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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Kind of like I have never talked face to face with anyone that voted for Fighting Hawks as the nickname. If you voted for Fighting Hawks and are dissapointed by the logo, I really don't feel bad for you. With all the bird logos out there, UND didn't want to have just another version of a bird in the school colors. This one that these guys came up with isn't horrible, but falls into the group of other bird logos out there. Even if you have the new logo, you can at least recognize that it is unique compared to all the other hawks, eagles, etc. logos out there.
  2. It is a smart tactic. UND knew that no matter what they released, people would rip on it. Releasing a base logo now and letting that stew a little bit is smart. People can get all their frustrations out about the logo. Then in mid August when the merchandise comes out with slight modifications that make it look better on shirts, hats, etc, then people will be much more receptive to the new logo. Genius idea if that is what UND is doing. Lucky coincidence if not!! Etiher way, the logo when on new merchandise is going to look a heck of a lot better than the shirt Ed was wearing a couple weeks ago!!
  3. One thing we can ALL agree on is THANK GOD we did not end up with some logo like this that is a cartoon bird with teeth!!!
  4. Maybe UND should release a new "updated" Fighting Hawks logo that is so awful, that people will be begging that they don't switch to it and keep the original Fighting Hawks logo!!
  5. Get as many of this merch as you want! Get excited about being a fan of green birds. You can choose to wear whatever you want. #goparrots As for me, I will choose to wear the the logo that represents the University teams that I cheer for. #fightinghawks
  6. Having to add a border to the logo so it looks better on different backgrounds doesn't make the logo bad. Just surprised SME didn't do that for UND and those options were not released 2 weeks ago at the logo presentation. Small detail, but still an important one.
  7. They are happening. They are working with different border colors for different backgrounds.
  8. So UND could be in potentially 2 Potato Bowls? Does that mean 2 french fry feeds?!!
  9. Given the amount of time and money spent on developing this logo, I would be surprised to see UND spend the money to develop an updated logo that soon. Especially given the longevity of previous logos.
  10. Say what you want about the possibility of UND jumping up to FBS. But I do find it pretty ironic that Bison fans who like to point out that UND laughed at them for moving up to D1 saying that they couldn't compete, wouldn't find a conference, that it would cost too much money for travel, et, etc, are making the same comments towards UND for talking about moving up now!!
  11. I was ripping on two people in my post. The person who came up with this alternative logo and the people that are buying it. Since you are neither, no need to get offended. Wasn't referring to you. I have no problem with people selling something to make a profit. Capitalism is a great thing. The guy can do what he wants. My point is what he is doing is not helping unite UND fans. As one poster already said, do we really want the stands filled with Sioux gear, Fighting Hawks gear, and this alternative logo? Uniting the fanbase to cheer for one name under one logo may be the most difficult part of this entire nickname process that has plagued the University and its fanbase for over a decade. Funny how people can rip the new official logo, but if I dare take issue with some alternative logo only meant to further divide our fanbase, then I am "on my high horse". You don't have to like the new logo. But people can at least make an attempt to respect the fact that UND has a new name and logo and not undermine it by producing merchandise like this only meant to take advantage of peoples emotions and make a quick buck from those people. If the guy can make money from those emotionally charges suckers, good for him. But, like I said, he is not helping the situation by any means.
  12. The only ones you are supporting by purchasing this are the idiots that are selling this stuff. You are definitely not supporting UND by any means. So if that is the case, what is the point of buying this crap?
  13. Just in case you were wondering Presidents Kennedy's position on the matter..... http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/4066183-kennedy-und-will-stick-name-logo
  14. Well, I guess we could have gone with this and made at least some people happy!!
  15. You do realize that they are using green and white in the logo because those are our colors right? What do you suggest....brown?!! Yeah that would look great!!!
  16. I have heard from a source within the UND athletic department that they are making slight modifications only in regards to adding borders to accommodate using the logo on different background colors. As far as the logo itself, you are correct. It is not changing.
  17. There is not. But, they are apparently in the works of making slight modifications to use it in multiple applications. I have heard that adding a white border to be able to use it with a black or green background is one of the possibilities.
  18. Not sure how everyone else feels, but merchandise with the new logo on a black hat or a black Under Armor jacket would be pretty sweet!!
  19. They are not going to make the tips black or change the "D" in the logo to what you have here. That being said, I do like the outline and shading. Anyone you can mock up a version with they tips and the D they way they currently are but with this type of shading?
  20. I have heard form a reliable source inside UND athletics that they are in the process of making slight modifications to the logo. Mainly adding a border in order to use it on a green background. The modifications WILL NOT include making the wing tips black, as shown in this latest modification.
  21. This is a huge factor moving forward. Before this year, every team going into the Frozen Four knew how long it had been since UND's last title. They knew about all the Frozen Four semifinal heartbreaks. They felt the weight of an entire fanbase and their expectations. This years team but that all to rest. I think not having to go into the season, and postseason, with that type of pressure is a huge lift of the teams shoulders and I think they will play a lot more lose.
  22. The logo will not appear on the front of the jersey, as shown in the presentation. I think we can all agree that the most likely place for it on the jersey is on the shoulder. (Might see it on the helmets as well). Wondering if theya re going to do a new jersey with the new script SME developed? Or will they just stay with what they got.
  23. Siouxperfan7

    2016 Season

    Wait, it's hard to keep up. Are we blaming the player for changing his mind, or the administration for not processing his application quick enough?!!
  24. So someone out there with some photoshop skills. Can you mock up some shirts, hats, etc with the new logo on it? Would be curious to see what it looks lilke on merchandise.
  25. Again, compare the new Fighting Hawks logo to the ones used by UND in the past. They have very similar features. They all have a crisp, clean, contemporary look that is simple. Nothing groundbreaking in college logo designs. Schools have been doing it for years.
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