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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. I remember the day nobody could refer to the team as Fighting Sioux anymore. The announcer stumbled on his words, almost saying it several times. Leaving the game and listening to TH on 96 while driving home stumbling on his words trying not to say Sioux! Now everyone is in denial, including me. They are the Sioux, dammit! The players comment on twitter, they hash tag Sioux. The players interviewed for Through these doors and etc... They say "fighting Sioux". The players huddle around the goalie at the start of the game, they break by saying "Sioux"! Maybe they, we, everyone needs to let go? Pay money, have a team of lawyers work for it, or just plain lobby to get the name back! Or just let it go. They have not been the same since that day! At least in my opinion they haven't. The only thing I want more than them warriors to be called the fighting Sioux is....to play as a team like they used to, to be feared like they used to be. To have coaches from the opponents team say "if we can weather the storm here in the first period we have a chance to win" It just hasn't been the same team since that day.
  2. Different team tonight. Looks like both teams switched jersey's.
  3. What does this mean, he would have had the same records as Hak does now if he didn't have the pressure of being the AD besides coaching? Are you really trying to say Gino and Hak are comparable and Hak should be replaced because he is "just like Gino was before he was fired" with this complaint? Or am I reading you wrong? Wow some on here are searching!
  4. Wow, this is ugly! Happy Thanksgiving everyone and I can say on this day I'am thankful for coach Hakstol.
  5. If you buy the undinsider, Like I did for $79 I believe. You still have to buy an app to watch on my Droid the stuff I already paid $79 to watch? Am I doing this correct?
  6. Yes, seen it a couple times. What does that have to do with knowing they didn't go back to their college team after it was over?
  7. You beat me two it. Also according to Schloss, the Sioux turned it around turkey day weekend, let go boys! Go Sioux!
  8. Nowhere on here does it say the games were played Feb 22nd 1980? 1980 NCAA Tournament FIRST ROUND March 22 SEMIFINALS March 27-28 CHAMPIONSHIP March 29 NATIONAL CHAMPION 1-Cornell 2-Minnesota Northern Mich., 5-4 Minneapolis Northern Mich., 4-3 3-Northern Mich. Frozen Four North Dakota, 5-2 Providence, RI 1-North Dakota North Dakota, 4-1 2-Dartmouth THIRD PLACE Dartmouth, 8-4
  9. Do you guys ever here the announcers talk about Hak before almost every away game? I think UND would be a laughing stalk if they fired Hak for what people are complaining about on here. Besides it looking ridiculous, it would be ridiculous! I think they turned a corner last night, looked like a better team to me! But I suppose I wear green glasses..
  10. Don't know what anyone thinks but I say the Sioux look good, look hungry, could be a turning point? Scared a little about goal tending still, but feel better about the rest..
  11. Everything in my mouth came out my nose reading this...thanks for that! But that is funny.
  12. Hahaha...tell you what, I'm not going to argue about the holes in gfhockeys comments with you. You can have him, YOU WIN! Besides, you deserve it...
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