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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. I said it seems to be standard operating procedure to me; I never said I was 100% right. And I gave you a specific example. Same thing with the student hockey tickets; Kupchella reportedly mentioned to a season-ticket holder in an e-mail that the last resort to bad student behavior would be to abolish the student section (I really wish I had saved the source or wrote down where I saw it). Sometimes these things end up being true, sometimes not. I simply believe in keeping one's ears and eyes open for nuggets of information that don't show up in the official press releases.
  2. The first message I wrote is how they achieve the goal I described in the second message. They set up a logical explanation to give to the public in advance so that when the decision is made, there isn't as much backlash. It's PR 101 and all large organizations (public and private) practice it all the time. That is why I am so adamant about not always accepting every "official" statement at face value. Often times, there is more than meets the eye.
  3. I heard some talk back during the (mercifully short) Buning regime that Hyslop may have outlived it's usefulness because The Betty had taken over housing several programs (VB, MBB, WBB), along with some talk about all the asbestos that would need to be removed if they renovated it. That is code for "tear it down". And that would be a big mistake; it's a perfectly good building.
  4. Be careful, you'll be accused of not being grateful for Ralph's gift and not just accepting at face value everything you are told. Seriously though, I have asked the same question myself.
  5. I love the idea. But the standard operating procedure on this campus is to tear old buildings down and start over from scratch. Personally, I think tearing down a solid structure like Hyslop would be a big mistake. Putting basketball back in there would be awesome provided they modernized it first.
  6. The world price for crude oil fluctuates from day to day and week to week based on world events. But that doesn't prove the existence of a "free market". The fact remains that a small number of big oil conglomerates control the world's oil supply. The biggest problem with oil prices is all that "future's market" speculation on prices. Do these big-shots have some special power to predict the future? No, they just "guess" what will happen in the future. And in the long run, it always favors Big Oil over everybody and everything else. Why do you think we put up with Saudi Arabia's horrible human rights record, but slap big sanctions on Iran when there is little or no difference between the two? The answer is spelled O-I-L. Even drilling more at home won't change that. And I don't feel sorry for them over all the "expenses" they are forced to absorb. If you can't make money selling a commodity that the whole world needs almost as much as food and water, then you have no one else to blame but yourself. The only "free market" I know of is in the retail grocery business. That is as cutthroat as it gets. That is why the Sunday paper is loaded with grocery store ads. But most of the rest of our economy is controlled by big corporations and big businesses who are big enough to shield themselves from market forces that small to medium-sized businesses have to contend with day after day. Big Oil falls into that category.
  7. That means Cub fans are gluttons for punishment. When Wrigley Field is a bigger draw than winning, that tells you why they haven't won a title in over 100 years. If George Steinbrenner was still alive and owned the Cubs, he would spend what it takes to win. But if Cub fans don't care, why should we?
  8. The Cubs aren't a small-market team, but they act like one.
  9. Boy, I hope that place never changes. It's a nice change of pace from the robotic chain restaurants.
  10. Didn't you hear? If you are a corporate CEO or the sole proprietor of a global-scale business, you are a "job creator" (what they don't tell you is that those jobs are in the Third World and not the United States) and thus are entitled to all the tax breaks, tax shelters and "goodies" you can extort from Washington Beltway politicians. C'mon man, that is what the country was founded on, don't you know? (extreme sarcasm alert! )
  11. Oh get off it; the only "wealth redistribution" that has taken place over the past 30 years is UP, UP and UP some more. Big Oil is just another example of this. When you have a half-dozen big oil conglomerates controlling the world's oil supply, there is no "free market" for oil. I would argue there really isn't a "free market" for anything anymore, but I'll stick to the oil market. What happened to all that "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" garbage? Isn't working that way, is it? All these pricks need to do when their CEO wants another big, fat bonus check is to shut down a couple of refineries because some rubber hose sprung a leak and it will take 10-14 days to fix. Then gas prices go up immediately an average of 5 to 10 cents/gallon. Gee, I wonder how that happened? Honestly, if I hear one more bow-tied, smarmy, polyester-suit wearing classical economist blather on and on about "supply and demand" and "this is how the free market works" as it pertains to oil, I might throw up. The game is rigged by the global oil oligarchy, which was never anticipated by the authors of Econ 101 textbooks. End rant.
  12. No, back when it didn't matter how ugly the uniforms are. We didn't sell them in stores and we didn't have color (and then HD) television to placate. I agree with you though, they are butt ugly!
  13. I am liking rookie LB Anthony Barr more every week. Now he wins a game for the Purple!
  14. That was from an era before television (or at least before color television).
  15. I thought stuff like this left town when Shantel Rivard did?
  16. I have some other words I could use, but this is a family discussion forum.
  17. Two steps forward (Montana and Portland State games) One step back (Southern Utah game) This is how it works when you are rebuilding a program that was basically starting over from scratch. I am still looking forward to the final two home games. In Bubba We Trust.
  18. O'Donnell is invisible most of the time, unless he is going to the box or misses the net. What has he done to earn all this ice time? Thank God he is a senior.
  19. Gas Lamp District is fabulous. You can eat outdoors at pretty much every establishment there. They have heaters to keep you warm on those chilly San Diego evenings.
  20. I am pretty sure I was on the U.S. side of the border.
  21. My parents used to take me there for special occasions. Just another casualty to the robotic national chains.
  22. I went to an authentic Mexican place in San Diego's Old Town area. The food was light years ahead of anything in this area.
  23. To each their own.
  24. "Garbage" Logic is a poor man's Rush Limbaugh for the Twin Cities area. Joe Soucheray would be mistaken for Richard Belding at a Saved By The Bell convention. I "tried" listening to their incoherent nonsense once and I lost a few brain cells in the process.
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