, shows the display of the Nickel trophy, and mentions some cool facts about it. I doubt anyone, especially 82SiouxGuy, can make a good argument against. There is nothing to lose in those scenarios. Noow if you believe the trophy is UND's property, I can understand, but it is a cool piece of history regardless of who you cheer for, and would be a nice piece to put into a museum.
  16. Ok, so you are saying, that you'd rather have it be hidden somewhere, rather than just putting it somewhere public where people can see it. No one says that you need to treat this trophy like it is some ancient Egyptian artifact. It is a big metal nickel that is like 75 years old. I think that it would get treated better in a public place (museum, capitol building, etc.) than it probably is now, unless the people taking care of it hired some museum preservation whatchamacallems to take care of it. It is probably sitting in some box or hung up on a wall or something. If it is just going to do that, you might as well just hang it up on a wall where people can see it. Anyone suggesting it should still be hidden is just being stupid.
  17. I am not asking that they do a perfect job preserving the dumb thing, I am not asking for a king tut exhibit. Just something simple that people can see. Who cares if dust gets on it? Who cares about UV protection? At least people would get to see it rather than hiding it where only a few people get to see it.
  18. I do not know how to make videos. And if I did, I would probably do a piss poor job and it wouldn't be funny. I just saw this on AGS I believe and thought since Measure 4 is a major topic of discussion, you guys might want to see it. I warned in the first post that a lot of it is stuff you might not enjoy, but the part simply about measure 4 raised some funny points. At least someone has a sense of humor.
  19. According to Lakes, we were when we beat Minnesota a few years back.
  20. Oh dear, you are seriously using cost as a reason that the Nickel shouldn't be in a museum? Who cares? All they'd have to do is put the trophy behind a glass case and have a sign for it describing the trophy's significance. Right now you sound stupid for claiming cost as a reason to not put it in a museum. The state has a boatload of money, I'm pretty sure we can afford to pay a few hundred bucks for a display case....we don't need a seperate room for it.
  21. Right now I am seeing 45 views. I hope some of you took the time to vote. It takes literally about one minute and it goes to a good cause.
  22. Alright guys, I know you all dislike me for the most part. Anyways, this small company does videos every week during the football season. He does a lot of FCS games and he does a pretty good job. Plus he is funny. I'm sure soon he will even start doing some of the UND games. Mods, feel free to move it, just put it here because this is a main page. His company gets a pretty solid prize if they win I think.
  23. Agree to disagree then. I have witnessed plenty of posts on here claiming that UND fans have moved on and do not care, and the same people probably are some of the same ones who attack NDSU people for claiming the rivalry is done. Other than some people such as Lakes, I do not know anyone particular who doesn't look at UND as a chief rival. The rivalry has went from a real honest one, to a pretty childish feud at this point though IMO.
  24. Warhawks sounds stupid because it is just two random words put together.
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