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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. And at virtually the same time the Gophs go up 2-1.
  2. The crowd is sounding much more vocal tonight. Or they have more mikes on them.
  3. Winning this big can be a bit scary in the next game. I hope the guys have forgotten about this game and are looking to tomorrow night. No celebrating until you're moving on to the Final Five.
  4. Smoggy

    Final Five

    Kind of a crazy night in the WCHA. Every game was really a blow out with the exception of UW-UAA. Though, I don't think Denver and CC are done quite yet. Plus all the upper seads one. I thought for sure one of the lower seeds would have one tonight.
  5. The NE one hurts bad because UNH has the comparison on us. They lead us in TUC record and RPI. We have the common opponent.
  6. And here I was nervous about us scoring more than 2 in any game this weekend.
  7. Just got in and I love the way the Sioux have started. Keep it up Sioux!
  8. Smoggy

    Final Five

    I'm sure there'd be plenty of "butts" in the seats whether the Gophers are in the night game or not. First off, more people from around the state would make the drive for a single game if it was at night. If UMD/UND is in the Friday afternoon game, you won't get many people driving down for it. Put them at night, though, and more people would head down to the game and try to get tickets from scalpers. The biggest problem is that all those Gopher fans that buy the five game package will only go to see the Gophers play and no one else. Hence, more empty seats than there should be.
  9. Top of Curb (surverying term) Team Under Consideration (PWR/RPI term)
  10. O'Sullivans is the big place to hit for Sioux action. Just make sure you hit downtown Tempe. The Library is a great walkthrough. It is a bar. But the real action now is just east of the ASU campus.
  11. I suppose next you're going to be bringing TOC into the mix. Now I have visions of blue topping running threw my head.
  12. Smoggy

    Jordan Parise

    I can't get the image of his I'm-going-to-lift-my-stick-between-your-legs-move that seemed to work so well at dropping a player.
  13. HA ha! The site doesn't love you Dogs' fans. Neener neener neener.
  14. I wouldn't even consider it an upset if UMD wins.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I'm seeing we are better off having Dartmouth win their tourney. If they don't win, it's a spot being used up that the Sioux are ranked ahead of in the PWR.
  16. Anybody else sick of us only scoring two goals? We have to score more to do anything in the playoffs.
  17. Smoggy

    Final Five

    I'm glad the Dogs put Wisconsin away, because I'd rather play UW than the Gophs in the play-in game. That is if we make it. I really do think there will be an upset in the first round. I'm thinking UAA will pull it off against UW again. I wouldn't consider the Dogs beating us an upset. Also Mich. Tech will take one from Denver. The bad news in all of this is that more than likely the play-in game winner will have to play the next afternoon. Thank the WCHA's love of the Gophers for that one.
  18. That was a great shot and goal by Dowell for UW. Now 4-3 UMD.
  19. It's nice to have Genoway back. Sioux up 1-0.
  20. Don't be a moron. The Sioux still need to get into the NCAA's. They have plenty to play for. Just because Kessel joined your team does not mean we want you to come back and start posting on this board.
  21. CC 0 DU 3 I believe that DU needs to win by 4 or more to get the tie breaker on CC and get the #1 seed.
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