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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. 10 points is a pretty close game in basketball. Especially if one team is fouling(a concept I really hate, honestly wish they'd call intentional fouls more often) and the winning team is shooting a bunch of free throws late. Nah...too much fun. I agree on Marshall. Great guy to have on the post, I'm not a basketball mind at all but it seems like if a guy hits like 65% of his shots, you probably should feed him til the other team can stop it. Hope Alexander is ready for this one. SHOULD be best Herd team since the Woodside Administration.
  2. Just checked the last email sent/received from gene. Sent at 10:47 am. Reply at 11:04 am. Does a much better job staying on top of emails than I do....oofda.
  3. Thats odd, on the occasion I have emailed Mr. Taylor I have gotten a response back within an hour or so.
  4. One must only point to UND's record against said conference in previous season to counter his shot.
  5. So is the Summit a high-major or what then?
  6. Random info: USD 28 UNI 28 end of 4th. USD moved last years QB to WR it appears. No idea if this means UNI is falling apart this time of the year or if USD is becoming solid
  7. Not sugarcoating that debacle. That team was not good....but that team, at the very least, kept games competitive. UND has not done that thus far....other than ISU(bad team) and SDSU(No idea what to describe the team down in brookings as)
  8. Had enough in the 80's and early 2010's to make up for that. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you want to compare resume's with NDSU, it won't make you very happy. I don't remember any blowouts? That said, I expect UND to work its way into at least a top half Big Sky team at some point. The bad years make the good ones sweet. (obligatory nice comment)
  9. LOL the UND reign....cute. One title. I can multitask darell.
  10. Completely possible we lose in the playoffs. I try not to assume anything. Just hope we can bring home a 3rd chipper in a row here.
  11. Not SU's fault UND wasn't good enough to get there...and NDSU beat UND en route to the 8 seasons we played UND and won titles... By your logic, the gophs are a better hockey school than UND. Do you believe that as well?
  12. How does 10>1 sound? Always nice to see folks like you measure your success vs. NDSU rather than the country (obvious troll comment)
  13. Being a hockey school competing against football schools is a disadvantage. Does the accounting show this? I mean is UND spending less money regarding football vs. top FCS teams?
  14. Sadly, I don't know if any would go.. Like someone on Bisonville said a former player told them(Dunno if true or not) regarding the sometimes harsh Bison fans, "Better than playing somewhere where no one cares." Very surprised when I checked FCS scores and saw this game..
  15. For myself, non-revenue sports are just a bonus. When they are good, it can be kinda fun to go watch...when they suck, I don't really care. The one non-revenue sport I really want NDSU to succeed at is wrestling, and that is only because I wrestled in high school....btw, I imagine 500 being pretty generous.
  16. When in order to brag about beating local schools stoops to the non-revenue sports...you know things are not going well. Probably how conversations between Gopher fans and Buckeye fans go...
  17. Hope Plankers gets him up to Fargo....regardless of position. Important to land the kids from ND.
  18. Gus Bradley was never a head coach I don't think...
  19. Islanders. Don't know why.
  20. This is sad watching Dan Snyder get ripped apart. Nothing he says or does will be good enough. He pulls a study that says 90% don't mind him having that name for his team...they say 1000 isn't a large enough sample size...if it was a "Women's Rights" survey, and 1000 women were surveyed, and 501 of them were Pro-choice, they'd be screaming, "SEE, WOMEN SUPPORT FREEDOM OF CHOICE!!!!!!!!111!!!!11" Liberal agenda at its best.
  21. Nah, that said, that dude is a knucklehead in every sense of the word.
  22. Me and my boss did a 100 total points over/under bet. I got the under. Don't let me down UND defense.... Prediction EWU 63 UND 20
  23. and what if a minor is not a game suspension as far as team rules? What if it is a more internal punishment? (at NDSU or UND, doesn't matter to me) I'm sure they have something for it. Hey now! ditto
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