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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    I think it's fatigue.
  2. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    They are obsessed with the shots, especially on the PP. And then MaCrapo keeps bringing up how we have so few shots. Guess what buddy, the score is tied and we've had maybe two and half PP (the others were very short) and you've had 7 along with two 5 on 3s. The WCHA should get the Wisco play by play guy in and a neutral color man.
  3. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    This is such BS. Sure Jones deserved the penalty, but thank goodness he let up and really only gave a push. Let's back up 30 seconds from Jones' penalty. A Gopher player is rushing up on a breakaway while Jones is chasing. The Gopher slips and falls and both he and Jones are in the corner with Jones standing and the Gopher on the ground. The puck is up the ice farther and Jones turns to get up ice and WHAM. ANother Gopher came in and nailed him. It was certainly a charge if not at least interference. No call. Jones then tries hitting any Gopher his sight. Make the first call and then there isn't the chance for retaliation. Plus, Stafford has been mugged twice trying to break into the Gophers zone and nothing has been called. I'm not saying we didn't deserve the penalties, but be consistent for BOTH teams.
  4. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    The guys that I never want to score get the points.
  5. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Foyt got the only assist. Damn, now the Gophers come right back and score.
  6. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    That a boy Fylling! Sioux up 1-0!
  7. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Stafford has a mini-break away and is clearly hooked on the hands/arms. No call of course. Also noticed a Sioux player pretend he was backing up to screen off Tallakson.
  8. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Every time MaCrappy says Kennedy I think he's talking about a player for the Gophers. IT'S CAN-A-DY! How is it that the PA announcers can get this stuff right, but the TV guys can't?
  9. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Same officials as Thursday. Tim says the team wasn't pleased with the officiating on that night either.
  10. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    All was said is that they are both out with a shoulder injury.
  11. Smoggy

    Robbie Bina

    Greene said Bina broke his neck and will need surgery.
  12. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Greene says the guys are distracted and Bina is on everyones' minds. Says that some of them found out really late last night and then the rest at the morning meal. Greene says that he has a broken neck and will need surgery.
  13. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    He pounded on the officials door after the incident and apparently that is as bad as the hit on the ice in the WCHA's eyes.
  14. Tim Skarperud got suspended by the WCHA for pounding on an officials door (maybe in the press room) after the Bina incident. He's a volunteer assistant. Odd that his suspension is the same as the hit.
  15. Smoggy

    Robbie Bina

    All the family wants us to know is that he has a neck injury and they are seeing specialists. Robbie was cracking jokes in the room with the team. Yes he can move fingers and toes.
  16. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Fabian has a hip pointer. Greene's elbow is swollen. Massen has something wrong with his foot. Canady said he's never been so sore in his life.
  17. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Funny to hear Lucia complain about having the short rest.
  18. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Hirsh and Hagemo not playing. Briggs in net for Gophs.
  19. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    Foyt will be up front along with Marvin. Radke on D. Hak hasn't said who will start. Hak also said that the team visited Robbie and Robbie's mood put the guys at ease heading into this game.
  20. Smoggy

    Robbie Bina

    Tim H. said Robbie was in fine spirits when he visited him this morning.
  21. Smoggy

    UND vs. Gophs

    I like that idea. But the other team would have to agree and it could become a whole bluff type incident.
  22. Here the video of the incident. Really bizarre and again I have to thank the GPL people for posting this stuff for those of us that weren't there.
  23. There a couple of pictures here. Click on the CC-Gopher game. It's the last two pics. One before and one after the incident. I wish there was one of him in the net. I just can't even visualize it. EDIT: Found one with him in the net. Thanks to posters on GPL.
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