It called sarcasm, ok go fly a kite then .
You were needlessly hacking on JPAR for what? The kid had a tough season that included an injury.
I would almost say your were belittling him, how do you know how many offers he had? You behind the scenes? We went through that already back when everyone said the only reason he was at UND was because he was Zach's brother, when in fact he ended up being one of the better goalies in the WCHA. Then you go commenting about how JPAR isn't ever going to make it from the Europe to the NHL, how the hell do you know. What if he does? You are right now many have probably gone from Austria to the AHL but how do you know it isn't a laterial step from the AHL?
I never said i was a hockey authority. You are the one that is acting like an authority. I simply called you on it.