Uninformed is what I would call you. Like I have said in a recent forum you might want to stick to maligning the Bison because your stats are flawed, wrong and inaccurate. I remember all the gloom and doom when Minnesota passed their concealed to carry laws, there were all of these people saying there was going to be wanton violence, mayhem and shoot outs in the street didn't happen. First off to get a conceal to carry permit you have to pass a extensive back ground check and a class. Also, guns don't walk down the street and kill people. The fact that more people are killed by cars than by fire arms. Criminal morons usually with stolen or illegally obtained firearms kill people.
In review: The second amendment guarantees me the right to bear arms and that right should not be infringed upon. Uniformed people is the reason I spend 35.00 a year to the NRA.