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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. I agree with you 100%, but get ready for all the "you are living in the past" accusations. Sometimes things need to be called out for what they are, whether it's popular to do so or not. Well done, Irish.
  2. You mean "improper student behavior" like yelling at opposing players in the penalty box too loud? Or being too loud so that all the corporate schmoozing is interrupted? Or.....I better get off this topic before I get worked up about it again. FWIW, I agree with your comments.
  3. I graduated in August 2000 (but still managed to sneak into the student section during the final season in the Old REA ) and the passion and commitment to the team from the student body is nowhere near what it once was. I think the fact that more students work while they go to school is part of it. There also are more distractions for students than there was in the 1990's and 2000's. Social media sucks up a lot of young people's time; too much if you ask me. I don't know how collegiate sports can compete with all that.
  4. I don't have a problem with this action by REA. It is just unfortunate that students are going to fewer games than they used to. The die-hard fans from my day (the 1990's) would need to be hospitalized to miss a game. I even went to a game with food poisoning once!
  5. And how many Big Sky programs have Lax and Skiing?
  6. FB is underway. WH is underway. MH starts for real on Friday. MBB and WBB are still to come. Yep, it's busy season in Grand Forks!

  7. Most of Denver's non-hockey programs are crap anyway. Also, it's a small private school; I believe all Big Sky members are public, state-supported institutions. So what's the big deal?
  8. Har, har, har; I know a shot at me when I read it. I threw out a hypothetical scenario based on what a former UND President once said in an e-mail to a season-ticket holder who was complaining about student behavior. I never said it was imminent, nor did I say it was even likely. They probably should have put the students on the ends or in the corners to start with, but now they would uproot season ticket holders and they would throw a hissy fit.
  9. I get those games on my Midco cable package. And the quality of the broadcasts is good. Midco Sports Net could learn a thing or two from them.
  10. Whatever.....all the complaining about the botched field goal is way overboard. Let's just sit back and enjoy watching Bubba and his staff breathe life back into this program. And no SooToo, that does not qualify as a "moral victory".
  11. So what is your solution? Cut both the kicker and the holder and bring in a couple of walk-ons who haven't played since high school? Yeah, I don't think so.
  12. Thanks Fetch, I didn't know that EGF was located "Along the NW shore of Lake Michigan, in the state of Michigan". Thanks for clearing that up. :silly:
  13. No son, it's about cutting freshman kids on the team some slack for being nervous in a pressure situation they haven't dealt with before. These aren't paid professionals in the NFL; they are literally months removed from high school. Nice try though.
  14. It's probably out of the way enough not to attract much attention. Otherwise, they would be getting slammed in the media.
  15. When did that change? I remember hearing about Bison fans being disgruntled about not being able to drink at tailgating because the City of Fargo (which owns the Fargodome) refused to allow it.
  16. I see your point. But NDSU has established such a tradition of winning at the FCS level that students there are willing to give up the booze before and during the game to be a part of the atmosphere that has been established there. UND students have been conditioned to expect a bad FB product, so they supplement the game experience (which hasn't been very good for 5 years) with booze. We just have to keep working at it.
  17. I believe they are. The bottom line is winning. If we start winning, people will come and that does include the student body.
  18. Will the mods please ban this troll before he wrecks all the FB threads?
  19. Look son, if you want to flap your gums about how NDSU will be untouchable next year and beyond, go back to Bisonville. You should concern yourself with SIU and Dale Lennon, not what we are or aren't doing in Grand Forks. Beat it troll.
  20. Yeah, then he'll announce his retirement so that he can "Get out of Dodge" and escape the heat.
  21. It has been a long time since we have had a team to get really excited about, so it will take some time to "re-educate" fans on how they can help the team. The pick-6 was as loud as that place has been in literally 9 years (the debacle vs. Omaha in October 2005; the crowd was awesome for that game). It will get better, just give it some time.
  22. I saw it in the media someplace; it might have been the G.F. Herald or maybe the Dakota Student. All I know is that Kupchella was not a friend of UND Athletics and I am glad he is gone. I generally am not a conspiracy theorist, but Kupchella's actions during that period spooked me.
  23. The donation to get those seats actually goes to the UND Alumni Association and Foundation, not UND itself. But I see your point. Not saying you are wrong, but the outrage and indignation on this forum and across North Dakota suggests that they never saw this coming. I honestly am surprised that it actually happened; I just figured that the controversy would have continued to ebb and flow like it always had. I didn't realize ranting was unacceptable on this forum? Thanks for clearing that up.
  24. Okay, I was just throwing it out there. And I remember a certain UND President (I believe his name was Kupchella) that, in a response to a season ticket holder who was whining about bad student behavior, implied that he would consider abolishing the student section if the behavior didn't improve. This was about 10 years ago. While Kupchella is gone and I don't think Kelley will do anything this stupid, it is something to keep an eye on from a distance. Never, ever take anything for granted. That is why I wish the students would fill that student section up for every game that they are in town for.
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