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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Unfortunately that is the world we live in today. What is more upsetting is people like Schlossman who is the main person that covers womens hockey had an opportunity to control the narrative and get the facts out there right away. He did not and instead added fuel to the emotionally charged fire. Not to rag on Brad, but he royally screwed up here.
  2. I'll take 'Numbers that show facts for cutting Womens Hockey at UND that destroy my emotional, uniformed argument based on social media opinions' for 100 Alex!!
  3. All these Olympians, but yet UND womens hockey has 2 playoff appearances and lost both of them in its 15 year history. (10 years under Idalski). Idalski definitely didn't get it done with all the Olympic talent he had over the years.
  4. Hold on now, you can't bring facts into the argument? This is siouxsports.com. We run this business on emotion, opinion, and speculation!!
  5. "The University of North Dakota administration elected to cut the women's hockey program with little to no warning to coaches, players, or other staff members." Seriously?? The University has been saying they may cut programs for almost a year. Even last year there was a chance the program might be cut. When the March deadline was set months ago, those in the womens hockey knew that there was a possibility their program would be cut. Also, all this "UND didn't have the decency to inform the team the program was cut, they had to find out on Twitter" crap that Jocelyn Lamoureux and others are continuing to push is complete BS. If you want to blame someone for that, blame Schlossman and the rest of the people who tweeted it out before the meeting with the team at 2:45 yesterday.
  6. What does producing Olympians have anything to do with the cost to support Womens hockey at UND?
  7. Typical social media outrage. People making comments with little to no knowledge of the facts.
  8. Jocelyn shaming UND for not communicating to the team before anyone else that the program was being cut. Can't blame UND for the story being leaked before they had a chance to meet with them.
  9. But they were told they had a meeting with Faison 45 minutes before he is going to get up and tell everyone what sport(s) would be cut. What did they think was going to be discussed?!!
  10. I think I might have to start calling the :Sioux Forever" crowd " Nickname Justice Warrior." They remind me of all the idiots out there protesting their causes and ignore truth and the facts and think that their social issue is worth destroying property and marching for. Not saying that is happening here, but the mindset is the same. We lost the Sioux name. Quit your bitchy little cryfest "sioux forever" chants and your constant hatred toward and thing Fighting Hawks and get freakin over yourself!!! The fact that you are still fighting this issue doesn't make you a better person or more of a Fighting Sioux fan. It makes you look like a toddler who didn't get to keep their lolipop after mommy took it away and continues to cry about it 10 years later!! End rant
  11. It's embarrassing. And it is dividing our fanbase. There are people that are trying to accept the Fighting Hawks name and move on past a decade long debate, and there are people who want to continue the debate and refuse to accept reality. It's time. One side is right, the other side is wrong. Doesn't take a genius to figure out which one is which.
  12. The process could have been flawless. UND could have chosen a great unique name and developed an even better logo, and there would still almost as many people upset with the process. We ALL can agree that the entire process of retiring the Fighting Sioux name and coming up with a replacement was a cluster $&#% from the beginning. From bills in the ND state legislature, to lawsuits, to settlements, to tribal votes, to no tribal votes, to measures on the ballot, to committees, to dropping the "no nickname option" to the final 5 tom be voted on to selecting a new logo. If you want to write a book on how not to go through a nickname and logo change at a University, This process could be the standard showing that. All the resistance, hatred and unaccepting attitude for the Fighting Hawks name and logo can all be narrowed down to one thing. And that is the NCAA telling UND that they had to retire the Fighting Sioux name. You can classify all this animosity toward the Fighting Hawks name/logo as misplaced rage. People are angry that UND had to change its nickname. Everyone was. We all were united on that fight that this was ridiculous and the NCAA was overstepping their bounds. Once the settlement was signed and the time passed to get tribal approval, people had to direct their anger towards someone else other than the NCAA. Eventually that became the one thing that represented and reminded people that we were not the Fighting Sioux anymore, the Fighting Hawks name and logo. Like I said, it didn't matter what the name or logo was. God himself could have come up with it and people would still resist it. We are were all one angry about the Fighting Sioux nickname being forced to be retired. Some of us have realized that staying angry about that issue and resisting change, in the grand scheme of things, just wasn't worth fighting anymore. Not that we gave up, we just accepted reality and moved on with the new name and logo. And you know what, it didn't kill us. Our school pride and our love for UND athletics wasn't any less. We are all fans of UND athletics. We all have gone through the same emotions regarding the nickname throughout this entire process. Anger, resentment and resistance to the Fighting Hawks name/logo is not going to unite us as a fanbase. It is only going to divide us. Let us all come together and support the University of North Dakota Fighting Hawks.
  13. UND senior captain retires from football due to injuries http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/4242414-und-senior-captain-retires-football-due-injuries
  14. 0-1. Pretty good sample size to form a conclusion!
  15. So what is preventing other national teams from demanding the same type of compensation? The Olympic curling teams train all year round and all of them have full time jobs. Their compensation is next to nothing. Do they deserve $70,000 a year?
  16. There is resistance from a lot of fans with the new name and logo. This we all know. There are people that absolutely refuse to accept the new name and logo and will proudly wear their Fighting Sioux gear till the day they die and never utter the word "Fighting Hawks" unless they are ripping on it. That attitude is unfortunate, but kind of expected. People resist change. It's human nature. What many are saying here about Berry is that he needs to be supporting the University and the athletic department in the re branding initiative with the Fighting Hawks name and logo. He is an employee of the University. Not saying he has to be talking about hoe great the Fighting Hawks name and logo is at every press conference. But he is barely even acknowledging right now. Maybe there was one time he wore a Fighting Hawks polo during an interview. But 99% of the time, he is not. AS the coach of the highest profile sport at UND, he has an opportunity and IMO and obligation to support the new name and logo. Fans can show resistance all they want. But as an employee in the athletic department, he has shown little to no support for the Fighting Hawks name and logo and the re branding process UND is going through. And that is embarrassing.
  17. Aren't the members of the womens National team considered professionals? Especially now that they are getting a substantial salary? Are you proposing these women should not be on the national team now?!
  18. The deal. http://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/id/19026627/usa-hockey-us-women-national-team-reach-agreement-avoid-boycott So the question is, what lower level hockey program(s) that USA hockey supports will now suffer because these women feel like playing a 9 day tournament is worth $70,000 a year?!!
  19. You can still keep that tradition and culture with a new name. Again, it all goes back to what Bubba has done. UND has a strong football tradition. It is not any less as the North Dakota Fighting Hawks than it was as the North Dakota Fighting Sioux. Berry needs to start promoting the new name and logo, much like the other coaches at UND have.
  20. "And, really, that's perfect timing. If UND is going to shake things up, it should cut deep with the future in mind. UND shouldn't make this historic cut by trimming the bare minimum, allowing programs to be funded at poor levels and going about its business with the status quo." This right here. If we make the bare minimum in cuts to make budget, there may be a point down the road where we need to cut additional sports. I say cut more than what is needed to boost programs like mens basketball/football/volleyball/etc up. Many of us agree that cutting WHKY is going to make the biggest dent in the budget as far as cost savings. But UND should think proactively and cut 2-3 more sports so that the remaining sports can increase their budgets to pay their coaches appropriately in comparison to other schools in our future conferences (Summit/MVFC).
  21. I guess if they want to be the best, they need to learn to lose in heartbreaking fashion like the best.....or like we have done in the Frozen Four!!
  22. Fargo U, FU, Moo U, Ag College, NDAC, and Jan Brady U are all aliases for NDSU. (I am sure there are more). They can be used interchangeably.
  23. I understand their concerns. I agree that the "perks" that are given to the mens national team should also be given to the women's team. Allowing guests to travel to games, flying first class, etc. That's all USA hockey has to do. In regards to compensation, they just need to match what the mens team is making (which I think is fairly close to what the women make, but again no one is asking that question). The women essentially want USA hockey to be their employer and offer them pay and benefits. Problem is, USA hockey is not an employer for hockey players. And they have stated that.
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