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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. So he is a stud amongst lesser players but not a stud amongst bigger, faster, better, older players. Does that make it a better place?
  2. So smack talk is ok in the handshake line but reacting to it is not? Got it... No wonder so many kids are messed up nowadays! With life lessons like this. Say what you want honey its ok, they can't hurt you for saying what you want...pffft...
  3. Good one...hahaha. What a joke!
  4. Did I miss something? What is going on here?
  5. Well it issssnt working, your sspell check that is!
  6. What was that noise? Did someone just fart in here?
  7. Bingo! But the argument here is who started it, the guy flapping His lips or the guy who responded to the flapping? Mariucci just doesn't get it, its funny how he just dances around the fact the Finley was reacting to what wheeler said!Does that justify Finley, no, but does it make wheeler the poor innocent victim, absolutely NOT!
  8. START? This worries me about you, do you really believe their reaction in the hand shake line was the start of it? Come on, even you can't be that naive... Can you?
  9. Gee I wonder why he attacked? Durrr!
  10. It only took one weekend to create good recruiting.....right? Lol
  11. Well everyone was getting excited how the first half ended, right? This is the first weekend of hockey since!You tell me...?
  12. Really! Like reading a bunch of silver spoon fed pansies who have never had things NOT go exactly as planned...relax! Now this weekend is going to affect recruiting? My God!
  13. Or did they get the rust out? The pharmaceuticals must love this website!
  14. Only the goofs can lose one game and be in the championship game, but a team that didn't lose any games and beat Mn doesn't play in the championship game! Now that's laughable...
  15. Been waiting for Mariucci (?) To stop by and say how laughable your comment is...lol
  16. And then said your source said they screwed up and didn't hire the right coach, then after they hired the coach you said they were and then said they weren't. You said it all happened because of your reverse psychology... OMG get lost! The only shots you call are at the bar...good place for you!
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