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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Up until the last 5-10 years. The Cleveland Browns had more victories in the rivalry with the Steelers. In that time, the Steelers had won 5 Super Bowls. When asked who was the superior team, I doubt many folks would say the Cleveland Browns. They just happened to have won more of the games. I see your point as well however.
  2. I can talk about the UND/NDSU stuff all day, won't deflect conversation. Just point out that some stats are misleading. Upon looking at the number of titles, one would assume NDSU has beaten UND more....but thats not true. Looking at the number of games won by UND, you'd imagine they have more conference titles. Not true. Bison06, the last one sure hurt. Hopefully the next one doesn't.
  3. wildcat. /sarcasm. dude was a joke.
  4. I kinda got it working now. I think it seems weird then that everyone in the top 10 is seniors. I think this is senior exclusive. Or just a senior dominated year.
  5. I could see that then. So many people leave early now that the elite ones rarely finish their eligibility it seems like.
  6. I was unable to open the site(at work). Does it have him at 28 out of 122 seniors or 28 out of 122 overall. Some of those rankings don't count the incoming juniors.
  7. NDSU had more NCC titles too though didn't they? Bless your heart. Thats precious.
  8. It pointed to the ultimate goal that any team sets out on a season with. And that while UND has been more successful in the games against SU, NDSU has done an exceptionally good job winning championships while UND...hasn't.
  9. I also made a factual statement. It pointed out UND's lack of relative success in the playoffs however Rocky is entitled to his opinion. I simply pointed out which school has won more National Championships.
  10. Didn't try to change the subject. Just said "9>1" as his statement was geared to throw a bit of a good natured insult NDSU's way, I threw one back. If a Minnesota Gopher fan game on here, I imagine if he pointed out they win more vs. UND, there would be plenty of people on here more than happy to point out UND's better success in the post-season.
  11. 9>1. I guess some schools base their success on games against one school while some just base their success on if they win the whole prize that year? If I recall, doesn't Minnesota have a commanding lead in hockey victories between the two schools yet I see a lot of UND fans say "7>5" It is always brought up when the two schools football teams are brought up. Trophy won't get used anymore probably, real sad deal.
  12. So are you going to count Nickel Games from 40+ years ago? or should it be 0-0?
  13. It was 21 years. Longest stretch of not winning one since NDSU started winning more. Mathematically, if they continue to only win every 21 years, I will probably still see 3 more. Sell on >4 .
  14. I remember that game. Both teams sucked. Embarassment of a Nickel Game.
  15. UND probably got brought into a thread. NDSU fans will be able to discuss that topic. I appreciate that you mention that NDSU is a big agriculture and...allied sciences? school. Is that supposed to be a slam or? Buy or Sell? UND averages 20 ppg against EWU, Montana, and Montana St.
  16. Someone is sensitive.
  17. One title in 100-some years.....mathematically speaking, you will probably be dead by the time UND wins another....hell the NCAA probably won't even be around by then!
  18. And then CU's program fell apart and now nobody really looks forward to playing them.
  19. i bring up the Herd generally after they have been brought into it.
  20. two 50+ field goals is a lot to count on. Seems to be a good kicker, but still. guess we'll see eh?
  21. You mean BisonDan? He is the only gung-ho person on here about trashing UND. I don't like UND. Never have, never will. I will always look at is as something idfferent, but you....always bring up this "we've moved on" thing, yet.....outside of a very select few, I hardly see anyone claim that. Maybe start basing your posts on what the majority is saying rather than what you actually choose to read. One of the few things I wil agree with geaux sioux on (outside of the inferior school comment, both are good schools, and most on bisonville are realistic.), Bison06 is the furthest from a troll i have seen on a board. I seem like Lakes compared to him.
  22. What have you been eating?
  23. You, CMSioux, are the only one who I ever hear claim this NDSU 'moved on' mentality. Everyone else seems to agree that we still keep tabs on UND, I see NDSU get brought up in threads up here. In fact, I see you mention NDSU morethan anyone else. The Dakota Marker is a trophy for two schools who abandoned D-II together. Both leaving their in-state rivals aside, and both are Land-Grant. Makes sense to play for something.
  24. My grass is A.) recently cut, and B.) mostly dead. thank God.
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