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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. Looks like hockeys is catching on in Chi-Town http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNn3k1KfOrs&sns=fb
  2. What's with the Hawks and all the needless penalties, it's like they're trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
  3. It'll be close to Memorial stadium but it wont overlap it, they still need memorial for outdoor practices and eventually a new on campus stadium (God willing).
  4. They're always trying to push authorizing a certain dollar amount on me before I get the estimate, that just seems really shady to me. I'm not looking for a handout, just a fair shake. I'll definitely call around to some of the recommendations you guys have made. Much appreciated!
  5. I wonder how bad the Spring practices will affect game day performances next season? Hopefully, it won't be to significant. I think that it's the plan B part of the IPF that's going to be most attractive to prospective recruits. Don't get me wrong an indoor practice field and track is huge, but I think what most athletes want to see is the weight rooms and locker rooms. I hope they go all out on those.
  6. I made the mistake of taking my vehicle into Rydell to have it worked on. This is the second occasion in which the price they quoted me was no where close to the price out the door( and there were no unforeseen complications that needed additional funding to fix). Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice..... Can anybody in the Grand Forks area recommend a good auto shop that does honest and reliable work at a fair price?
  7. That'll be a big game for sure. Lot of pride from both sides riding on that matchup.
  8. Just saw this on FB: University of North Dakota Football More scheduling news on the way this afternoon! #GoUND Any idea who it might be?
  9. I agree, last place is totally unacceptable and I'm sure Faison and his coaching staff knows that. The IPF will be huge in terms of recruiting the types of athletes we need to be relevant in Div. 1. I understand that UND (especially the old guard) have a long rivalry with the folks down south, but here we are talking about the progress of our new IPF and NDSU gets brought up. This unfortunately happens in a lot of our threads. Can we not start some beef with Montana or Montana State, or even Idaho instead? These are successful programs (Idaho not so much) within our conference that we should be targeting and getting a rivalry going with. Big things are coming both athletically and academically for UND.
  10. Christ Almighty! Is everything a D*ck measuring contest between us and a school we don't play anymore? Who cares? Our school is getting some major upgrades and everything is on a huge upswing, can we stop poking the trolls down south yet?
  11. Actually, most of the Chinese aviation students at UND are here as a part of the Air China Airline program. I believe this advertisement is trying to recruit students for the chemical engineering, computer science, and business school.
  12. Any pics of what they look like?
  13. How embarrassing, I couldn't imagine acting like a 30-40 year old high school kid. Did he tell you to meet him on the playground during recess?
  14. Are you serious??? Who does that? Doesn't this constitute as cyber bullying? I would contact the authorities and make an example of this person.
  15. Which means means that the BSC will most likely remain FCS indefinitely. Many schools in the conference couldn't afford the expense of jumping to FBS. I wonder if some schools are having back room discussions about joining an existing FBS conference or possibly forming a new one down the road?
  16. Maybe for a single ticket, but were talking 100 plus gear. That adds up! But it's totally worth it! Hope one day we'll be scheduling FCS teams as a FBS program!
  17. Unfortunately, it will not be Minnesota, Nebraska , or Wisconsin as they have a ban against scheduling FCS schools for football.
  18. That actually makes a lot of sense. It'll make selling tickets to their fans a little easier if they're familiar with the school.
  19. That's an excellent point, If we don't choose one, one will be chosen for us. Not sure how I feel about that.
  20. The same thing is happening at the Sioux Shop at the Ralph. Although there is still quite a bit of Sioux logo merchandise, it's quickly being overran by UND apparel. I personally except that the Sioux logo is gone and it's time to move on, but I absolutely hate how boring and unoriginal the new UND stuff is. We need to hurry up and pick a new identity (I realize we can't) that we can all be proud of and start the rebranding process ASAP. The interlocking ND looked fine when accompanied by the Sioux logo, but as a stand alone logo it just looks like were ripping off Notre Dame.
  21. Can anyone explain this statement from Faison? Is it weather related? “This spring is the absolute example of why this facility is necessary.
  22. Honestly, it doesn't matter if they keep it or change it. UND shouldn't take into consideration the nickname of a neighboring high school in my opinion.
  23. I'm sure after what UND's been through, they'll opt to play it safe and stray away from any nickname that could potentially be taken out of context and offend someone. Smart money says it'll be the Rough Riders, which has close ties to the military.
  24. Why stop here? Lets keep going till we hit $500 million and beyond! I'd like to thank everyone who donated or worked on this campaign, you guys went above and beyond the call of duty for your university!
  25. Outlaws, Roughnecks, or Rough Riders are my favorites. With that said the administration will probably pick something that 50 other schools are using.
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