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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Well....as he has stated many times he is REA ticket holder also! So genius if you work in western ND but come back to GF on your days off and come to GF for all Sioux home games, how much money are you really making than? You see he got into a who makes more money thing to one of my comments. So when my question isn't addressed to YOU how about you never mind? You got it now?
  2. How can you be a "gf resident" if you're an "oil guy roughneck" I have to say even though Mafia is getting pounced on for his defense of Hak and this team, I couldn't agree more with him.
  3. Buy a HDMI cord and watch it on TV.
  4. Lol, yes I get that....now. Wish I could take it back. Hopefully he forgives me..
  5. Oh sorry, not used to being called young at 45, but I understand what you meant now. I suppose that should make me happy...lol
  6. At 45? Ok. I was wondering how long it took for someone to go all dyckhead on my question.
  7. I don't doubt that, I bet UND went to that type of alum and asked for help. I'm not talking about multi-millionaire alums, because their money is their main strength. I'm talking average Joe alums that speak as if they have or should have power.
  8. I always chuckle when people think "alums" have any kind of power to pick or fire coaches. Like on this site (some) alums think they should pick the new nickname for the Sioux! The only thing alums can do is say they are an alum... Alums have the same power non-alums have...none.
  9. Question for someone that knows. What does Herb Brooks have to do with SCSU? There is so much talk lately about him and SCSU but I thought he was with the goofs as a player and coach. I googled his bio and it says nothing about them except the arena being named after him. Thanks...
  10. Wow, its just like story time when you write...lmao! Please mommy tell another one... I wish I lived in wonderland.
  11. CBSSN is not available from Paul Bunyan cable in the Bemidji area at the cabin. Fox or FSSN was always on there.
  12. Hope he is! When these things happen sometime in the schedule other than the first 7 games, I may panic with you, until that happens, relax, its early...
  13. I have read so many different threads in the last hour to catch up from not reading this weekend, and your doom and gloom is in everyone of them! How about you go away and let the adults keep chatting?
  14. Here we go..........undefeated run starts tonight! 10 game winning streak, you read it here first!
  15. When I turn on the NHL it is either Pittsburgh or Boston playing! Please.. Its like watching baseball with the Yankees or the braves...
  16. I read his blog full of f-bombs and no respect for anyone, he is a big time jerk off!!
  17. Then they must not travel the same far distance by bus, or he is just attacking UND when they do the same as the most profitable college hockey team...but he attacks only UND.
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