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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. I agree with these brackets...One thing about facing DU again...we'll have Gregoire back!
  2. Anything is possible, but it is likely that Air Force would play Yale.
  3. Their first powerplay goal was sick...best puck movement on a pp that I've seen all year. THey will be a tough draw for BC (likely)
  4. I would've given a 2 minute boarding call.
  5. I've heard Mario is going to Notre Dame. That is tDon's alma matter as well.
  6. I think we see straight bracket integrity with the exception of rotating some #3 seeds: Bridgeport: Yale vs Atlantic Hockey Champ Union vs Notre Dame Green Bay: UND vs RPI MIchigan vs UMD St Louis: Miami vs UNO Merrimack vs Western Michigan Manchester: BC vs CC DU vs UNH
  7. How do we get Cornell? How are they in?
  8. yzerman19

    UAA vs CC

    CC got a lot of puck luck tonight. Here's to hoping they ran out for tomorrow...
  9. Way to go Matt...a story of redemption, perseverance, and excellence on the ice. You are a great example and we are proud to have you representing Fighting Sioux hockey.
  10. They are reporting that he's been fired
  11. Gleason played well last weekend, but Rodwell in general has been better upfront IMO. The top 2 lines are no brainers. Kristo, well, if he can go, he is certainly a dynamic player...definitely game changing on a third line. It really pressures an opponent's dcorps to have to worry about 3 elite talent wingers on 3 different lines. I would, however, remove Danny from the powerplay. SImpson vs Lapoint...wow, it is nice to be this deep...i used to criticize Derek a lot, but I have been pleasantly surprised by his play this year. SImpson bore the brunt of my criticism at the beginning of the year, mostly because I expected him to be Toewseresque based on his age and hype, but he has really become a solid performer. I dunno who I play. I guess Derek based on experience. It is nice to know that we have two dmen who can play WELL in a pinch in Simpson and Gleason. All that said: Pony with Frattin and Trupp Knight with Hexy and Gregoire Nelson with Rowney and Kristo Mario with Rodwell and Davidson 3rd and 4th lines rotate based on goal for the shift...meaning physical imposition vs scoring chance...BUT we continue to roll 4 lines. It makes a difference after the 10 minute mark of the 3rd. Genoway and Blood MacWilliam and Forbert Marto and Lapoint PP1: Pony, Gregoire, Frattin, Genoway, Forbert pp2: Knight, Trupp, Hexy, Marto, Blood pk1: Malone, trupper, Genoway, Blood pk2: Knight, Frattin, Mac, Marto (quickly switching to Gregoire replacing Knight after a draw) Game on the line, down by 1, goalie pulled, offensive faceoff: Pony, Knight, Frattin, Gregoire, Genoway, Marto. That's two centers in case one gets tossed. Game on the line, up by 1, defensive faceoff: Pony, Knight, Gregoire, MacWilliam, Blood
  12. Lee was a much higher pick and is a larger human being...makes a big difference...no pun intended.
  13. Different league now...much more depth. I should rephrase to say name a non-first rounder in the last 10 years...
  14. Isles do not risk losing him. I think JG is a great two-way forward, but name the last non-first round pick to leave the SIoux early...Chorney....he's been in the minors mostly,,,now name a non first or second round pick to leave early...hmmm....I can't think of one either. If you're not a first rounder, you'll play in the minors. Guaranteed.
  15. Ness will never play a day in the NHL...simply not good enough. Great skater...lacks the physical tools to be an NHL defenseman, pure and simple.
  16. I think I "quit attending class" a time or two as well when I was a freshman... I
  17. Do you really think that faulk will be one and done...I think he is an uber-talent and will be a pro player, its just that dmen usually take 2 years minimum to develop, even the excellent ones... Forwards develop faster, and even Jonny Toews and ZPar stayed at UND for 2 a piece. I think Faulk should call Taylor Chorney and talk about college vs the minors....
  18. 3rd round pick...if he goes pro, he goes to the AHL...why bother...play college one more year, then go to the AHL BTW...love JG...ridiculous two-way forward...could play in the NHL one day...having a 30 goal, 50 point 2012 would help...
  19. It is virtual bracket integrity which is good. I do think that East Regional is full of puffs
  20. First of all $250,000 is nothing, absolutely nothing in the context of a business decision like this. It certainly isn't enough to swing a decision. The head coach is responsible for his staff and for the overall success of the on-ice product. You don't send your underlings to slaughter when you're in charge.
  21. I disagree on relevance and time to get back into the upper half of college hockey...they still have a lot of talented players. In fact, they are also a very young team. A good coaching staff could return that program to Frozen Four material in a year. The Gophers have no team identity anymore. That is the problem. They used to be the super skilled, finesse, dominate the special teams, pride on ice...they were what they were and they were successful...every bit as elite as we are or Wisconsin or Michigan or the Boston schools. Their failures have been in trying to be something that they aren't: they aren't tough, they aren't grinders, they aren't underdogs...you have to be what you are and make no apologies.
  22. Was Guentzel the true driving force behind the Gopher success under tDon...makes you wonder
  23. My prediction: tDon and his entire staff will not be back for the 2011-2012 campaign
  24. It is actually kind of sad to see a program as storied as Minnesota's suffer like this. I hate the Gophs as much as any Sioux fan, but I take no pleasure in their misery. They are where we were in the early '90's...they'll right the ship again,
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