It isn't being overly sensative it called taking every argument and arguing the extreme of it to silly. I don't mind having a informed debate.
Trust me I am happy a certain member isn't a hunter. However, it goes back to protecting a sport and that is the reason I spend money on Pheasants forever, Ducks Unlimited and the NRA. There are enough negative forces out there attacking hunting.
Nope; John Mcain he is the best of the worst. I think this years presidential candidates are horrible at best.
They keep getting worse and worse with each election cycle. This years presidential campaign is a testimate
to this.
While I should not respond to you; I am lifting my ban on responding to you for one more answer: Then you're on a permanent ignore. I don't mind taking crap from people that know what they are talking about but the stuff you come up with is down right silly and ridiculous.
I don't care if people like Fetch, Sprig others et el (about 99% of Sioux sports members can) give me crap because they actually understand the sport. You have shown nothing but disdain and disrespect for sportsman and for hunting. Like I said please stick to something you know, sportsmans like me are happy we aren't tripping over in you in the field. There is a God.
Lastly: If I listen to music it is ussually xm-41 (aka hard rock hair band) so that argument is silly as well...
If I told you what I really thought I would be supsended from the site for a week.
So actually I could care less what you think. I am thinking
you're going back to being ignored again. So go ahead get the last word as ussual.
This is also the last time I am going to engage DaveK (reoccuring theme here on Sioux sports) on this subject as well. As many hunters know hunting is under attack from the ill informed, i.e forces like PETA, Fringe anti hunting groups and people that are ill informed that don't have a clue what they are talking about when they attack hunting and hunters. These forces have tried to marginalize hunting and hunters and paint them as a bunch of hill billies and knuckle draggers or blood thirsty people... Hunters help cull the herd and are good for conseravation.
Redwing_77 I dunno, that is pretty close.
I always loved how the FSN lead by Rug tried to paint Briggs a a good goalie. The guy folded like a cheap tent in pressure games.
The only reason Briggs played so much is that had no one else.
I always said you can't bring up sieves without mentioning Briggs.
If some one is really interesting in political blogs PM or email me and I will get you pointed in the right direction.
Talking points memo or this one hot air
Town Hall there are lots more if you look for them. I will link a few more but I have
to go out and walk Dakota.
If you want to get into political debates is a good place to go.
I visit it from time to time and there are links to other good sites as well...
Kellen Briggs was god awful and I wouldn't trade ANY of the last 3-4 fighting Sioux goaltenders for him. I always loved how the media in Minneapolis tried to paint Briggs as a great goaltender.
(Brandt, Lammy, Parise, heck even Sievebida)
There is still a waiting list to get tickets we tried last season and this year we wanted to change our tickets and were told we really couldn't do it. We would have to wait in line.