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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Not sure where I read it, could have been this board. Either way that is why I bought it, for away games. So they are selling the package for home games to people that don't live here? Ok?
  2. Wow if team USA and the Sioux could get you as a coach all our problems would be solved and we wouldn't have to read your garbage!
  3. If you read waaay back in this thread it has been brought up. It was advertised that it is Nuelion and all schools use nuelion so it should be seen home and away! The away games is the reason I bought it, because if that advertising! So I feel dooped finding out that I have to pay again to watch this weekends game. I said nothing about quality, just the extra payment!
  4. Just because it is exhibition? Aren't all away games out of their control? That's what I bought it for since I have season tickets for home games!
  5. Hard to say after $80 fee for web and $10 fee for an Android.
  6. So what your saying is, the fee we paid for UNDINSIDER means nothing this weekend? Say it ain't so!!
  7. How do you even dare write this? What a joke.
  8. How many times have you stated findings from your source and you are wrong? Answer-----100% of the time. Your good ole boy network is a joke!
  9. Ethanol is on its way out. Make way for butanol. Which has the same horsepower produced as gas. As an avid snowmobiler I am excited about that.
  10. Ok thanks, if you can't you can't. But at least you tried. Let me know.
  11. Thanks Mafia, one question though... There is no space in my moniker like you have here I hope? BIG SKY--NO. BIGSKY---YES?
  12. Nice writing! Couldn't agree with you more! The only thing that frustrates me on this thread is how could anyone trust that someone would come in here and do better than what Hak has done. To want him replaced because he hasn't won that ONE game, but has won many others that other big name schools haven't! Just seems ridiculous to me!
  13. Welcome to parity! TH was talking with someone about parity in college hockey last night. This talking head from ESPN said nowadays many teams are one shift one lucky beak from winning a championship. No team has more talent than others, like before did. ( don't say the Sioux have 15 draft choices either, they are predicted to be good, he was talking the caliper of moving on and making millions type players). So your pipe dream of winning within 5-6 years is just that, a pipe dream. Thankfully UND doesn't handle their coaches the way some on ss.com wants to! We would be a mess!
  14. So fighting legally to try and keep what you love is "snubbing"? Again.......Please!
  15. Does anything other than vomit come out of your mouth?
  16. OMG, do you and smokey do this routine on every topic?
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^THIS! All you head hunters!
  18. Hahaha...I'm just glad you and smokey are here to keep that team and coach inline.. Its for bucks. You can't even sit in a cab for $4. Seems like an error to me. Like said earlier "too much speculation to judge". So that's why I said please! So again.....please!
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