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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. LMAO.. I wouldn't expect anything different from your tiny mind.
  2. bigskyvikes


    I have two of these, I will sell them both to you for half that. I got em from my kids being captain of the game...lol
  3. Your sarcasm doesn't qualify as not.
  4. But you're comparing a coach that struggled for w's. That is not what people are complaining about on here about Hak. You're comparing a coach who hasn't won the big one to a coach who couldn't win.
  5. Talk about bad analogies, if Hak keeps making it to the show but doesn't win the big one, the arena will not be half empty and Hak wont be fired. If it did I would be embarrassed to be part of that fan base. I would be one of the half full arena fans at every game still!
  6. I understand. I have been a Vikings fan for many years.
  7. You are so full if crap! You have been bragging for months that you make $100k. Usually with degenerates like you that means $55k. Now you say that you actually make close to $200k. You are like listening to a 12 year old. What next from you...
  8. My word....why do you follow this horrible team? You should help yourself to following the....hey goofers. They won't let you down.
  9. Dream on. You can think that all you want, but it is like us voting controls the country. Silly... If attendance was still high and the football team was doing what it was, which showed a problem in leadership. He would have still got fired. The vikings were sold out for the last many years and they just fired their coach? Which three years prior they were selling out and that coach got fired also. Results control your job not the fans and not the alumni.
  10. No matter how much lost hope on here there is, this statement above can still happen! Well said Mafia Man.
  11. Yes you're right. But the season is not over ....yet. With all this doom and gloom on here, all I think about is Yale. That makes me have hope. It is far from over.
  12. So the only exceptable way to improve is to go undefeated... Not 10-2-1 Got it!
  13. So if not to suggest firing Hak here, what are you suggesting to fix the situation? "If they don't make the NCAA tourney" I usually agree with most that you post but these comments are getting old to read when the team is what.......10-2-1 in the last 13? Just saying...
  14. So fire hak if the fan base wants more? This team is ran by the fan base? Thank God that isn't true!
  15. I was at that one also, yes outstanding game! We were talking about that last night and we wondered if Sioux fans got that victory out of Holy Cross? The place was electric!
  16. You must be the moron sitting behind me Friday night? Quotes I heard... "Brock Nelson is a terrible hockey player" "Zach Parise is overrated" "We need Blais back, Hak is awful" I wish the best of the best people like you would join the team to save it! PLEASE!
  17. Everyone knows what you write is worthless, bbut ccan yyou sstop uusing ttwo lletters aat tthe sstart oof yyour wwords?
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